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Chapter 3: Troll

The powerful morning sun beat down on the dusty track as Khanna continued her journey, the gold handle of her sword occasionally gleamed whenever the sunlight caught it. She felt a little guilty not saying a proper thank you, or goodbye to the farmer and Jozz, but she’d made them both cum, so it wasn’t all bad. Heading north that morning, she only passed a few fellow travellers as she would soon be approaching the infamous dark wood. And no one liked going through the dark wood.

It was a horrific, supernatural place with no natural light due to the density of the foliage, which made it seem like permanent night. It was one of the most dangerous places on the island, full of cut-throats, freaks, trolls and paranormal activity. It was also common knowledge that you’d only ever enter it if you really had to. Khanna had heard the stories, but with its silhouette looming ever nearer, even she had a slight feeling of trepidation. The closer she got, the colder it became. The sun had disappeared behind the towering trees, and the whole atmosphere changed, becoming oppressive and depressive. As Khanna reached the entrance to the woods, she took a deep breath and with one last look over her shoulder, gripped the handle of her sword. Then, with a tad of apprehension stepped into the dark wood, wondering what lay ahead.

To enter, she had to walk through an arch of haggard thorns decorated with the skulls and bones of those who had never made it out. The path became soft and boggy in places, while the air was chilly and damp. The trees were black and looked dead, covered with fungus, they reached as far as the eye could see into the darkness. Drawing her sword, Khanna thought it was best to be ready for anything. If the monks had taught her one thing, it was to expect the unexpected.

She walked carefully on the slippery moss with her sword held out in front of her, fearing danger could be behind the next tree. Strange noises would float from all around, disturbing moaning, terrifying screaming, growling, snarling and the sound of scratching from the bushes. This place was one big mind fuck and took a dramatic turn for the worse when a wet mist descended, making visibility even more difficult.

Suddenly Khanna was hit on the back of the head with something that began tearing at her hair and scratching her scalp. Instinctively, she reached back to see what was attacking her and from the high-pitched shrieking and flapping of wings, she soon realised it was a rather large bat. Its wings bashed into her hand with some force as she tried to catch hold of its wriggling body. Finally, managing to get a grip, she prised it off, ripping a clump of hair from her head in the process. “Fuck you,” cried Khanna, as she threw the bat against the nearest tree where it slumped to the ground. Rubbing the sore spot on the back of her head, she replaced both hands on her sword and continued going forward.

This place was as repulsive as it was creepy, with foul-smelling bogs of stagnant water, and millions of annoying flies and midges buzzing around.

Creeping along and been careful not to lose her footing, something caught her eye when it moved. There, wrapped around a branch was a monstrous, terrifying jet-black snake slowly slithering downwards. The fearsome-looking reptile began to lower itself when it saw Khanna approaching and hissed, flicking its forked tongue towards her. It continued to slide down towards the ground with its tail entwined around the tree, as this snake was easily ten feet long. The position it was hanging made getting past impossible, and with its beady black eyes locked on Khanna, it was just a matter of who struck first. She didn’t fancy the idea of becoming snake food so headed towards the serpent as it began to raise its head. It opened its mouth wide and showed her a set of venomous razor-sharp teeth.

Like a boxer Khanna bobbed and weaved, outsmarting the snake as it lunged at her face snapping its jaws. Once the snake had committed itself, Khanna was now free to attack. Jumping forward and swinging her sword, she brought it down across the snake’s fat neck. The blow had such force its head tumbled to the ground in one swipe, which left the body wriggling on the branch and its head a good three feet away weeping grey blood. Skipping over the headless torso, she wanted out of this dreadful place as soon as possible.

Remaining ever-vigilant Khanna now suspected the very worse around every corner. Everybody knew about the dark wood, and she knew she wouldn’t get away with just meeting a giant snake. It didn’t take long before her fears were confirmed when she found the path ahead blocked by the dark wood’s poster boy, Vorg.

An absolute abomination of a man, more gorilla than human. He was around seven feet tall, his head was square-like, a busted flat nose spread across his face and his jaw jutted out from a thin top lip. A wide scar ran the entire length of his face from his right eye, down his cheek before stopping at his chin. Squashed on top of his head was a brass helmet, scavenged from a dead northern soldier, two sizes too small and perched like a party hat which looked ridiculous. His shoulders were broad, and he was as wide as he was tall almost. Massive arms hung down to the ground, and his giant fists dragged through the mud. His bare chest covered in a carpet of thick wiry black hairs, with long pitted deep scars and decades of battle wounds. A loincloth barely covered his dangling, swollen balls before thick stubby legs ran into odd boots, one made from black leather, the other from brown fur.

