"Enjoy your lunch."
I looked up at one of the cafeteria staffs as I checked out my tray filled with nothing but a ham and cheese sandwich, water bottle and apple. Sarah smiled at me, and I just ignore her.
I wasn't in the mood to be happy for lunch. Because for me, I'm just going to stuff them in my backpack, place the tray on top of the trash, and headed out to the top of the roof.
Not much showing myself eating in a place with most of the whole school where different groups of people stay within that border. You have jocks, cheerleaders, the popular crowd, the geeks, the skaters, the emos, the valedictorian, and there sits the drama club. Now that's the group I wanted to avoid the most.
I didn't want to be tempted by them: just practice lines, dancing and most of all singing. Out of all the schools of Long Beach, we have the best singers and visual making us the number one best musical performances.
Lion King, Beauty, and the Beast, Peter Pan, anything that has songs that creates the storyline much more exciting and gives chills off others.
As a kid, I had that feeling to be on the stage, but now I don't linger around it just waiting for the opportunity to be under the spotlight.
I reached the roof without being seen as the fresh, clean air whiff through me sending my hair dancing. I took a spot to sit and eat alone while listening to my music.
Closing my eyes and chewing slowly as I nod my head to the rhythms. Suddenly, without thinking, I began to sing.
No one can rewrite the stars
How can you say you'll be mine?
Everything keeps up apart
And I'm not the one you were meant to find
It's not up to you; it's not up to me
When everyone tells us what we can be
How can we rewrite the stars?
Say that the world can be ours
As I sang along, somehow the music playing through my earphone had an echo. It was Zac Eron, Zendaya, and a third person singing.
Is my earphone acting up again?
It happens sometimes, and I would get fussy over earphones. Skull Candy has the worst quality, but it's so cheap to buy. I had iPhone earphones that came with it, but it broke when Paris pushed me down while I untangled the wire then as I tried to grab it her heel stepped on it. She and her friends continued their walk as they laughed. I had to purchase cheap earphones in a nearby store. I didn't want to ask Athena or Ares to buy me headsets when I know if I do ask the same thing will happen to them. So I kept my mouth shut and stick with the lousy quality earphones.
Confused, I pulled one plug out of my ear and looked at it when the voice became more evident, more harmonic and in sync with the song. Someone's voice has a great voice especially with good control of his singing. It wasn't the song playing through my earphone it was an actual voice. That when I looked up through my bangs, my eyes grew wide.
Liam Wolfe is singing right in front of me.
I learned of his name once Jordan announced the new students from Hawaii. The twins, Logan and Liam Wolfe. And apparently my new desk neighbors. Liam had shorter hair sat on my left which gave me a handsomely smile knowing he's a people person and Logan with the hair over his shoulders sat in my right, who defend me from Paris' venomous tongue just lay down his head on top of the desk for the rest of the class period. Means he just a lay back guy.
Not only I have them in Jordan's class practically every class; I hope they aren't in music class because I have enough of them sitting next to me as if I needed the company. The boys in the class were confused while the girls sit there and are drooling over the new hula boys from Hawaii. No doubt they are more handsome than most of the boys in school. Throughout the whole three periods, Logan feels asleep. I didn't want to linger around him knowing that his behavior could affect my boring life. If he wanted to sleep, he should have stayed home.
I avoid people who wanted to sit next to me because of what they say. Everybody who learned about that tragic accident knew how I was the only one alive. Now that Liam is in front of me singing Rewrite the Stars from the movie The Greatest Showman. I literally, became still.
My heart is racing, and I was beginning to panic. I thought no one was here. I thought I was the only one about the roof access because no one is allowed on top of the roof, but I wasn't alone anymore.
"Love that song," he smiles. "So, what are you doing up here?"
How the hell did he know I was up here? And what the hell is he doing here?
I didn't realize at first, but then I heard the door for the exit, the only door up here slammed. I could have sworn I saw a girl run inside and disappeared to hide the embarrassment she was up here with a guy.
And I inwardly rolled my eyes.
He brought a girl up here to score.
I tried not to show annoyance on my face which only made Liam smile brighter.
"I didn't mean to ruin your lunch. I just heard some noise here and thought I was caught by the janitor, but it seems I find you were singing," he brushed his hair back, and fix up his shirt. "Beautiful voice, by the way. I felt like I was in Sunday mass, right bro?"
I heard a zipper noise as I found my eyes on Logan as he walked around the air vent putting on his shirt, took a glimpse of his abs made my face turn red while he tied his hair into a low cut bun.
