I held my breath as well as the nasty words ready to spew from my mouth. For all my bravado, the man had taken back the upper hand. To refuse would be considered a slap of the man's honor. He was offering his most precious gift, one I would be required to accept. I knew right then that one day, I would indeed gut the heartless pig, enjoying every moment of watching him writhe in pain.
"No, Papa. No hare esto!" she hissed.
"English, daughter. Our guest prefers English and you will honor him in every manner that he requires. Is that understood?"
"Fine. I will not do this," she repeated. "He is a repugnant man, disgusting in every manner."
Santiago confronted her, lifting the hand holding the cigar in a manner to suggest backhanding her.
Bristling, I unbuttoned my jacket, walking closer and making certain the asshole noticed the Beretta positioned in my waistband. "There is no need for violence, Santiago. I'm certain that Carmen will enjoy my company for one evening only."
She snapped her head in my direction and to my surprise, she spit on the floor before storming away.
"Pequena perra!" For a father to call his own daughter a little bitch infuriated me. Every hair stood up on the back of my neck, my fingers itching to slap the barrel against his forehead. Envisioning his ultimate demise was the only way I could keep from wrapping my hand around his throat.
Instead of unleashing my rage, I took a deep breath before moving in front of him. "I assure you that I will handle her in my way. She will do exactly as I demand."
Santiago snarled, glaring at her as she walked away, her heels clipping against the tile floor, no doubt matching the rapid beating of his heart. I had to admit, I enjoyed his discomfort. After a few seconds, he smiled once again, nodding several times as he turned to face me.
"You are a very formidable man, Sebastian. I am certain that you will be able to handle her. I apologize for her actions. As I said before, she has a mind of her own. Extremely willful. Very much like her mother."
"Nothing that a hard whipping can't take care of."
He narrowed his eyes then stormed toward the table, grabbing my glass into his hand. "Excellent idea. We should have a toast to sharing our long and prosperous business together."
The blood running through my veins was ice cold even though the electricity racing through my entire system was humming with need. I accepted the beverage, taking a sip as I studied him and the nervous tic appearing briefly on the corner of his mouth.
"I do ask that you take care of her. I have many enemies who would enjoy taking something so precious from me."
His shell had a crack. Good to know. I gave him a respectful nod. "I promise to care for her with my life. Anyone who attempts to betray me will meet a horrible end. I'm certain you can appreciate what I'm saying."
He seemed relieved, his breath still ragged. "Yes. Yes, I can."
"Excellent. As far as our business deal. If I find that you deceive me in any way, I will take what is most precious to you."
"And what is that?" Santiago's arrogance had returned.
I polished off the drink, allowing the thick base to hit the coffee table with a hard thud, and headed toward the door. I stopped long enough but only tilted my head, allowing me to see the whites of his eyes. "Your daughter."
While tonight wasn't what I'd expected, I would use her in every way I desired. However, there would come a time that Santiago would pay for this atrocity.