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The next day when I came back from my fake illness, I considered that day the best day because I was encountered by an angel.

And that angel came by my locker again today.


I was surprised by a sudden voice that had me spoke a bit thinking it was Logan. I know that's not his voice I was expecting this morning to start another day, but as I closed my locker and faced the person behind it, I was stunned.

Paul Walker

My ass.

Wish it's possible but Paul is in a better place now, and even if we're still alive and had a son who looks just like him then I wouldn't be joking around - but he has a brother. Although, he wouldn't be a high school student.

No the person talking to me was my high school's pretty boy, top of his class and overachiever, not to mention Paris's boyfriend; Clark Mason.

"H-hi-h-hi..." I was stammering and stuttering. I think both are the same expression I'm giving off Clark, and he's looking at me as if I'm having a seizure. I mean it's Clark Mason. Not only he's handsome, smart and athletic but he's a nice guy. For someone like me who doesn't care about anyone other than her family, Clark might be that someone who I don't mind at all.

"Hi," licking his lower lip. "So, have you decided?"

I narrowed my eyes at him confused.

"The date...?" he grins. "I did ask you out the other day, and you said-"

"Oh! Right, yeah...um...can you give me more time," I told him usually to him as if we are close to being friends. I mean I'm generally talking to Clark Mason. It was hard for me at first with stuttering and running away from him every time he was there, then he and I just had a common interest, and that was watching Supernatural.

I just started going out of my mind about the show, and the two actors who I have a secret crush on but Clark and I talked a lot about the show that we hung out.

"Sure, whatever you need, dimples," I squeaked for his nickname for me as it made him smile handsomely. "But, I would like if we call it official."

My heart is flattering and blushed to hide my face with my notebook. I never heard of dimples from anyone because I do have dimples on both cheeks and Clark called it adorable.

Clark Mason is asking me to be his girlfriend. Wait, no he's just asking me out and then be official. Usually, I don't give a shit about him and how he's the school's favorite academic student I mean, from what I heard he applied to every Ivy League schools out there and waited for his acceptance.

Then it hit me.

An overachiever guy like Clark with a gloomy girl like me, who don't know what to do with her future, let alone that she's the biggest loser in school. I don't think people would agree with our compatibility.

I had to turn him down...gently.

Sucks to be me.

"Clark, wait" I sighed softly calling him back before he left. "I'm sorry, I can't date you."

"Wow, that was a quick reply."

"I'm sorry."

"You have someone?"


"Are you with someone? Because from what I heard about you and that new kid, Logan-"

"No!" I cut him off then let some air go out of me. "Look, you already know my reputation in school. Dating me and becoming your girlfriend will ruin your life."

"I don't mind," he shrugged. "I like the challenge."

"That's not the issue; the problem is...you and I are from two different worlds. Your like God to the school while I'm Satan everything I do will only be a disaster."

He stayed quiet.

"I think your a great guy, a really really a great guy, and any girl would love to date you. But I don't think I'm the right girl for you. Sorry," shutting my locker door and walked away.

I couldn't believe I rejected Clark Mason. Popular guy and future president if he ever wants to run for politics, I just couldn't see myself with him. Just me standing with him I felt eyes as they passed by, I never mention them because I didn't want to get things too awkward between us. But the fact Clark approached me means he made his choice to get rejected by the unpopular girl.

Damn, he must be humiliated.

I should be the one.

I couldn't handle the pressure of students watching their school idol talk to a cursed girl. That is the one reason why I said no to him. The thought of other people looking at us just made me insecure to run away and hide in the dark.

Remembering Clark asking me out, I stopped in front of the theatre class holding the knob taking a deep breath. I'm always nervous when I go inside this class. I would take my time walking just to let the time goes by slowly. Something about this class gives me the hibby-gibbies. Since I came back to school the other day all I did was do my daily routine minus Logan in my way. But, he never bothered me yesterday, he practically ignored me.

I don't know if it's because of Athena's threat, and the fact she beat our brother into a bloody pulp left him to stay home for a few days with a black eye and broken arm, nothing fracture, but it would have if he didn't tell the truth. Ares didn't press charges on Athena because he knew what he did wrong and had to accept the consequences.

I didn't like Athena's tactics on the discipline; I don't know how much power she could have to break Ares' arm but seeing him in a case just scares me. I always make a mental note not to get on her wrong side - her dangerous side.

I opened the door, spot the twins. Liam looked up at me first, smiling and waving at me. Logan had his head down on his desk not bothering to lift his head. I gave Liam a wry smile taking my seat. I avert my eyes to Logan's backside. Is he going to ignore me? On second thought, why do I care? It's better that way. It should be like this the moment those twins arrived at this school. I didn't want to be annoyed; I didn't want the attention of two new students who don't know what the fuck is going on with this school and most certainly don't want to deal with a guy like Logan Wolfe.