I couldn't contain how hot my face was so I had to look away before he could get a look on my tomato face.
Suddenly, I saw a girl with brunette wavy hair came up behind Logan and went to his side with her hair, clothes, and makeup all mess and smeared. She looks oddly familiar, but I couldn't see her whole face so I couldn't determine who she was. I didn't need a second guess that he and his brother were both up here trying to get some...
Is that what all men want from women to give head. Seriously, out of all the places, why couldn't they have done it at home or somewhere else where I could relax and enjoy my lunch on the roof.
This is embarrassing and not to mention awkward. If I knew someone was up here beside me, I would have eaten in the girls' bathroom.
"See, you later Logan," The brunette wrapped around Logan's waist and kissed his cheek. "Thanks for lunch," licking her lips then hurry back inside the school.
Liam watched the girl leave, while I was getting a sudden stare from his twin brother. My body was feeling hot that I couldn't move an inch.
"Was she worth it bro?" asked a grinning Liam.
"I did what she wanted," Logan sighed and rubbed his neck.
"If you don't want her, I can get it with her," Liam smirked. "I heard she's the Queen Bee of the school if you were to hit that off that would increase the popularity rate here."
"Why do I need to be concerned about being popular?" Logan says annoyingly.
"It's not much of a difference back at home, we will rule the school with our fucking good looks. I mean all the babes here are gorgeous."
That is my cue to leave.
I didn't want to listen to these guys talk about getting it with the girls in this school and I don't want to be part of it.
I felt my stomach churn from all the lunch that I ate. I immediately packed up my stuff, rise off the concrete floor and began to walk away hiding the tomato face spreading on my face.
"Hey," I felt my arm tugged back gave me a fright. "Where do you think you are going? I panic and swallowed.
I wince at the weight of his hand wrapped around my arm. He took notice of my discomfort and loosen his grip.
"Come on, Logan, don't scare her."
"I'm not scaring her," Logan says with a soft tone as he let me go. "We were disturbing her lunch. Let's go, Liam. You. Stay." He looked and ordered me as if I'm a weak puppy complying with what my master has to say. He found it amusing I was obeying him and lift a smirk upon his face.
I wanted to say something, but instead, I hugged my bag against my chest as Logan stick his hands in his jean pockets, turned around, and walked away to the door.
"Sorry, about my twin." Liam smiled. "He just felt that girl didn't feel right with him if you know what I mean." He wiggles his brows then he chuckled at my cherry red face, said his goodbye and followed his twin.
I stood there unsure what just happened, but it felt like Logan was being a gentlemen that I was up here first and they only disturb my lunch break bringing girls up here to have sex. He seems cold at first, but when he talks to me I could hear the gentle side.
I shook my head.
What the hell am I thinking?
I felt insecure and decide to end my lunch early and head back to spend my days inside the library and hope I don't run into Logan and his brother again in an inappropriate way.
It was almost the end of the day, and I just have two more classes to go. I had myself go to the bathroom, did my business as I hear some girls come inside, and when I was about to flush. A bucket of water poured down on me and laughter erupted the whole bathroom echoing in my ear.
I opened the stall door and stepped out drench facing in front of Paris and her two friends; Brittany and Tiffany. Not twins just have similar name just like the movie The Hot Chick.
I inwardly groan looking at her. She had a full on smirk of evilness that I'm pretty damn sure it was her doing. The bucket they use to cover me with water was used for mopping the floor by the janitor.
They drenched me with dirty water and smell like it too.
Motherfucking great!
"That is payback for sending me to the principal's office, bitch," Paris snapped, her friends' snickers having fun messing with someone and following the one person, half of the females in this school hates. "Not only a curse, but a smelly one too."
She kicked the bucket leaving the girls' bathroom, and her friends followed. I stand there, soaked in unsanitary water. My hair and clothes now smell like dirt. Approached the sink and looked myself at the mirror. I grabbed a handful of my hair and twisted it to release a bit of dirty water then replaced it with the water from the sink washing my whole hair until it could no longer smell like the floor and shoes. Digging into my bag, I pulled a packet of traveling shampoo, Sunsilk that smells like strawberry yogurt sent by my older cousin, Claire from England when she visited the Philippines one summer.
