Screams woke me up from my slumber and the first thing i think about is Abby is she okay? ,have they found her? . Then the screams continue to escalate from where ever they are coming from. My heart races fear starts to consume me . Omg! No not again i cant go through this again, right i wish i was back at my small apartment curled up in my bed in my blankie wishing this was a dream. But life is a bitch and this is no dream its quiet livid and proof that its true is the foul smell of urine and the metallic smell of blood to prove that.
I scan my surrounding and its a site to behold(note my sarcasm). They had put me in a cell i tried moving but a sharp pain shoot from thigh and realized or should i say remember that one of the fuckers had shot me. Atleast they had the decency to remove the bullet and bandage it since it looked clean.
A cockroach passed by me. I jumped forgetting i had a bullet wound on my thigh so the pain started all a fresh again. Just fuckingtastic. I moved to the other side of the cell to avoid things crawling up to me again. Minute turned into hours then i heard footsteps i stood getting into an attack stance . The door opened and a man who looked rather young in his mid 30's who by the way is bald. He looked at me then smirked "what were you going to do sweetheart eeh! Try to attack me". I just stood there looking at me ."well since your obvioisly mute or you just aint talkin then i would introduce myself then". He stepped closer to me but i took a step back .
After seeing my reaction he just smiled then continue talking and turns out am in deep shit than i thought. Since this asshole is a woman and children trafficker and i hopped right into his hands. This was not good i needed to think on how i was going to get out of here and fast. "Hey dont worry i'll take good care of you as the others". Breaking me from my train of thoughts i looked at him and knew what he said was far from true.
The door opened and two men came in and one looked familiar then i realized its the idiot from earlier who had found me. Then brought in a tray with different instruments and from experience i knew what was to follow. Leon which is the name of the bold guy noticed how scared i was and i think it riled him up even more knowing i knew what was to come. The next hours they spent on torturing me. The pain was undefinable. Since they whipped me with canes like those people into kinkystuff use and it hurt like hell but the one that topped the list was the tying me by my hands the using me as punching bag since they would kick and punch me on the whip wounds.
It became a daily routine as i was the punching bag and they were amateur boxers. My body felt numb from all that pain. One day as i lay on the floor try to recover from the beating i took in the morning a group of me came inside the cell and locked it . They turned their attention to me. "Lets be quick about it we dont want anyone knowing we are messing with the bosse's merchandise. They corner me as i tried to crawl away from them but my attempts went all in vain.
One of them was trying to pull my pants down but i was kicking him which wasn't very effective but i did not give up. But he was stronger than me and i was weak and in pain. Then i started screaming for help . The man quickly placed his hand over my mouth to block my screams which instead i bit his hand to get him to let go of me. Instead it earned a backhand slap on the face that whipped my head to the side from the impact. Tears brimmed in my eyes and fell streamign down my cheeks." You stupid bitch you bit me oooh! Your gonna pay u'll wish you hadn't dome that you little cunt".
He punched me in the face but when he was going in for the second punch i closed my eyes waiting for it but leon barged in the cell "what the fuck do you think your doing",leon said. The guy just stood their immobilized, " i always say this beat the shit out of them but dont go for the face thats my money make you dumb ass. Now look at what you've done". Leon stood there yelling angrly at them. Then he seized and looked at them "what are you doing here anyway she was done with today's torture". They just kept quiet and looked at leon. It took him only minutes to realized that they were trying to rapr me and i think my torne clothes gave the away.
"You little fuckers the only rule was to never attempt shit on her but you horny bastards when on and did it anywiez". What happened next shooked me to the core since leon pulled out his gun and shoot the guy who tried to force himself on me ". Iknow i shoudnt feel bad that was a quick cruel way to end someones life. The others were almost stepping back from leon but he pointed the gun at them and told them to get rid of the body. After some minutes later he started walking towards the door then i decided to thank him but he. Just chuckled and turned to me "sweetheart but i wasn't helping you i was doing myself a favoir because i want you pure since untouched merchandize fetch higher price" he went off laughing but the last words he said before leaving were" you're gonna which i had killed you ".