I awoke feeling tired and groggy. Strange dreams gave me a restless and fitful sleep, dreams of elusive lovers and being left wanting, compounded by week of spiritless solo sessions. I rolled over and contemplated putting the moves on Gary in the hopes of satisfying my subconscious cravings but I knew it wouldn't end well; Gary never did like morning sex when he had to go to work. Sigh. Ah well, I should be used to it by now.
I fought my way out of bed and had quick jog before taking a cool shower, hoping to chase away my agitated feelings since I couldn't satiate them. I slipped into some dress pants and a blouse and made my way downstairs.
By the time Gary came down, the coffee was brewed and my mind was somewhat occupied over the morning paper, sprinkled with crumbs falling from my toast.
“Hiya, Sweetheart, what tragedies have befelled our world today?” He winked, knowing he was teasing me with his improper use of the English language.
I ignored his faux pas and quipped, “Well, it looks like the world will continue to spin on its axis for another day at least.”
“Ah good, I'd hate for things to end before I could wine and dine you tonight like an overpriced hussy in order to make up for my workaholic ways as of late. You up for it?”
“Dinner on you? I'm always up for that!”
“That's my girl, mooching off her old man. I like your style! I'll make reservations so you don't have to lift a pretty little finger. Where do you want to go? Lady's choice.”
I smiled. “How about sushi tonight?”
“Done! I'll make reservations for eight o'clock. Sound good, Hollywood?”
“Sounds perfect,” I smiled.
I almost decided to bail on my bondage session after yesterday's dull performance but I wanted to see if I could redeem myself and get back into the groove I had before.
I chose a decent sized vibrator that was set on a random timer. Not only did it turn on and off at odd intervals, but the speed varied each time as well.
I also grabbed a tight collar that made it slightly laborious to breath, as well as ankle cuffs and wrist cuffs in the hopes of hogtying myself. I chose a penis gag and a simple sleeping mask for my eyes, and lastly went to the freezer to get my locking timer.
When I sat on the edge of my bed and inserted the vibrator, I changed my mind from my original plan of keeping it in place with my underwear, and opted instead to make a crotch rope to ensure it wasn't going to dislodge on me in the throes of an orgasm. I did that once, and there's nothing worse than finishing out a two hour session tied tightly and uncomfortably when there's nothing to take your mind off your aching limbs and drooling mouth.
I stood up, tied the cotton rope at my belly button, passed it through my legs, and looped it through the rope at the small of my back. I brought it back through my legs and up through the rope at the front, where I pulled it tightly, feeling it dig into the folds of my sex. When it felt tight and secure, I pulled it just a little bit harder for good measure before tying it in a double knot.
I moved the rope to one side and slowly worked the vibrator into my pussy. What it lacked in length it more than made up for in girth and I briefly wondered if I shouldn't choose a better fit before deciding against it and plunging it in all the way with a sharp intake of breath. I slid the rope into place and after a few perfunctory squirms I felt certain it wasn't going anywhere.
Before long I had my wrists and ankles cuffed, my neck adorned with the tight collar, and my mouth crammed with a hard rubber penis that was just long enough to trigger my gag reflex if I forgot to concentrate on not choking.
I knelt on the bed, tethered my ankles together, turned on my random vibrator and placed the sleeping mask over my eyes. I fumbled with the lock and as I worked to cinch my wrists to my legs, I mused that I would make a good candidate for the saying, “I can do that blindfolded with my hands behind my back.” I had gotten deft at exactly that.
After hearing the click I wriggled around and was soon satisfied that I wasn't going anywhere. I braced myself for my forward flop and then hit the bed face first with a jolt. I really should try to roll gently on my side but there's something rough and almost primal about being thrown unceremoniously on the bed. It always adds to my already mounting excitement.
The minutes scampered on as my vibrator relentlessly pushed me closer and closer to the edge in a slow and torturesome rhythm as the speed undulated on its own rhythmic whims. When it stopped all together and left me in a breathless and sweating heap, I cursed behind my gag while waiting for my heart rate to return to normal, knowing that as soon as it did the vibrator would take up its relentless march and my pleasure would once again be at the mercy of a chunk of silicone and a few small batteries.
