It felt lovely to feel the sun on her skin again and to be out of that awful, damp, depressing atmosphere. Finding a large rock at the side of the road she thought this would be an excellent place to rest up and have a drink, and boy could she use one after that fucking. Having a good swig of the wine she had, she also ate some of the bread she’d taken from Rof’s farm too.
Recharging her batteries, she was soon on her way northbound again. Walking for a couple of hours she didn’t see a single soul as the path twisted and turned before gradually becoming a steep hill. Once on the brow of the hill, she looked down and could see a large building in the distance, and as she got closer, she saw it was a travellers tavern. Having passed nothing or no one for hours, it seemed a good idea to go in and see if they had a room for the night.
Swinging the big, heavy door open, the first people she saw inside were a couple of boozehounds sat at separate tables and staring into their beer mugs. There was also a rather large gentleman of about fifty with rosy cheeks, and a bushy black beard stood behind the bar. His eyes lit up when he saw this vision of beauty, as she wasn’t his usual clientele.
“Can I help you?” he merrily asked wiping spilt beer from the bar with a rag. “Do you have a room for the night, please?” she asked sweetly. “We certainly do Miss,” he replied, his eyes fixed firmly on her beautiful breasts “two silver coins, gets you a room, a bath and a hot evening meal,” he added not attempting to move his gaze. “Perfect,” said Khanna and turning her back slightly, she rummaged in her purse for the coins so the drinkers couldn’t see her money.
On paying the landlord, he stuffed the coins into the pocket of his apron and in return handed her a black iron key with a piece of wood tied to it with the number six burnt into it. “Through that door and up the stairs,” he said, nodding over to the far end of the bar “we’ll let you know when dinner is served.” Khanna smiled and wiggled her way towards the door, making the landlord lean over the bar to have a good gawp at her bum. Once through the door and up a shabby, steep, threadbare staircase, she stepped onto the landing and began looking for room six. The second door on the left had the number crudely painted on it, so inserting the key she unlocked it and went in. Home sweet home she thought to herself as she looked around the room. A single bed, small wooden table, chair and a chamber pot, luxurious it was not!
Taking off her sword belt and slipping the bag from her back, she reclined back on the bed. It was stiff as a board and not very comfortable, but it was just a relief to be off her feet and reaching down she pulled her boots off. Relaxing on the bed for about fifteen minutes or so there was a knock on the door. “Come in,” she sleepily said. The door swung open, and there stood the landlord.
“Sorry to disturb you, Miss, but I was just wondering when you’d like to have your bath, before or after dinner? I need to heat some water you see,” he said, staring at her shapely legs and licking his lips. Khanna was easily the sexiest thing he had ever clapped eyes on in his dingy tavern. What is it with people wanting me to have baths she thought to herself “Oh, now would be pretty good thanks,” she answered holding herself up on her elbows “Excellent,” he replied and shut the door.
For the next ten minutes or so she could hear a lot of activity outside her door, the creaking of floorboards as someone passed her room back and forth and the sound of water being poured out. Next came another tap on the door. “All done for you, sweetheart,” grinned the landlord taking the opportunity to leer at Khanna once again as she sat up on the bed. “Thank you,” she politely smiled and stood up. “It’s the door at the end,” he said, pointing to the right and with that, he headed towards the stairs licking his lips.
Picking her belt and sword up, she tottered barefoot to the bathroom. This room was also bland, with a big free-standing porcelain bath on four feet, a towel rail with one towel on it, a cracked mirror on the wall and some soap. Putting the sword down within reaching distance beside the bath, she walked over to the mirror and ran her fingers through her hair to remove the tangles the bat had caused earlier in the dark wood, and then she saw it.
There beside the mirror was a peephole about the size of a penny. Hmm, no guesses who’s behind there she thought I better make sure he gets a good eyeful.
Standing back and facing the hole she very slowly and deliberately lifted off her furry top revealing those perfect tits, which plopped out of the boob tube one by one. Next, she wriggled out of her skirt, pushing it down her thighs and allowing it to glide to the floor where she stepped out of it, exposing that gorgeous triangle of pubes. She felt a burst of excitement as she stood there naked, knowing the randy landlord would be behind the hole, watching and jerking off. Playing along, she ran her fingers through her bush and slid her hands upwards over her tits.
Continuing to perform and tease reminded her of when she showered at the monastery, knowing that the monks would be watching. Lifting her hair off her shoulders and to the top of her head, she seductively let it fall back into place while staring directly at the hole, where she swore she could see the white part of a beady eye blinking and looking back at her. Also, she could hear a faint, rhythmic tapping coming from behind the wall as the voyeur was clearly pleasuring himself.