Cut through the aluminum plastic to squeeze the pink soft liquid into my hand and shampooed my hair. After a few minutes of getting my whole hair from top and bottom roots, rinse with the running water then let my hair sit drenched. The school doesn't have an eco-friendly hand dryer, and paper towels aren't such a big help. As for my clothes, I never thought I would be covered in mop water because I avoid Paris shenanigans, but today I did get into her business when she was talking with Wolfe twins and had her get sent to the principal's office made her pour smelly water on me.
Fixing my wet hair into a messy bun, played with my bangs then making sure no one would enter the bathroom I had all my clothes off and started squeezing the mop water out of my clothes. It won't be all gone but at least but I couldn't wear wet clothes to fifth period. I clutched my clothes one by one squeezing the water out when I heard the five-minute bell rang. No time for my clothes to be dry I had to improvise by rushing to the girl's locker room and pulled out my P.E. uniform. With extra plastic bag inside my locker, I put my wet clothes inside and ran out heading towards fifth-period theater, the one class I avoided and hate at the beginning of high school.
And I had to take it, its a requirement for graduation. It was either woodshop or theatre. I couldn't do woodshop since I'm not the best in crafts involving woodshop besides I hate sharp objects poking me. Just the thought of a blade spinning made me think of the car accident.
Before I woke from a coma, I heard Athena talking to the doctors stated I was covered in windows shards in the hazard during the crash and she had to put stitches on the deep ones. So, anything sharp like a blade or broken window shards could make feel uneasy in the stomach. That is why I wear clothes that cover my body to prevent anyone including my family from seeing the scars left just when I was just a little girl. I would have thought that as I grew up the injuries would go away but only a few had stayed, the ones that were deep inside me just to remind me how guilty I am for my parents' death.
I opened the door to theatre class, panting and all eyes were on me in a surprise shock just as the bell rang.
"Well, Miss Reid, you were right on time," says Mrs. Bloomfield. "But, I prefer to have all my students before the warning bell. Giving you the heads up in case you forget."
"I'm sorry, Mrs. Bloomfield," lowering my head, avoiding the eyes from the students including myself in a shock when I spot the Wolfe twins sitting next to my chair. Not going to ask for a seat change I grabbed my seat.
"Miss Reid, why are you wearing your P.E clothes? This is theatre, we don't play sports here only art," she asked me with her eyebrow raise after I took my seat. Then the whole class chuckles making me lower myself.
"They got...accidently soaked," I replied softly but able to say it a lot for everyone to hear.
"Oh okay, well, next time bring extra clothes." Mrs. Bloomfield opened her mouth to ask another question but didn't bother to say anything then clap her hands together to get the students her attention. "Okay, madame and monsieur," speaking in her second language, "we have two new students all away from the beautiful islands of Hawaii, Logan, and Liam Wolfe."
Once announced, she had made the students look back to where I had myself sitting just to take a glimpse of the new students that got the school all railed up. On the first day, they already had people talking to them not because they are from Hawaii but have you seen these guys, I'm telling you before they are huge. I couldn't believe they are students. I mean do all male students from Hawaii look like they are ripped. Besides having 200 pounds of pure muscles, they are walking gods just making a first impression of themselves that they are bad.
I was surprised and disappointed that I have all the twins schedule and they always sit either next to me, or I'm in between them just as other students admire them from behind and ignore the girl they are sitting next too. Some that I've heard is why two hot twins are sitting with someone who can curse them for the rest of the school year.
That didn't bother me at all because I am a curse and my name doesn't fit me at all. My mother had named us after her favorite Greek mythology gods, Athena and Ares are a perfect match but Aphrodite; the goddess of love and beauty. Just having a name like that, I felt like a laughing stock.
I should be named the Goddess of death - Angelos; the daughter of Zeus and Hera who became the underworld goddess or Keres; the goddess of violent death. That would be a perfect fit for me, but no, Mom wanted to name me Aphrodite. In her theory, after I was born, she told my dad that I would make the world love me not by beauty but of purity.
I inwardly snort.
Firstly, I hated my name and wanted to change it. But I couldn't since it's my mom who named me and believes I deserve a title after a Greek goddess.
"Now, since it's almost the end of the school year especially to our seniors here, I have decided the musical we are going to perform..." Mrs. Bloomfield started going on about the musical that is making some students anxious and bored.
I felt someone staring at me. When I lift my eyes scanning around the classroom that I spotted a girl with long black hair, darker than mine; jet black and dark tan skin with a nose ring looked over her shoulder. When she caught me staring she jerks her head back forward.
I frowned.
What was that about?
Maybe because you still smell like mop water and she is wondering the odor.
Leaning my head down to take a smell of my own. There was a bit of foul odor but not as strong for anyone in the front to take a whiff.
