The sound of my footsteps as I walked across the thick mosaic tile echoed in my ears. I was in no hurry, my Capos securing the asshole without issue. The sweet fragrance of basil and oregano filtered into my nostrils while the stench of stale cigarettes assaulted my senses, the Italian restaurant considered a favorite for several of my soldiers. What few customers remained scuttled away like rats, my reputation preceding me.
The owner barely acknowledged my presence, merely going about his closing duties, but I could tell the man was nervous by the sweat stains pooling under his arms. Everyone feared my arrival. And they should.
After all, I was a man without patience. I also had no conscience.
Even before taking over the majority of operations from my father, I'd been considered dangerous on several levels. Oddly enough, I prided myself on fairness and decency. Tonight, there would be only retribution.
I pushed my palm against the kitchen door, disgusted by the amount of grease slickening my fingers. Once inside, I was able to hear the terrified whine of a man who should have known better than to embrace me as his enemy.
Cordero gave me a nod from his position, leaning against the scuffed stainless steel sink, his revolver merely nestled in his hand.
"Did he give you any trouble?" I asked in passing, as if I gave a shit.
"Nah. Good as gold," Cordero said, chuckling in his usual dark manner. I noticed his bloodied and bruised knuckles, my anger further fueled.
The traitor remained on the floor, a rag stuffed in his mouth, his hands and feet bound with wire. Danton had once been a man I thought I could trust, allowing him to handle a good portion of the Miami Beach operation. I didn't like being made a fool of.
My other Capo had made the call, Enrique having followed the fucker for two days. He grimaced, no doubt chastising himself for the level of trust placed in the man. Even his honor had been called into question.
This was a situation that had to be dealt with, my reputation on the line. Plus, I couldn't stand liars.
I stood in front of Danton, taking several deep breaths. I'd been pulled from a dinner engagement, although I'd been the one insisting on handling the situation personally. "Danton. I must admit, I'm surprised at your level of betrayal."
Danton whimpered, struggling to talk, his body twisting back and forth. Sweat beaded down both sides of his face, tears already rolling past his lashes. I also couldn't stand a coward.
"The way I heard it, you've been working a deal on the side, using my money to finance your operation." I hunkered down, allowing the man a much better look at my eyes. "As you might have already realized, that simply isn't acceptable. Not in my city." Rumors had been flying for weeks about a foreigner attempting to move in on my family's turf, something I'd avoided for far too long.
He moaned, his face twisting as it turned bright scarlet. I concentrated on the trickles of blood oozing from a gash on his right cheek, taking another deep breath. This was the last thing I needed on my agenda.
I moved back to a standing position, easing my Glock from my shoulder holster. "I really do hate to lose good help and you did some excellent work for my family, but every act of disobedience has consequences. Unfortunately, some are more severe than others." As I pulled the silencer from the inside of my jacket, I gave Danton another glance. His death would send a warning.
Cordero walked toward the swinging door, peering out the window. We certainly didn't need any hysterical customers drawing attention.
"However," I said in an even tone as I attached the silencer, pointing the barrel toward his forehead. "You give me no choice."
My gun roared twice.
I stood over him while I unscrewed the metal piece, sliding it back into my pocket and placing the gun in its usual position before adjusting my cuffs.
"I'll clean it up, boss," Enrique said.
"Put his body on the docks in plain sight." I turned and walked toward the door, cursing under my breath. Anyone who attempted to cross my path would face my wrath. I hissed, realizing that my next two days were going to be disrupted.
However, a trip was necessary.