My excitement mounted as the object that impaled me started back at a speed that was almost too much to bear. And just as quickly as it started, it brought me back down with a buzz so low that it was almost undetectable. I inwardly praised the genius who made this exceptional little toy, reflecting that it was an investment well spent.
My limbs were sore and there was drool running down my chin but I couldn't stop my body from its steady ascent to a climax that I felt sure would be in my top ten. I was back in the game, back in charge of my own pleasure.
I was just about to hit the point of no return when simultaneously my hair was pulled and my cheek was slapped. It stunned me, paralyzed me. It took me a second to realize that my tormentor was back and must have been watching me. I was so surprised by this sudden and unexpected turn of events that I momentarily lost my groove, which was just long enough for the tight rope to be put aside and the vibrator tugged out. I couldn't protest because my mouth was full of rubber cock and I was helpless to stop it because my legs were splayed and my crotch was completely exposed.
I lay there, face down, surprised as all hell with my limbs tethered together like a lamb going to slaughter and wondered what came next. I waited for a touch, a kiss – anything to bring me out of extreme frustration and back to the point where I was – back to having a mind-blowing orgasm. Nothing came.
I was panting and drooling, limbs growing more fatigued, fingers getting more numb while my teased and tormented pussy was aching with desire. My cheek still stung. Was I alone again? Was he or she still watching me? I tried to lift my head off the bed in a gesture of communication but I didn't get very far.
A feeling of cold hit my lower back, causing me to startle. The sound of a snip and the tight rope that was digging into my crotch loosened. I could feel a slight sensation of rug burn as the rope was pulled from between my belly and the bed.
I knew my arms and feet couldn't easily be undone until the frozen lock thawed completely, so I wondered what my captor's next move would be.
I felt myself being unceremoniously lifted up as a cool band was placed under my belly before being set back down. A click on my back clued me into the fact that there was a new object around the entire circumference of my waist. Before I could process what was going on there was slight pressure on my clitoris as my butt cheeks were slightly separated. I heard a click, then another one as things were pulled a bit tighter. With my arms still cinched behind my back, I felt around as best as I can and as my fingers found the locking mechanism, my suspicions were confirmed: I was trapped in a chastity belt.
Suspicion turned to fear as time passed and I didn’t sense any movement, didn’t hear any breathing. That son of a bitch left again, and I'm willing to be that he – or she – didn't leave the key. Shit, I thought. How am I going to be wined and dined by Gary in this thing? Then, another realization hits me: it was Friday night. I'd be locked in this thing all damn weekend.
I held on to the slim hope that my tormenter was still there, but as time passed, there was no sign of movement. I kept testing the ice lock, hoping it was almost done melting so I could free myself and assess my situation. The cold water was dripping down my back and there was a puddle of it underneath me, but the damn thing picked today of all days to take its sweet time releasing me. I touched my wrists to my bare back, hoping to help it melt faster, and jumped from the cold. That plan was short lived before I abandoned it.
My jaw hurt, there was drool dripping down my chin, my shoulders ached and my feelings of sexual frustration were mixed in with the annoyance at my situation. But when I stopped to really think about it, I had to admit that I was feeling excited and lusty, and I ended up spending the rest of my time fantasizing about just who this mystery captor – or maybe savior – was.
Taking my mind off my problem helped to pass the time, and before I knew it, my wrists were free. I fumbled for the key – thank goodness that was still there – and unlocked my wrists. I couldn't get my ankles apart yet as the ice hadn't completely melted, but I used the time to assess the situation. I took the awful rubber penis out of my mouth and moved my jaw around. I was going to give myself TMJ one of these days if I kept picking such large gags to use. Usually I stuck to fairly simple items, but I reflected that since my mystery guest had come into the picture, I was often choosing more elaborate and hardcore options. Perhaps I was trying to prove something, but whether to myself or my new friend, I wasn't sure.