I need to stop by the mall on the way to purchase body spray for me to carry around just to be cautious around Paris if ever something like this happens.
I turned my head slightly to my right; Logan was the one calling out to me while Mrs. Bloomfield was talking.
"What happened to you?" he asked, in a hoarse whisper.
I didn't bother to answer him because it wasn't his business. But when I felt a light tap making me jerk to him, I glared at him through my bangs, but he couldn't see how annoyed I was. So, I answered. "What?"
"I'm just asking what happened to you?"
"It's none of your business." I snapped at him. Why should I answer you? It's not like we are friends.
I didn't want to tell him off because it wasn't my nature to get mad at someone because they started to talk to me. After the accident, I became adrift with the friends because I didn't care that they were concerned for me and I was left with no friends. I chose that way to make friends with anyone in school or anyone at all. I didn't want to risk it. I didn't like the idea of getting attached to someone new knowingly that they could be taken away from me - again.
I didn't want that.
But in my foster family, there was one; she was a bit older than me. While the other kids bully me, she was there to chase them off. I forgot her name, but I can never remember the way she smiled at me. Its been a long time since I thought about her just made myself grin on the inside that I didn't realize I was being watched.
"Why are you smiling?" Logan asked. I groaned.
"Leave me alone," I snapped back in a whisper.
"All I wanted to know who bullying you?"
"Why so you can beat the shit out of him?" Or her. Never in my life could be great on a deep conversation with anyone peculiarly with the new hot student who is raising the bar level of annoyance.
"Actually, yeah," he smiled made me groaned even louder. "Just tell me who is he?"
"Why should I tell you? It's not like we are close friends or anything." I was almost up to here that I have to push him off me from asking any more questions. "Why can't you just leave me alone? Everybody does."
I didn't want to say it. I couldn't understand him why he would be talking to me when there are plenty of attractive girls in the whole school he chat with instead of someone who could curse him forever.
"Okay," I felt him lean closer to me. I suck in my breath once I got a good look at his beautiful blue eyes like sapphire. I could actually feel myself swimming in the oceans of Hawaii. "If you won't tell me what happened with your clothes then explain the scars on your arms." His voice became harden and dark that is when I noticed his brother looked over his twin's shoulder curious at my scars visible for everyone to see.
I choked on air and let out a rough cough. It was a hard tickle in my throat I had to let it out. Logan started patting my back to help as I continued to cough.
"Is something the matter back there?"
"Aphrodite isn't feeling well Mrs. B, is it okay if I take her to the nurse's office?" Logan says made my eyes look at him and glare.
He learned my name from having the same classes as I do, and the teachers would sometimes call out my name.
"Oh no," hearing the teacher upset voice then said, "yes, you may." I jerk my head as if cracking my neck to look at Mrs. Bloomfield with wide panic eyes allowing Logan after he volunteered.
"Actually, Mrs. Bloomfield," I panic as I protest from Logan taking me to the infirmary. I swallowed hard still feeling the itchy sensation in my throat. "I don't need to go to the nurse's office."
"No, you need to go, dear. I want my students healthy for this Friday's auditions that include you." I'm fucked. "Go, on Mr. Wolfe take Miss. Reid to the infirmary."
"Yes, ma'am," Logan then brought my arm up raising me from my seat with everyone watching. He then grabbed my backpack slumping over his shoulder as we head to the door.
I tilt my head behind me to see Liam grinning, and I whimpered for someone to rescue me from the clutches of a Wolfe.
Once at the nurse's office, Logan had told Mrs. Smith, the primary nurse of the school, a woman in her late forties had examined my health and said to us that it was just a tempory cough from not breathing correctly and told me I could go back to class, but I asked her if I can stay here for a while which she didn't decline. Mrs. Smith then told us she would be out doing errands for a minute. Then she grabbed her car keys and left the office. And it just became the two of us alone.
I sat on the bed provided for students to lie down. I held my stomach and looking down watching the ceramic floor.
It was entirely for a second between Logan and me, but then he started to break that silence by asking me the same questions just minutes ago. I ignored him.
"So, you are not going to tell me why you are covered in scars?
Silence is what I can give him. I hugged my arms as well hiding the visible scars that can be seen from afar. How can I be so stupid not to wear something before I put on my P.E. uniform? Now, theatre class has seen my scars, but now it got the new students curious as well.
I look away, eyes sidestep away from his eyes, and purse my lips. "It's not your concerned."