Usually, Khanna would’ve been up for putting on more of a show, but she’d had a very eventful day and was tired. Cupping her ample breasts, she pushed them together, like she was waiting to be sprayed with cum. Her hard nipples were pointing like pegs, as she slowly bent forward and cheekily blew a kiss at the peephole.
The tapping abruptly stopped, and there was a mighty commotion behind the wall. The peeping tom was busted, and with the sound of a hastily fastened belt buckle, she could hear someone frantically scurrying through the wall. Khanna chuckled to herself, she loved the thought that someone wanted to wank while looking at her, but right now all she wanted was to soak in a hot bath.
Sliding down the porcelain, Khanna slipped her body into the steaming water and submerged herself, closing her eyes and luxuriating. The bath was deep, and the landlord had filled it generously. Her incredible tits were buoyant and floated as she smiled to herself at the thought of him masturbating as he spied on her.
It wasn’t long before her thoughts returned to the expert fucking she’d taken from that colossal troll dick and the brutal fight with Vorg, what a day! Placing her hand on her cunt, it felt good, and when she opened herself up, she could tell she was wet despite the fact she was in the bath! Completely relaxed, she drifted off with her hand on pussy and fell asleep.
“Some water for your hair, Miss! Miss?” Khanna stirred from her slumber, forgetting where she was for a moment. “Sorry, Miss, but I have some more water for you,” said the voice. Khanna opened her eyes to see a serving wench stood in front of her clutching a jug. “Sorry to disturb you, but I have some extra water for you to wash your hair,” she said, raising the jug. “Oh, hi there,” said Khanna sitting up, her tits rising from the surface like two well-tanned buoys. The pretty girl stood there, smiling with a cheeky twinkle in her eye.
The maid was a bit younger than Khanna, probably around twenty-four. Her hair was a dark blonde, parted left to right and shoulder-length. There were three, tight, platted braids at the back and she had the most beautiful, blue eyes. She was wearing a white, linen dress that flowed to the floor and she seemed to float over to the bathtub.
“Would you like me to help you wash your hair?” she asked, keeping eye contact the whole time. “Oh, that would be nice,” smiled Khanna leaning forward. “I’m Asta by the way, Miss,” said the girl as she walked around to the back of the tub.
“Well hello, Asta, I’m Khanna,” she replied as the serving girl gently poured the water over Khanna’s luscious brown locks, before gently rubbing soap into her hair. Her fingers had a light touch, as she massaged her hair and scalp, this was the first time anyone had ever washed her hair for her, and it felt very sensual.
Khanna rested her arms on the side of the bath and closed her eyes, tipping her head back as Asta rinsed all the soap from her hair. Once the water ran clear, the girl squeezed the excess from her wavy mane and positioned herself beside the tub. “You’re so incredibly pretty,” she said, looking down on Khanna as she laid back exposing everything.
“Is there anything else I can do for you?” she asked, leaning on the bathtub. Khanna could sense where this was going, she’d never been with a girl before, but that hadn’t stopped her thinking about it many times. “Let me wash you,” Asta whispered.
Khanna nodded and watched as Asta knelt beside the bath, reached over and slowly ran the sponge up and down her arm, which left her covered her in goosebumps. A surge of sexual energy rushed through Khanna’s body as Asta’s hand glided up the length of her arm and onto her shoulder. Delicately and deliberately, Asta worked her hand across the top of Khanna’s chest. She softly trailed her fingernails down over the valley of her breasts, with steady circular motions but purposely avoiding her nipples, choosing to tease her for a bit longer instead.
Khanna bit her lip and turned her head to the right, closing her eyes as excitement coursed through every part of her. By the time Asta’s thumb and forefinger lightly took hold of her right nipple, Khanna felt like she could cum right there, right then! Stroking her bud, it felt the most erect it ever had felt and not only that, but her pussy was throbbing too. When Asta reached across and gently kissed the hard nipple with her cushioned lips, Khanna felt as if her head would explode. The sexual tension was too much, and as the kiss turned into a suck, she reached down to finger her pulsating pussy.
Her cunt felt like it was on fire, the tension had built, and she couldn’t wait any longer. Asta made her middle finger disappear in a nanosecond, and Khanna felt every fibre invigorated. While working Khanna’s pussy, Asta flicked her tongue across her nipple again, before clamping her lips around it and sucking it as if her life depended on it.
Khanna took another sharp intake of breath, and Asta soon added another finger inside her as she vigorously began finger fucking her.
“Ooohhh,” Khanna purred as she squirmed in the bathtub, water spilling over the sides and splashing onto the floor. Asta began to play with Khanna’s clit busying her thumb, while still expertly using her two fingers. Writhing in ecstasy, she could tell Asta had done this many times before and unable to hold off any longer, she came with an earth-shattering orgasm. The fact this was a beautiful young woman doing this to her made it three times as enjoyable. Asta leaned her head towards Khanna and went in for a kiss. First, they softly licked tongues, then again, before locking lips and passionately kissing. Exploring each other’s mouths in full, Asta kept her fingers inside Khanna’s pulsating pussy.