Khanna spotted he was holding a long brown club that trailed behind him, covered in vicious skull-crushing spikes. Raising his left hand, which only had three fat fingers on it, he pointed at Khanna, then pointed to his mouth. “Huh ma feed, huh ma feed Vorg,” which didn’t take much working out that he wanted her for his din-dins. Not only did this psychopath kill for fun, but he killed because he loved eating anything human. Flesh, inners and even bones!

Letting out a blood-curdling howl, the monkey man raised the spiked club into the air and charged at Khanna. Taking the fighting stance, the monks had installed into her, she waited until he was close and as he swung the deadly club, she met him head-on. Her sword clashed against the wooden club and its murderous spikes, slicing some from his weapon and sending them scattering to the ground.

Vorg looked confused by this, as no one ever stood up to him. Immediately he swiped the club at Khanna’s head like a pro hitter swinging a baseball bat. If the monks had taught her one thing it was know your opponent’s next move, and she swiftly ducked, nimbly doubling over, so the club sailed past her head.

This threw Vorg completely off balance as the force he swung his club with made him almost topple over. Acting on this opportunity, Khanna smacked the handle of the sword hard into his ribs, making him cry out in pain. Pulling her sword back and wielding it again, the blade sliced a massive gash across his chest. Vorg roared in agony and rage as his flesh tore open easy as paper, as bright red blood spurted out drenching his pot-belly.

Khanna now tried to sidestep the ogre while he was preoccupied with the pain. As she did, he saw her from the corner of his eye and delivered a thunderous sucker punch to the side of her head. Everything began to feel like she was underwater, as she saw zillions of bright, little stars.

Dazed and confused, where she was or who she was, she dropped onto the boggy ground. Shaking her pounding head, she climbed to her hands and knees, telling herself Must get up, must get up over and over before Vorg grabbed hold of her neck and lifted her clean off the ground. Choking and with her eyes bulging, she couldn’t breathe as the brute was squeezing harder and harder, swinging her about five feet off the ground. The super-strong cannibal was doing his best to crush her neck until her eyes popped out of her head; this always amused him greatly.

Desperate for breath and doing her utmost to survive, she tried to raise the sword in her right hand. The feeling of blacking out was bearing down on her, and with steely determination, she slowly managed to raise her sword. Raising it upwards Khanna plunged the blade as hard as she could into the demented Vorg’s stomach.

All of a sudden, he released his grip, and she fell to the ground coughing and gasping for air. Looking up, she saw her sword protruding from his belly, and Vorg stood there in silence, looking somewhat confused at it poking out. A trickle of blood ran from his mouth as it slowly dawned on the dumb creature the trouble, he was in. Letting out another one of those ear-splitting cries, he clenched his fists and staggered like a drunk man towards Khanna, who was still on all fours desperately trying to take on as much oxygen as possible. He clumsily lurched forward, raising an arm but Khanna managed to get to her feet just in time.

Grabbing the handle of the sword that stuck out in front of her, she twisted it with all her might, turning it in a complete circle. The grinding, crunching noise made Vorg stop in his tracks again, and as Khanna pulled it from his stomach, a gush of pink entrails and blood poured from the gaping hole it had left.

The big bad bully’s eyes rolled into the back of his skull, and he slumped back onto the path with a thud, as dead as a doornail. Khanna was still struggling to breathe as she squatted on her haunches and looked over at Vorg’s corpse. Jesus that was close, she thought. Kryzer would be proud of me. It took her another couple of minutes before she felt recovered enough to continue. What’s gonna be next in this crazy fucking place? She said to herself and picking up her trusty sword continued on her way.

After another tense, paranoid couple of minutes ducking and diving past slimy creepers and toxic thorns, her breathing returned to normal, although her neck hurt like heck. Finally coming to a clearing, she could see there were the entrances to two caves. Shit! Now what? She thought. The two caves meant she faced a tricky dilemma and would have to choose one or the other to continue, but which one?

