He was just shaken because he already knew what arrogance Zen had to say.
"My presence in your café is a beautiful view."
He remembers his best friend Psyche Faie. Several times it tells him that he is arrogant. What if he met Zen?
Three days from now the First Patron Race will be held here at Camp Speed. Ten will compete and stock car racing is the category of the fight. They bet. The five runners-up in the race will serve as teachers at Camp Speed Racing Academy.
Camp Speed is huge and it is not just a racing arena. There are different types of arenas here at the Camp. Each arena caters different types of racing. There is also a lodging area here that can accommodate members and guests. There is also a café, restaurant, spa, specialty and souvenir shop here. Everything a racer would need could be found at the Camp.
The Camp has three gates. The North, West and South Gate that can pass are members and guests, owners of the Camp and the employees respectively.
When he heard the voice of the only person he meant here at Camp Speed, he immediately stood up and pulled it out of the Speed Café. He did not want the people inside to hear their conversation with this person because it would surely rain on him again.
"Where's the report, Jasper?"
Jasper is one of the leisure members of the Camp and he knows that he is also a good detective so he asked for help.
He handed her a brown envelope. When he opened it and read the flesh, he was stunned.
"Thanks, pare."
It just nodded and left. He went back inside the Speed Café. Sitting in the seat he then noticed that his friends were silent as they looked at him.
"What?" he asked them in astonishment.
"What project did you do for Jasper?" Keith asked.
He shrugged. In the blink of an eye the envelope disappeared from his hand. The lintik Zen, has been captured.
He was just blown away by the wind while looking at Zen who now reached up to his nostrils while reading Jasper's reports.
"Father, now I realize how possessive you are to your friend." he said with a smile and deliberately emphasized the word "friend."
"I'm just protecting her." Defensive na aniya.
He jokingly hit her in the back. “Pare, pare, pare. Do not deny. Anyway, you have nothing against it. Criminal lawyer pala. Tsk tsk. You are just a mean slave. ”
“Hey, he’s handsome. But I am more handsome. ” Lexos said that at first he was busy building the rubix cube but now he is also in trouble.
"I said Alexandros is gay, eh."
"Just because I love piano doesn't mean I'm gay."
“What ?! Please translate into Korean, please. ”
"Take care."
"Stupid, Japanese` yan. "
He distracted his friends. He remembered the reason for his "project" with Jasper. Ever since he saw the flowers Psyche Faie had received from a certain Rance Miguel, he became restless. He just wanted to make sure that it was not a bad person who gave the flower to Psyche so he did it. Maybe his friends are right that he is too over-protective of Psyche but the friend is just too important to him so he does it.