I looked down at my personal prison to see just what I had to contend with. It was simple: leather covered with stainless steel around the waist, a strap about an inch and a half wide that traveled through my crotch, then got wider at the back between my butt cheeks before meeting up with the band around my waist at the small of my back. It was finished off with a small but effective padlock. I gave it a few tugs but knew instantly that it wasn't going anywhere. There were holes for when nature called, and I didn't want to think of the logistics of that just yet.
Once I could free my legs I stood up and walked around to get a feel for the belt. It was wide enough in between my legs that I was definitely aware it was there. Any wider and it would have been cutting into my legs uncomfortably. I wasn't sure why it widened more in the back, except to serve as a constant reminder and annoyance. As a thong wearer, I wasn't liking the sensation of spread cheeks and it would take me awhile to get used to the new sensation. I laughed to myself, wondering how the hell I got myself into a situation where I had to get used to a chastity belt. And one that was put on by a complete stranger, no less!
I started to worry that I was in over my head. What if he never came back? I don't even know who he is. Or she! I couldn’t discount the fact that it could very well be a woman. How would I explain this to anyone? I couldn’t even wrap my head around it. I decided not to think about it just yet, hoping I would never have to cross that bridge.
Despite my anxiety about the belt and what it would mean not only for me, but for my date with Gary that night, I still couldn't help but be incredibly turned on by everything. I still hadn't climaxed and my pussy physically ached with lack of release, intensified by my stainless steel prison and the arousing thoughts surrounding it that I couldn't get out of my head.
I got dressed and assessed my reflection with a critical eye. I turned this way and that until I was satisfied you couldn't see the secret I was hiding underneath my clothes. I spent the afternoon in a half daze as I folded laundry, emptied the dishwasher, and paid some bills. It was surreal to be doing such menial tasks while harboring such a huge secret just next to my skin.
The answering machine light was blinking and I pushed play as I started to sweep the floor. At the sound of his voice my palms grew sweaty, my heart skipped a beat and my face was no doubt bright red. Our minister, Reverend Peatry had evidently called sometime between me almost climaxing with an oversized black rubber cock choking me and a complete stranger locking me into cold stainless steel and leather. His stuffy voice droned on “...please remember that you are on this Sunday for coffee and tea duty, so please arrive 30 minutes early to ensure all preparations are made before the patrons arrive for service...”
Shit. There was no way I could show up to church in a chastity belt. Even if no one could see it, I'd be sweating buckets over the mere principle of wearing one in church. Maybe I could get out of it, say I was sick or had a migraine. But even though church was mostly Gary's thing, I couldn't help but think that lying to get out of going might be just as sacrilegious as wearing a damn chastity belt in God’s house – one that my husband had nothing to do with, no less. Sigh. I really got myself into a pickle.
I finished sweeping the floor and was acutely aware of the belt digging into my side as I bent down to gather the contents into the dustpan. The truth was, there would be no getting used to this damn thing. I just had to figure out how to manipulate my situation so no one else suspected anything, particularly Gary. I could do no wrong in his books and I'm sure it would break his heart to know I was being unfaithful.
Unfaithful. The thought crash-landed into my head unbidden, and I didn't like the feeling it left me with. I hadn't slept with him, heck I didn't even know his name. Or what he looked like. And really, for all I knew it was a woman. Did that make it better or worse? The last thing I wanted to do was hurt Gary, and I realized that, as I let myself get caught up in this madness, I was not being a good and faithful wife.
While these realizations stabbed at me and flooded me with guilt, I wrestled with my feelings of wanting to continue, which only served to make me feel more culpable. I loved Gary – we were a great match – but it was no secret between us that his sex drive was severely lacking, especially over the last number of years. We were pretty open about it, and I was understanding. I didn't take it personally. There was no doubt in my mind that Gary found me to be beautiful, but his lack of sexual interest always left me feeling wanting. I was finally having my sexual desires satiated, and it felt good. I realized I was justifying my actions, but I wondered if there was a way I could have both. And, of course, not tell him. Cheating wife, coming through.