Unable to contain herself any longer, Khanna broke off from kissing and lifted herself out of the bath. Asta’s dress had got wet from where the bathwater had splashed it, and by placing a hand on either side of it, Khanna helped lift it over her head.
This was the first naked woman Khanna had ever seen, and she’d never wanted anyone so badly. Stood before her was perfection. Her smooth, tanned skin was flawless; her boobs were just a tiny bit smaller than hers and not as perfect but looked magnificent. A small waist with shapely hips and a beautiful dark-brown bush, slightly hairier than her own but a delightful full triangle.
She crashed her body against Asta’s, so their tits squashed hard against each other. They kissed some more, sucking each other’s tongues boldly and passionately. Slowly running her hand across Asta’s soft tits Khanna continued to kiss her, they felt amazing to touch. Spreading her hand, she squeezed one feeling the nipple harden under her palm. Asta was making little moaning noises and started to breathe slowly through her nose as her mouth was full of Khanna’s tongue.
After playing with Asta’s nipple, she rubbed her hand down over her flat belly. She had fantasised for as long as she could remember about sex with a woman, and now, it was finally happening. She wanted to savour every moment, and when her hand finally reached the soft mound of pubic hair, she ran her fingers through it.
The silky pussy hair tickled the inside of her fingers as she playfully caressed the bush before finally moving her hand lower to discover a hot and very wet vagina. The moment her finger ran along the slit, Khanna felt the butterflies in her tummy start somersaulting, sending tingles into her quim. Her fingers glided into Asta’s pussy with delicate ease. They continued to enjoy each other’s mouths until they had each other’s dribble running down their chins.
Asta broke off from the snogfest, and Khanna’s fingers slid out of her. Taking a few steps back, Asta grabbed a towel and laid it on the wooden floor. Looking at Khanna with a sexy smile, she laid down and spread her legs, her cunt opening invitingly. This was a moment Khanna had dreamt about for many years, the chance to taste another woman’s pussy juice. She’d tasted her own a zillion times as it was a necessity after masturbation, but this was different.
Kneeling between Asta’s legs, she lowered her face towards the perfect pussy, stuck out her tongue and gave it a lick. Going from top to bottom, she ran her tongue deep into the wet groove as Asta grabbed hold of the back of Khanna’s hair, pulling her face in deeper to her muff. She soon went from a beginner to expert, as she began to lick and tongue Asta’s pussy with her mouth firmly against her vagina.
She began sucking on Asta’s pussy lips so hard the maid soon declared “I’m gonna cum.” Khanna looked up from between her legs to see the look of pleasure on Asta’s face when unexpectedly, SPLASH, a powerful warm spray shot into Khanna’s face, as Asta’s orgasm squirted from her quim with aplomb. Both girls giggled after the fountain finally stopped, and Khanna lay down beside her new bosom buddy. Reaching over, she just had to gently squeeze those lovely tits one last time as a very flushed looking Asta stroked Khanna’s hair.
“I wonder if the old pervert landlord spied on us doing that?” chuckled Khanna. “The landlord?” asked Asta appalled “you mean my Dad?” Oop’s thought Khanna and continued to play with those beautiful boobs.
Several more minutes of kissing and cuddling were disturbed when the landlord hammered on the bathroom door “Asta? Are you in there? I need you to serve, girl!” he bellowed. Asta sat up in a panic “Just coming, one minute,” and set about getting dressed as quickly as possible. She adjusted her dress and pushed her hair back behind her ears. She giggled as she blew Khanna a kiss before rushing downstairs to serve in the bar for her angry father.
After drying herself and getting dressed, Khanna went downstairs into the tavern. It was now busier, with ten or so weary travellers drinking and eating. All eyes were on Khanna as she walked in, and every single man had the same thought. Sitting down at a table on her own, Asta appeared, and served her a big bowl of hot chicken stew, along with a tankard of foaming ale. The meal was very filling, and she only had to tell three of the drunkards to piss off while she ate it.
Returning to her room, she locked the door and wedged the chair under the handle, just to be safe. It wasn’t she couldn’t defeat any of the men in the bar, but after the dark wood and her bathroom jolly, she just wanted a well-deserved rest.
After a peaceful night’s sleep without any uninvited visitors trying their luck, she got dressed, removed the chair from the door, unlocked it and went downstairs. The bar was empty and after calling out “Is anyone there?” and receiving no reply, she stepped behind the bar and helped herself to two bottles of ale for the journey. Putting them in her bag, she left the tavern and the lovely Asta behind.