Monday morning. I awoke feeling much more refreshed than the last few nights. Over the weekend, I was able to process my thoughts and feelings. I came to the conclusion that I love Gary dearly and didn't mean to for this to happen, but I was not sorry it did. I needed this sexual reprieve and I wasn't going to let my guilt stop me from enjoying my erotic memories.
However, another mystery presented itself when I called Floppy Disck and was informed that Lacey had, in fact, called to reschedule when Gary was called in to his specialist appointment. She didn’t miss a beat. But that left me with another dead end and no more scenarios for who might have shown up at the house last week.
Work passed fairly uneventfully and I arrived home eager to tie myself up and relive the glory days of last week.
Of course, I secretly harbored the fantasy that my tantalizer would come back to torture me, but I knew the chances were slim, and my afternoon trysts of the week prior were a fading memory I desperately wanted to keep in the forefront of my mind.
I surveyed my tools of the trade and opted for some leather straps to tie myself mummy-style. I selected a long, realistic looking vibrator with a wide girth, and an egg-shaped vibrator for my ass. I grabbed a posture collar and two bandanas, figuring I'd keep the face bondage simple. I thought briefly about tying myself to make my nether regions more accessible, but, as much as I hoped my tormentor was coming back, I think it was safe to assume he wasn't. Or she.
Thinking about my brief time as a sex slave made me wet and achy and I quickly got to work. I inserted the vibrator with no need for additional lubrication and was reminded that it was slightly too long, but I pushed it all the way in nonetheless, grimacing slightly as I forced in the last inch. I followed with the egg, which slid in easily enough with some lubricant, despite its modest size. I had kept my thong on, which now served to somewhat hold my implements in place.
I lay on the bed and, starting with my ankles, tethered my legs tightly to each other, pulling each strap one notch tighter than I probably needed to for an authentic helpless effect. Once I got to my hips, the task became a little more challenging. I realized that it would be impossible to put my blindfold and gag on while my hands were strapped to my sides, but it would be equally as difficult to figure out what I was doing without the use of my sight.
Regretfully, I abandoned the blindfold, something I was loathe to do. To make up for it, I wadded the extra bandana into a ball, lifted my tongue, and shoved it deeply into my mouth before tying the second bandana tightly between my lips. Next came the posture collar, which was rigid and tight. It was a great addition, but once again, I realized my choice in bondage materials wasn't the easiest blend of items, as it held my chin up at a nose-in-the-air angle and I couldn't see what I was doing. I was definitely off my game, but there was no turning back now. I could feel the moisture pooling in between my legs, and the familiar ache in my groin was telling me to hurry things along. I tied a strap around my upper arms and managed to secure it tightly. All that was left was strapping my forearms to my sides, and I managed this with a little finagling and unnatural bending. All set. All that was left was the good vibrations. I grabbed the remotes and turned the egg to high and the vibrator to low. I figured the high-powered buzzing in my ass would drive me nuts while the low drone in my pussy would build me up slowly and steadily. I tossed the remotes out of arm's reach and settled back to enjoy my self-made prison.
It was strange not to be blindfolded. I realized that it's something I always have on. I reflected that this is probably to do with the fact that I have this dirty dark need that drives me to do things to myself that would embarrass the majority of society, not to mention the embarrassment that would befall me if anyone were to discover what I was, what I do – or how much I loved it all.
Of course, there was somebody who knew; not just knew or merely accepted, but who seemed to embrace it just as much as me, without judgment or ridicule. Sigh. Would I ever find out who my mystery guest had been? And why couldn't it be Gary, dammit? That would make things so much easier.
My mental game was definitely off, but the constant buzzing in my nether regions kept reminding me to forget about those things for now and enjoy the confining ride.
When I finally had a colorless orgasm, I was ready to be done: my mouth was parched, my neck was strained and my rear end was somewhat numb. It took me a few minutes to wriggle out of my bonds, and the angry indents on my legs reiterated the fact that I probably shouldn't have cinched the straps quite so tightly.
I put my toys away and wondered if I would ever be able to enjoy my self bondage quite the same as those few magical afternoons when I was helpless and could have been taken advantage of in any number of ways. Since I had assumed it was Gary all along, this thought was both sobering and somewhat exciting, especially when I thought about tying myself ass up and completely exposed on Friday.