Well i ended up babysitting Abby for the night and it was hell . She didn't go to sleep untill she made sure she had tired me out. When in process of playing hide and seek, we heard a sound of broken window. At first i thought it was my imagination and paranoia getting out of control because were only two girls in a big house anything can happen. Then when i went to check it out indeed the window near the back door was broken and it was like thrown a stone window break incident it was wholly broken. Scared as i was going back to check on Abby, voices which am sure was a male's voice started talking. "Get the girl and kill any witnesses". I ran as fast as my feet could carry me to Abby's room.
She was waiting for me to continue our game of hide and seek. "Abby, honey come with me". I took her to one of the closets in the guest rooms and ushered her in there. "Hey change of game plan ok! Dont come out of this closet untill you hear my voice or mummy's okay honey". She just smiled and nodded. I closed the closet then the room door and ran to hide in the pantry praying to god those thieves do not get hungry or something and come in here.
Actually my luck ran out on me. Because one of the men found. Since i had moved and something fell the crash gave me out. He pulled me by the hair toward the others . At first i thought there was only one but turns out they were five. "I got her" he shouted. The others looked at him like he ad grown another head.
"Are you blind or a retard choose one" one of the guys spoke and he was the scariest of them . Had a big ass scar across his face and although what he said was funny his face was free from any humour."you stupid ass the girl is eight, does she look anywhere near that description". The other guy who still had his hand on my hair just shrugged. Anyone after hearing that would be relieved but not me because
One: if it wasn't me they wanted then its abby
Two:shes a kid i cant let them take her
Three:i hope they dont find her and if they dont they wont kill me or take me instead.
After some time they gave up and the scared guy which is what am calling him since i dont know his name mummered something to his friends then turned to me "your coming with us since we didnt get the brat then atleast we take you instead"
Well fuck! Me and my stupid luck. I cant risk being kidnapped. I dont know what they will do to me so i attempt to run as we were outside the house and let me tell you that dii not end well since one of them assholes decided it was a freaking good idea to shoot my leg so i would stop running. They drugged me and the last thing i remember is darkness consuming me then i blanked out.