That day I haven't forgotten that near-end kiss he and I were about to have. It keeps me up with no wink of sleep. But, that day with a sudden change that hit the reality made me snapped my brain out of the excitement to see what is right in front of me. I pushed Logan away from a kiss that was about to happen, and I blew it from him, and before Athena came into the Wolfe's house I knew he was about to say something to me but I completely forgot what it was, now he's acting like that because he didn't have the first stage with me.

As if I wanted him to.

I don't care if that playboy feels like shit.

I should be focusing on school and not boys.

The bell rang, and Mrs. Bloomfield entered the classroom. "Hello, my little dumplings." I snort, looking down at an empty blank bag doodling. "Today, I will discuss the musical I have decided for us to do." Once I returned to school yesterday, Mrs. Bloomfield had told me the class would be doing Aladdin. I was surprised we are doing a hit show Broadway musical. She also said the level that this Friday would be the auditions for Aladdin, Jasmine, and Genie, so she had advised the students to be ready.

I could not participate, but it will be during class, and I can not skip class again with the diagnose with a no-singing syndrome. Yeah, that's a very decent excuse. There is no way out of this; I'm very screwed.

"But, first let us do some warm-up exercises lines from Shakespeare, Romero, and Juliet. So, find a partner, and I will hand out the sheets of lines for you to read."

The class groans as desks were being moved, and I didn't bother to get up. I stayed doodling waiting for the class to end. No one wants to be my partner; they just keep the hell away from me. Scribbling nothing but ugly drawing - not a very good artist but it speeds up the time.

"Ms. Reid, no partner again?"

I didn't say a word and let the class stay quiet.

"I'll be her partner," I was surprised and looked up through my bangs and saw a girl. Then from the corner of my eye, I could have sworn Logan had his hand up.

"Ah, yes, Ms. Peters," Mrs. Bloomfield claps her hands. "It seems Ms. Wong has moved back to China for personal reasons. You don't mind partnering up with Aphrodite?"

"I don't mind." Mrs. Bloomfield allowed the girl to scoot over the desk facing the front of me. "Hi."

I glanced up at her only to look back down.

"I'm Lily," again not a word. She tapped her pencil on the desk waiting for the green light to speak but couldn't come up with what to say.

As Mrs. Bloomfield handed out each a piece of paper with the character and their lines I looked down and saw Juliet and her nurse conversations where she waits for the message from Romeo to be delivered by the nurse.

"So, do you want to be the nurse or Juliet?" Lily asked, waiting for my response.

"I don't mind either," and when I respond, she pulled on a big smile.

"Cool, then I will act as the nurse, and you will be Juliet Capulet."

Usually, when it comes to big plays with essential roles like Romeo and Juliet, that person would fight the other person to take over the spot as the main lead. Lily isn't that type of person; she's more of the whatever you say I'll follow the situation.

We both read out the lines as we take on this role-play exercise.

"Peter, stay at the gate," Lily spoke in a prominent nurse, and I must admit she's quite good at it.

"Now, good sweet Nurse -"

"Wait," she cute me off. I gave her a deadpanned look.

"What?" I say in a hard tone.

"You have to sound more elegant, and smooth like Juliet."

I groaned. "Do I have too?" I sounded more like a child then a teenager.

"Well, if you want to take the role of Jasmine, I must say you have to act delicate and innocent."

"I don't want to take on the role," I protested. "I can't play the princess part. Why don't you do it since you look like her-" Fuck! Me and my stupid mouth. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean-"

"Hey, it's cool," Lily says. "Your right, I should be playing as Jasmine since I look the part, but I have a feeling you will make the perfect Jasmine."

I frowned. "And why is that?"

She shifts her eyes to the left, the right, the front, and the back as she leans over. I did the same, and we were both in the center as she whispers. "Because I can't sing."

My eyes grew wide while she flashes a smile.

"I heard you," she began, blushing. "Once, in the bathroom weeks ago during lunch. Nature calls and I had to go to the nearest ladies' room. You were eating your lunch in the accessible stall, and I felt like I was in heaven like I've been to one," Lily chuckled nervously as she made me lift a curve on my lips. "I'm no stalker, but you have a beautiful voice, Aphrodite, and I know we aren't the closest friends, but if we are then as your friend, I say you should take on the Jasmine role and show the school you aren't what they expect you to be. Let your voice be heard."

I would never have expected someone like Lily Peters to say some encouraging words. I never noticed her until I realized that she and I have some classes together and not once she spoke to me but early one when she decided to become my partner she did mention that she was too shy and felt I didn't need anyone to have any friends and left me alone. Mrs. Bloomfield always does assignments that involve partners, so when the class began to pick their choice of partners, no one wants to join me that was before until today. An unexpected turn of event that leads one student out, Lily volunteers to become my partners never care what might people say to her, and I felt happy she's able to talk to me.

"Shall we continue," Lily says.

