I became Alpha of our pack when I turned eighteen. I didn’t fucking earn it; I didn’t fight for it – there is nothing honourable about it at all. I turned eighteen and the crown fell to me and my old man was out. Just like that, whether he wanted to go and whether I fucking wanted it or not. The answer was hell no on both fronts but none of that fucking matters. We both have our ‘roles’ to play and this is mine.
I fucking hate my life.
I hate being in charge. I don’t want to be the leader – the one everyone looks to for fucking answers. Christ – what does a fucking nineteen-year-old asshole know about pack finances and budgets? Try fuck all or less. Same could be said for my interest level. It certainly didn’t help things with the old man and me – since the day I was born he’s hated my guts and things haven’t gotten better. Mom died giving birth to me and he reminds me of that every fucking day. He has, my entire life. Every single day for twenty-six years. The stories always got better on my birthdays and usually included him knocking me around because he gets drunk off his ass. So I have a job I don’t want and a home life that fucking sucks.
“For fuck’s sakes Chance, knock it off. Christ you’re pathetic,” my best friend and Beta Rylan Evans snarls at me. I should fucking kill him for talking to me like that. I have fucking killed assholes for talking to me like that. “You’re going to scare away all the tail tonight, you stupid fuck.” Jesus, he’s such a good friend. He’s not worried about me at all, but that my bad fucking attitude might stop him from hooking up. I don’t know what he’s fucking worrying about – neither of us ever goes home alone if we don’t want to. As Alpha and Beta, unattached females always make themselves available to us pretty much whenever we fucking want, in the hopes we’ll mate them. Being a pack’s Luna or second-in-command carries a lot of power.
For Rylan and me – it means a lot of pussy.
I’d be fucking lying if I had anything bad to say about that, because there is nothing bad to say about it. I get laid. A lot. And it is fucking glorious. I love women. I love women’s bodies and everything about them. Give me all night and I’ll worship a woman’s body from sundown to sunup and she’ll fucking scream my name the whole time… I. Love. Women. But we’re wolves and we’re all supposed to mate with our one true soulmate for eternity… Fuck. That. What are the fucking odds of me finding my bond mate? Uhhhh like three and a half billion to one. Doesn’t seem fucking likely.
I’m not waiting around.
If a woman is willing, I’m fucking able. None of these women seem to realize or care that I’ll never be able to make them Luna to our pack – only my true mate will ever be accepted. It isn’t a fucking secret; I’m not hiding anything but if they’ll open those long legs for me… who am I to say no? Before my beer-fucked mind can figure out any kind of response to him telling me off, Rylan has a blonde bouncing on his lap. In a dive bar like we’re in tonight, fucking in public like Rylan is doing is no big deal. Looking around the room I can see at least four other couples or groups going at it. No one is fucking in the middle of the dance floor – they are kind of discreet, but it isn’t a big deal either. My furry partner ‘Loki’ has been giving me the silent treatment for hours. He is fucking pissed off and tired of my drinking and ‘whoring’ as he calls it. He’s such a fucking charmer.
I have lost count on how many beers I’ve had but I do know I’m not sitting here while Rylan fucks this girl right next to me. That’s fucking disgusting. I get up and head towards the hallway that leads towards the bathrooms – knowing Rylan, by the time I’m done so will he be. Two pump chump.
As I put my hand on the door to enter the john, I feel hands on my belt from behind. I turn around and the same blonde that was just fucking Rylan is now standing in front of me. Jesus he’s fast, like come on man – fucking work on that. That’s fucking embarrassing. She drops to her knees in front of me as she undoes my pants. She pulls them down enough to release my cock which is growing harder by the second, especially after she starts stroking me with one hand and caressing my fucking balls with the other.
Jesus. Christ.
When I’m hard she takes me into her mouth – fucking all of me. Down her throat which is fucking amazing – but then she starts to fucking hum. I leave a dent in the wall when I punch it so I don’t pull out her fucking hair – the vibrations are blowing my mind. She comes up for oxygen then back down my cock goes again – I can see my outline in her neck. Fuck that’s hot. When she swallows, I make a sound more animal than human and explode down her throat. ‘Loki’ doesn’t fucking object to the pleasure he gets to enjoy through me though, the fucking hypocrite.
But shit. I didn’t last any fucking longer than Rylan did. Now who’s the fucking embarrassment?
She doesn’t seem to care as she stands up, wiping her mouth off. She gives me a smile, turns around and heads back into the main part of the bar. That was fucking amazing. And I still have time to pick someone else up to take home for the night. I’m suddenly in a better mood.
I don’t need a mate when I got this.