"WHAT?" Abba roared "Are you out of your mind? How dare you look into my eyes and tell me to send my daughter to school"
"Calm down mallam that's—" Umma started but was cut off by Abba.
"Don't you dare tell me to calm down, I never knew you are this narrow mindedly. You know better than anyone how much I despise this Western education, and you even dare to tell me to send my daughter to the city to study. Allah ya kyauta badani zaayi wannan shegentakan ba(God forbid bad thing)"
"But mallam this girl want to further her education , why should we refuse her?" Umma asked
"Hey listen I'm not going to allow ummulkhairi to go anywhere in the name of studying. What do you want people to say? 'That mallam jauro who badly despise western education is now sending his only child to the city to study'. People in this village are respecting me a lot and I can't let them down. Infact this boy Garbati have asked for khairee's hand in marriage and I have accepted".
"MARRIAGE ? marriage fah kace mallam"
"Yes of course marriage, what is wrong with it?"
"But ummulkhairi is too young to get married, she's just twelve for Allah's sake"
"How is she too young? She is twelve the best age to get married, and I know Garbati will take good care of her, yaron yana da hankali" . Abba concluded getting up from the mat he was sitting on.
"Mallam I can't let you destroy my daughter's future by getting her married at this young age"
"Khairee Is also my daughter and I want nothing but the best for her" Abba stated
"Amma mall—" umma started but was cut off by Abba
"Hey am not asking for your consent I'm just telling you to be prepared, the wedding will take place in the next two months" he added before entering his room which he share with umma.
"Tabdijan gaskiya baze yiwuba I can't let my only child get married at this age, I cannot afford to loose her she's all I have. I can't sit and watch my child's life getting ruined that's not possible " Umma said loud enough for him to hear from her room.
To say I was terrified is an understatement, I was extremely terrified. How can Abba do this to me, my very own father fah ,how can he decide to get me married to that man. this can't happen to me, I can't let them do this, I can't.
I went to my room and lay down on my old mattress, and that's how the waterworks began I cried and cried and cried until there were no more tear falling
I sat down blankly staring at God knows what,
'what should I do now, how am I going to convince Abba to not get me married? How am I going to convince him to see the goodness in this western education? ' I thought
I think the best solution is to approach him myself and make him understand, he'll listen to me inshAllah, I'm his baby after all. With that thought I lay down and before you know it the honorable thief stole me ( sleep).
The next day I woke up with a very strong headache after I finished praying I went out to do my house chores and then I prepared pap( koko) for the three of us and then boiled yesterday's leftover tuwo and miyan kubewa(okro) I then went back to my room to eat. After doing all this chores I feel refreshed and happy , whenever I help my umma with the house chores that's the feeling I get.
After an hour or so, I know Abba is probably done with eating so I went to his room to have 'the talk' with him. He was sitting on the mat by the side of his room while umma is sitting at the edge of the bed. I sat down on the mat with him and started greeting him
"Ina kwana Abba" I started
" lafiya lau how are you"
"Am fine , how is work"
" Work Alhamdulillah" I then turned toward umma and greeted her as well. After a few minute I looked up to face Abba and started to talk
"Erm... Abba I want to talked to you"
" Go ahead am listening " he replied
"Its about what you said yesterday"
"Me? What did I say" he asked a little bit confused
"What you said yesterday about getting me married"
"Oh how did you know? I thought you were at inna's place"
"Actually I was back when you and umma were discussing"
"So you then decided to eavesdrop" Umma chirped glaring at me.
"No Umma I didn't eavesdrop it was just a coincidence"
"So why didn't you announce your presence?" She asked
"I didn't want to disturb your conversation "
"Alright since you heard everything there is no need to explain it to you again, your wedding will take place in two months time so get ready"Abba stated
"No Abba I don't want to get married now, I want to further my education" I said boldly
"Damn with your education, don't you know that the place for a girl is her husband house?" Abba yelled
"But Abba can't you see I'm too young for all this marriage stuff? Haba Abba just look at me, I'm just twelve years old fah. I'm not ready for all these things". I stated without any hesitation.
"hey listen young lady, karkiyi min rashin kunya, I am your father I know what is good for you as well as what is bad for you"
"Abba you think getting me married is what is good for me? And that too to Garbati?"
"Yes, and what is wrong with Garbati, he is a good and responsible man and I'm sure he will take good care of you"
"Garbati already have a wife fah Abba"
"How does that matters eyye? He is taking you as his second wife"
"No please Abba I can't do that" I said tears flowing from my eyes down to my chick.
"I'm not asking you if you can or can't , my decision is final and no one can change my mind" he said standing up to leave. Before he could leave I hugged one of his leg and started pleading with him in between tears
"Abba please don't do this to me please Abba, I can't get married now, am not ready, can't you see Abba? I've never went against your will Abba please think again"
"I know you've never went against my will so don't even think of doing it now"
"But Abba I—"
"Shut up I've heard enough of your nonsense now let go of my leg" he stated pushing me with his other leg and left the room.