"Uh...yeah, sure," I told her and began to read Juliet's line accurately which made her smile.

It's been a long time since I could talk to someone and nothing happened to her. I felt worried that if she were to get to close to my personal space, she would get hurt. I let people out of my life expecting them to ignore me. But, the only people that had somehow crack a hole of my invisible wall is Logan and Lily.

I just hope everything between Lily and me isn't going to fast that we would hang out now that she talked to me.

"Hey, can I have your number?"

I looked at her and told her, "No."

"What? Oh, come on." She whined. "Don't be so cruel. I thought we are friends here."

"We are," I admitted, re-reading the lines.

"Then why can't you give me your number?'

"Because it's broken and my replacement won't arrive until tomorrow," I told her. After Hurricane Athena ended, I had to call for a replacement, and luckily we have insurance in case something would give the carrier to provide us with a brand new phone. But, it doesn't arrive until tomorrow morning. I'm stuck being phone-less.

"Oh, then I can give you mine along with my other social media," Lily scribbled her information on a piece of paper and ripped it out of her notebook handing it to me. "Just add me, okay?"

I saw on the paper, her cell number, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and Snapchat usernames. "Thanks," folding the paper and slipping it inside my folder.

"Can I ask you something?"

"You do know we have little time before class ends," I say without looking up at her.

"I know, but I wanted to know...Are you and Liam a thing?"

Not only I rose my head up, but thirty-two eyes including the twins all looked in my direction, and I could feel a very intensifying stare coming off of one, and I don't want to mention his name.

"Lily, inside voices," I hissed in a whispered. Ducking my embarrassment. "Why would you think that?"

"Well, because when I went to check on you up on the roof the other day. I saw Liam singing and couldn't help but hear then I noticed you were there, so I assume -"

Is she stalking me?

"Whoa!" Cutting her off. "No, Liam and I aren't like that. I don't have that sort of feeling. Yeah, he is nice and all the better than the other twin."

"How about Logan?"

"Hell no!" Then I heard Mrs. Bloomfield giving me a warning hush to keep quiet. I went back whispering to Lily. "Please, don't mention that name around me. He's the last person I wanted his name coming from your lips."

"You know when you didn't come to class yesterday he was pissed off about something."

I narrowed my eyes at her then lift a brow. "Really? About what?" I asked curiously.

"Well, Mrs. B had us partner up; one boy and one girl. All the girls in the class wanted to take the twins their partners. Logan was agitated that he blew off and left the classroom because he wanted to partner up with you."

"He does?" I looked at my side seeing the twins role-playing their character. Liam said his line and Logan yawned. He caught a glance at me, and I immediately turned my head around avoiding visual eye contact. "I don't know why he was acting like that. Not my problem."

"Big problem," Lily says like it sounded serious. "You know Heather Seely."

I shook my head. "No, should I know her?"

"You don't know her?" I shook my head again. "Wow, you are isolated."

"Hey, bite me," I snapped. She held up her hands and laughed which made me tag along.

"Since you don't know her, besides Paris Blake, Heather Seely is the Queen Bee, you know popular, nice body with a perfectly large breast that is clear plastic - anyways, she's the one that hooks up Logan since they arrived here. She was the student who showed the twins around the school. Then she and Logan would go secretly hook up."

Flashbacks of Logan putting back his shirt and the brunette girl who came from behind him thanking him for lunch. I have a gut feeling the brunette is Heather Seely. I'm not good with names but faces I do remember. "Does she have wavy long brunette hair, melon jug breast and about this high," sticking my hand up above my head because the girl I saw with Logan up on the room seems a bit taller than me but still shorter than him.

"Yeah, that's her!" Then Lily paused. "Wait, I thought you said you don't know her?"

"I might have seen her but don't know her name," I smile cheekily. I couldn't tell her I saw Heather and Logan together up on the roof then she will ask if Liam was up there too. And I could say she might have something for the other Wolfe twin. Yeah, Liam is the polar opposite than his twin; charming and funny at times but when he greeted me, he would be the first say hello while his non-social twin ignores me.

I know I shouldn't be bothered about Logan being ignorant, but it does bother me like a fucking mosquito can't stop buzzing around and is waiting for my hand to smack him. Logan is that pest, and when he's not talking to me it bothers me - and I hate myself for feeling this way.

"Hey, you okay?" I could hear Lily's voice is concerned.

"Yeah - actually, no." I sighed. "There is something that keeps bothering me."

"What is it?" She says with interest. Then before I could answer the bell rang telling us class ended, and Mrs. Bloomfield yell out to the whole class while everyone is packing up the remainder of the auditions.

Lily and I all started gathering our things and headed out the door and walking down the hall leading to our next class as she says, "Well, what were you going to say to me?"

"I was going to say-"

"Hey, Aphrodite."

Lily and I came to a halt when Clark Mason showed up in front of us.

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