Khairee's POV
Today is the day I decided to approach Umma with the issue of furthering my western education. I don't know how she will react to it, though she's easy to deal with but at times she can be unpredictable. I just hope she will try and reason with me.
I went straight to her room after finishing my morning house chores. Ever since I finished my primary school, I always stay at home either helping umma with the house chores or studying my old books.
It has rained heavily last night and so Abba is likely to be at the farm. She was reading the qur'an on her old praying mat probably she just finished praying salatul-dhuha. I said the salam and sat down on the edge of the bed waiting for her to finish.
Few minutes later she closed the qur'an and kept it on the table, she then turn towards me and said
"Khairee my dear you looked disturbed what happened? "
"uhmmm Umma I want to talk to you about something " I said hesitantly
"Go ahead am all ears" she said giving me all her attention
"Ermm Umma since I did well in my common entrance, I want to continue with my studies"
"Khairee I don't understand what you are trying to say, can you elaborate more?"
"Umma what I'm trying to say is that I want you to allow me to further my western education" I stated
"What? ummulkhairee are you crazy, You know thats not possible right?" Umma yelled
"Calm down Umma , I know that girls in this village are not allow to further their education, but Umma please you know how much I love studying and you also know how much I want to be a journalist, it's has always been my dream ever since I was a little kid. Don't you want my dream to come true? Don't you want your daughter to be successful someday? Please think about it umma"
"Listen Khairee it's not about what you want or what you dreamt of, it's about what people will say. Do you want them to point a finger at us and the whole of our clan? Or do you want them to call you a prostitute? " Umma states
"No Umma I don't care what the people say, whatever you do you will never be able to please them. Beside, sending me to school doesn't mean you are sending me to a brothel. If I don't go to school What will I do at home, or do you plan on getting me married at this age?
Umma we all are a living witness to what happened to Larai, she was married off at the age of twelve and she was maltreated by that monster; her husband Gambo, he impregnated her at that age and she suffered a lot to the extent that she can't even give birth herself , she has to be taken to the hospital in the town and she died on their way". I kept quiet remembering the incident.
"Khairee what happened to Larai was her fate, it was already written no one can stop it from happening "
"I know what happened to her was her Fate an it's inevitable, but such things shouldn't be happening in our community, women shouldn't be disregarded. We are not anyone's property, we are mothers ,sisters and daughters. Don't you think it's time to make a change?, but how can we make a change if we cant stand up for ourselves Umma? " I finished feeling relieved, this issue have been bothering me for a while now, it feels good to spit what is on your mind.
Umma dropped a heavy sigh and placed both her hands on my shoulders
"I'm proud of you my child, you're young and smart. I can't thank Allah enough for blessing me with a wonderful daughter like you, you are one in a million. You are absolutely right, we have to stand up for ourselves. InshaAllah I will talk to your father today itself, don't worry by the will of Allah you will make your dream come true". She concluded flashing me her million dollar smile.
Later in the afternoon around 2:00pm I was all dressed up in my islamiyya's uniform when I heard Umma called
"Yes umma" I said before evacuating the room. I met her standing at the kitchen's door step holding a stainless bowl of food.
"Drop this to your father on your way" she said handing over the bowl to me. I collected it and set foot out of the house, I was walking towards my Abba's farm when I heard a familiar Voice shouting my name
"Ummulkhairee" I stopped before turning my heard towards the caller
"Ina Wuni malam Garbati" I said checking him out, eww he's looking disgusting and irritating
"Ah ummulkhairee yan mata an yini lafiya" he replied showcasing his 32 yellow teeth. I mentally rolled my eyes 'oh my Allah this man is so dirty' I thought
"Uhm I'm in a hurry I have to go" I hurriedly leave making sure he doesn't say anything thing else. Immediately I dropped the food to Abba I headed straight to our islamiyya which is a few
minutes walk from Abba's farm.
After we closed I went to my grandma's house to greet her
"Assalamu alaikum yar tsohuwa" I shouted stepping into her room.
"Wa'alaikumussalam Ke Khairee stop calling me old woman, can't you see I'm even stronger and prettier than you?"
"In your dreams right? " I replied
"Even in reality, or are you skeptical? Do you want us to do a beauty contest and see who will win"
"Ah Miss World suit your self" I kept quiet feeling defeated
"So how is your mother ?" she asked
"Umma is fine she sends her regards" I lied, actually Umma have no idea I'm coming here, but its a white lie anyway.
"Ayya thanks" she smiled. My grandma is one of my favorite person, She's always happy. She lives few houses away from our house, ever since my grandpa died she lived alone in her side, Abba requested her to come back to our house but she refused saying that she can't leave the house she spend almost all her life in.
"Go to the kitchen and serve yourself tuwo I know you must be famished " she said stretching her hands toward the kitchen.
"yeah I'm really famished "I said heading to the kitchen, I served my tuwo Miyan taushe. After I finished eating I prayed magrib and started to get ready to go home.
"I will be on my way Inna" I said hanging my islamiyya bag on my shoulder.
"Alright take care and send my regards to your mother "
"Alright goodnight " I said as I stepped out of the house and headed to our house.
Immediately I set foot into our House, I heard Abba roared