By the time Gary came home, I had wrestled through my feelings to the point where I was just going to ride it out for a few days to see what would happen. After all, I may never see the stranger again. And at any rate, I was hoping he or she would show back up as I needed to get the belt off me. Maybe after that I would tell him or her that I couldn't continue anymore. Yes, that's what I would do.
With my new resolve to be faithful, I threw myself into getting ready for our evening out with gusto. Gary walked in the door and let out a strong cat call whistle. “Wow, girl, you're as pretty now as the day I scooped you up 27 years ago. I am one lucky fella.”
I smiled and kissed him, making sure to grab his hands so he wouldn't circle my metallic waist. This was going to keep me on my toes. “Hi Honey, how was your day?”
“Oh, pretty typical. But it's a Friday night and I'm about to wine and dine Greenville's sexiest lady, so let's leave the boring shop talk for a boring day.”
Unknowingly, Gary was making me feel worse and worse about my recent behavior. There is more than one way to cheat, and I had committed several infractions.
“Hey Sugar Tits, are you in there? You seem distracted tonight.” Gary's silly nickname brought me back to the present and I realized that I didn't want to ruin our rare night together so I resolved to stay in the present and put the events of the last week behind me. Hard to do with an unyielding constant reminder, but I was determined to put mind over matter.
I mock scowled at Gary. “You know I hate it when you use such chauvinistic, derogatory names on me.”
Gary laughed his infectious belly laugh. “I know, but it got you back down to earth, now didn't it? Now are you ready to go? I'm starving!”
The drive to our favorite sushi joint felt long. I couldn't get comfortable. Sitting in the car caused the belt to dig into my sides and my butt cheeks felt awkwardly spread. A constant reminder. That's exactly what my tormentor wanted – to be front and center in my mind. And between my legs. It was working.
Gary let me out and as he went to park the car, I discreetly tried to adjust my butt cheeks until they felt more comfortable.
“Hungry bum?” I startled as I realized Gary was coming up behind me and had seen the whole thing. He burst into laughter, oblivious to the fact that my face was red from more than just being caught picking a wedgie.
Dinner was delicious but I soon realized I was done indulging when my belly started to expand. Usually, my pants can be adjusted to make room for my rare but gluttonous trips to the all-you-can-eat sushi joint, but I was quickly getting uncomfortably full as the chastity belt had no give whatsoever.
As the evening was drawing to a close, I realized I wasn't ready to go back home in case Gary was feeling frisky. “We might have time to get a late show, shall we see what's playing?”
“I dunno, Darling, I was thinking of getting that pretty little tushy of yours home to bed, if you know what I mean.” He winked and grabbed my hand.
Shit, just what I had feared. Was he in a rare horny state or was he doing it for my benefit? Normally I would be all over his offer.
“Oh Hun, you know you don't have to do that for me.”
“But I want to, I like pleasing my best gal.” That was a stretch.
“Well you're a sweetheart, but it's rare where I get you out on the town and I think we should see what's playing.”
“Well, if you insist, Darling. What the lady wants, the lady gets.” How about a normal life where I don't have to hide my naked body from my husband? “And besides, there's always after the movie. Or during. We can pretend we're teenagers again! Common, let's see if there are any racey ones on!” Oh shit, crisis not yet averted.
We agreed on a comedy, him because the trailer looked good and me because I thought it would help him keep his hands to himself. I made sure to sit right in the middle of a bunch of people and I thought for a second I saw his face drop as he looked at the empty back row. This didn't sit well, as it meant he was actually in one of his rare frisky moods and wasn't just playing the part for my benefit. I kept the popcorn in Gary's lap as an extra precaution.
As the credits rolled, my first series of lies spewed out. “I think that sushi didn't sit right with me, how are you feeling?”
“I feel right as rain. What's the matter, my love?”
“Oh, nothing too major. I just feel quite nauseous, and my hands feel cold and clammy.”
“Oh dear, we'd best get you home to bed then.”
“I think that would be best. Thanks, Gary.” Crisis averted. As long as I could get my pajamas on in private, I might be ok.