“Decisions, decisions,” said a whiny voice from out of nowhere. Khanna immediately took her fighting stance “Show yourself” she roared, her eyes scanning the surrounding area for the next potential fight. Then, from the rustling bushes emerged a disgusting, dirty troll smoking a pipe.

He was the size of a small child and a dull blue colour with a huge, bulbous nose and comical jug ears. “Fear not my pretty,” he smirked, showing a set of jagged, stained, yellow teeth “I’m the journeyman,” he proclaimed. “The journeyman?” Khanna inquisitively repeated. “Aye,” replied the hideous troll chewing on his pipe “for I decide what journey you take, for one cave has a mile of trouble-free passage, while the other, is a mile of sheer hell and misery.”

Khanna lowered her sword “Ah I see, and how do you decide?” she asked, “and what’s more, how much will it cost me?” she added, checking her purse. Rubbing his hands together, he looked her up and down “I will tell you the best route in exchange for your sword,” he said with a sickly grin. “No chance,” Khanna snapped “I’d rather take my chances.” “OK, OK, calm down young lady,” he teased “well if not your sword then how about my sword?” he said and with that lifted his filthy smock to reveal a massive, blue cock that looked far too big for his body.

It hung down to his knees, was thick and had an enormous helmet for the tip. Khanna’s eyes nearly popped out of her head, and her jaw fell open. “And you walk around with that thing?” she said, raising her eyebrows “It’s a beaut isn’t it?” the troll chuckled grabbing hold of it and twirling it around. It certainly was too. It was a flawless-looking penis; the only problem was it was attached to a revolting troll.

“So, what’s it to be my lovely?” he cackled “time waits for no one. So you wanna know the safe route or you gonna gamble?” Faced with this dilemma, could she risk it? She wanted to get to the north and seek revenge as quickly as possible, and the prospect of life-threatening obstacles and extra danger was the last thing she needed, especially after her strength zapping fight with Vorg. “Wellll?” the troll taunted still waving his cock which had now gone from flaccid to semi-hard “Stick or twist?” he mocked.

Khanna knew she had found herself in a tricky catch twenty-two situation, so against better judgement, she reluctantly agreed. “OK, which cave is the safe one?” she asked. “Oh no, first things first,” he grinned “all will be revealed afterwards my pretty,” and with that lifted his smock off up over his head revealing a pot-belly covered in spots and warts.

“Come my dear hither,” he said, beckoning her over with a long bony finger “don’t be scared, you’ll love it.” Khanna reluctantly slid her sword back into its sheath and apprehensively walked over to the troll. Once next to him, his head just about reached her hip. “Now let’s make a bargain,” he said as he wasted no time in ramming a cold, scaly hand up the back of her skirt and grabbed her left arse cheek.

“Eeeek!” jumped Khanna “your hand is fucking freezing!” The troll chuckled and with both warty hands violently yanked her skirt up over her ass so that he could get a proper look at it. “Oh yea,” he said, slapping an ass cheek and stepping back to watch it wobble. “Now that’s a peach,” he added, smacking the other one and leaving a red hand mark. “Hey,” protested Khanna “we haven’t made a deal yet!” But in truth, being manhandled and dominated by this disgusting little monster was starting to turn her on.

Next, he gripped hold of her hips so tight his long, talon-like nails dug sharply into her skin as he rammed his warty face hard between her cheeks. His pitted nose pushed up against her arse crack, as he inserted a long-tapered tongue into her tight little butt hole, making Khanna shriek in surprise!

His tongue was at least five inches long and wriggled deep inside her ass like an eel trapped in a fishing net. The force the troll did this made her stumble a few paces forward but didn’t deter the ugly beast in his pursuit if anything it spurred him on. Although the troll had instigated this whole freaky scenario, Khanna couldn’t deny it did feel fucking good. She felt her pussy soon moisten as he continued to slurp at her arse hole.

The probing of her rear passage continued as Khanna could feel his huge hard dick pushing against her calves. “Oooh, oh, oh,” she cried in delight as no one had ever rimmed her ass like this before as she willingly bent over so his tongue could go even deeper! “That’s it my pretty,” he said, withdrawing his tongue for only a moment, “open wide for Daddy.” She twerked her butt out as far as she could so the troll could stick his entire tongue back into her anus. After another minute or so, she reached down between her legs to feel how soaking wet she was.