Logan smirked. "Why are you being stubborn?"
"Why are you being annoying?"
"I annoy you because your feeling hot for me."
My mouth agape open in shock. "Do you have any idea what you just said to me?"
"Yeah, I'm hot which is why you are always red when I'm talking to you."
"That is because you of all people started talking to me like we know each other." I bellowed. "Who do you think you are?"
When he lifted his blue eyes on me I just felt a sudden shudder, not because of his cold icy glare but he shot them at me only made my whole body heated up. I quickly looked away avoiding his stare.
Why is he staring at me like that? What is with this guy?
I felt the tip of his finger as he held my chin as he slowly forces my face to look up at his I inhaled the moment I locked my eyes on his. "Look at me," one word had me condemned immediately.
As he did in class, he was closer than ever, and I could not ignore the beating heart hitting my chest. His eyes were so beautiful, the shade I never have seen on anyone. I felt something coming off of them; intensity, honesty, a gentleness. Despite looking like a mountain man - ruggedly features and all I see he's not a boy but already a man.
I couldn't point out his features because I wasn't lingering to write down everything about him in my mind but now that I have the time I guess I could say what makes him stands out from all the other guys in this school.
Robust features; strong chiseled jaw with a hint of aftershave. I find it appealing. His skin almost tan from being under the sun too long but he looks perfect in a way uniquely made the lines of his muscles and abs stand out.
But it was his sapphire blue eyes caught my attention the most, flecked with white specks that had me breathless that just under his long black eyelashes made it brighter.
I couldn't help myself stare into his eyes as if they were overpowering for me to avoid. He wanted me to look at him and tell me with that a stare that I can trust him. I barely know him today, and already he has this magic spellbinding me from the start with his eyes on me that he already made his claim. Like a wolf finding his mate. But, I don't have the qualities for him to be concerns of my wellbeing. Logan should just leave me alone like everybody else.
Yanked my head out from under his thumb and shifted my eyes away from his before I fear that he and I would do something we both regret. "Just leave me alone."
I felt him let out a heavy sighed. "Fine, just be a bitch. I'm just being nice and worried about you."
I snorted. Worried?
Did he call me a bitch?
That is when I snapped. I jumped off the bed standing in front of his massive frame glaring up. "You don't even know me so, why are you so concerned about me?"
"I'm concerned because that is how I raised. You think I'm just going to ignore a classmate of mine being bullied?" He argued. "And maybe I do want to get to know you."
"Oh, so you picked the weakest girl out of the entire school just to petty on her. Tell that to the brunette you were giving head on the roof not to long ago. Also, why be concerned now while I was up there excusing yourself that you and your brother disturbed my lunch? I could have let the roof for you two have sex. What is it? Too embarrassed about it?" I let my voice heard. It's been long since I usually talked than my mouse tone. I always thought if I kept my tone as low as it can be then no one can judge me but then again, it was a total opposite. People thought I was a freak with my new look and attitude. I kept it that way for years until now.
And I felt so much better finally hearing my real voice.
"Do, I hear jealousy coming from your lips?" Logan smirked unaffected to be shy about the birds, and the bees had made me angrier.
"Look, fucker," I snarled at him. "I don't know what your deal is. I'm not letting you get the better of me so I can be the girl-whatever number you tag me as, you act like the bad boy you are, but you are the most narcissistic guy I ever met."
"I've been called worse, baby girl."
"Don't think your kindness could tempt me. The like of you will never fool me."
"You think, me being nice to you means I want something in return? That I want to fuck you? You ain't that special." His voice was husky and annoyed at the same time when he said the F-word. "Your tail is not The only one I'm chasing after, baby girl."
I froze.
That hurt.
Saying I'm not unique and not the tail he's chasing really hurt my pride as a woman. This means I'm not valuable to be the woman I should be. I know I shouldn't feel this way from the words off a guy's lips but saying that he instead fuck other girls and be a dick about it. If he doesn't want to get into my leggings that is fine by me.
I shouldn't be unique to anyone not to him in any way.
Then I blink my eyes. "Don't call me that," I growled. "I don't care what you do just to gain access inside my panties. I'm not going to be on your hit list of whores. Just leave me the fuck alone. I don't need anyone's concerns, and I don't need them coming from you."
Stepped away to grabbed my bag off the chair and with one last glare to message Logan not to fuck with me. I passed by him walking out of the nurse's office and left the school grounds never bothered to stay for last period because I don't want to face another nuisance who got me wearing my P.E. uniform in the first place.