The whole situation was so horny that she got carried away and began to rub her clit, this excited the troll who poked his tongue out straight and began fucking her arse with it, in and out. “Oh my god, yes!” exclaimed Khanna “Fuck yes,” and frigged herself even harder with three fingers. “That’s it,” croaked the troll “good girl,” before much to her disappointment, he abruptly stopped.

Khanna spun around to see why and unfortunately for her, it reminded her of how ugly he was. “Get over there,” he ordered and pointed to a tree that had a small, specially built platform next to it. Staying behind her, he shoved her towards it by pushing her lower back until she ended up facing the bedraggled tree. “Put your hands against it and bend,” he abruptly instructed. A please would be nice thought Khanna.

Placing her hands on the damp bark, she looked over her shoulder to see the troll climb up onto the platform behind her. His rigid, blue cock looked massive compared to his puny body, nearly as big as him. She knew what was coming and exactly why the platform had been constructed. Although usually, she’d never have entertained the thought of being fucked by such a horrible creature, her horniness had taken over and rather than resist, she completely submitted by leaning forward and presented for him.

Pushing her ass out towards him, she bit down on her lip, anticipating taking that humongous cock. A cold hand was placed on her lower back as the troll held the tip of his dick against her hot cunt. Not one for taking things easy, he slammed his length into her.

“Arrrrghhhh,” Khanna screamed at the top of her voice “for fuck’s sake, it’s too big!” But the troll wasn’t up for a debate, he withdrew about six inches of it, which left a good four still in her, before driving it back in until his oval blue nuts rested against her ass cheeks.

“Oooh,” she cried “It’s hurting,” but this just made the troll speed up and to tell the truth if he had stopped, she would’ve cut his balls off. The big blue cock was covered in Khanna’s glistening, thick pussy juice as he pounded her hard and fast, making a slapping sound. It didn’t take long for her to change her tune however; even though she swore the cock was entering her womb.

“Oooooh, yes,” she purred again “please, fuck me harder!” pushing hard back onto the troll, she wanted to feel everything single millimetre of that monster dick.

The troll was grunting and groaning like an old pig snuffling for truffles as he fucked her as hard as could. “Yessss,” screamed Khanna as she came from deep inside, her legs trembling and her hands sinking into the soggy face of the tree. This hideous, revolting, little goblin was making her cum harder than she ever had before. “Don’t you dare fucking stop,” she yelled “promise me you won’t stop, it feels toooo good,” she squealed, but the troll had no emotions, just raw animal instincts and was just there to fuck this piece of meat until he shot his load.

The freaky penis was sliding in and out of her with great ease now. Her body had got used to it, with her pussy well lubricated from cumming. It was no longer painful, just pure pleasure. The troll’s pounding began to slow up, and his grunts became louder as his prick started to twitch, and strange blue balls tightened. Sensing he was close, Khanna begged “No not yet,” but uninterested in her request, the next thing she felt was the pumping stop and splash after splash of hot cum covering her entire back, as far up as her neck.

Unapologetic, and his swinging semi-hard on still dripping, the troll hopped down from his platform and pointed to the furthest cave, “That one,” he muttered and casually picking up his smock from the ground, disappeared into the trees with his bouncing cock and was gone.

“Well, thank you,” Khanna shouted after him, but he was already out of earshot. He’d got what he wanted and left her stood there, bent over with her skirt hitched up. She set about rubbing her back against the tree to remove as much of his weird, gloopy cum off as possible. She felt exhausted and a little sore, but deeply satisfied too, three orgasms and the biggest cock she’d ever taken, albeit in the weirdest of circumstances.

I wonder how many people that little shit gets to fuck? She thought as she yanked her skirt down back over her ass and headed for the cave he had pointed to. Let’s just hope the little fucker was telling the truth.

Luckily for Khanna, the troll had been truthful, and as she entered the cave, she noticed how brightly lit it was with burning torches blazing on the wall illuminating the passage. Apart from the odd spider web and the occasional rat scurrying around that made her jump, there were no further potential horrors like she’d already faced in the dark wood.

It took about thirty minutes taking this route, and eventually, she reached daylight and left the cave. The sun was shining so bright she had to squint to get used to it again. So relieved to be finally out of that place, she was lucky enough to leave with only a bruised neck, sore pussy and sticky back.

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