Justice found his gaze returning to where Kassidy worked diligently on her hands and knees. Running a hand over his short hair, he leaned on the rake he currently used to smooth out the contents he’d dumped. It was a large sack of crushed pecan shells.
The day was pleasantly cool and a wind had begun to blow, bringing with it the promise of a storm. He lingered over the image Kassidy presented. Her amazing mass of curls gathered up off her neck, exposing the swanlike and delicate lines she had. She wore a pair of fitted, well-worn, holey jeans that highlighted her cute little bubble butt. Dirty slip-on shoes covered her feet. She wore a short sleeve, baby blue button-down over a red shirt.
Dirt streaks graced her face and he swore he’d never seen anyone so desirable in his entire life. He couldn’t figure her out. She wasn’t impressed by his car nor the fact he had a boat. This was a woman who enjoyed life. Knew how to extract pleasure from every aspect of life. Or so it seemed.
And yet…
She kept part of herself private. He wanted access to it. He wanted it all.
With a sigh, he moved his gaze to where Libby lay sprawled on her side in the afternoon sun. Even as relaxed as she was, the dog made sure she could keep an eye on her owner.
Sights back to Kassidy, he watched her stretch. Hands settled upon her lower back, she arched. The action pressed her breasts forward and up. His mouth grew dry and his palms sweaty. Her figure was to die for. Another thing she didn’t seem to notice or even care about.
Keep it together, man.
She pushed effortlessly to her feet and headed toward him, the sun making her glow. Skimming his top teeth with his tongue, he watched her walksmooth, seductive, siren-like and yet at the same time, completely natural.
Her gaze dropped to the ground and a large smile filled her expression. “Looks wonderful. Thank you so much for doing this.”
“Not a problem.”
“Why don’t we take a break? I have some tea made up. Go grab a seat.”
“Sounds great.” He strode beside her up the steps then headed for the hammock on the shaded end of the porch.
“Be right back,” she said as he reclined in the comfortable swing.
Closing his eyes he gave a gentle push with his foot and that was the last thing he knew. He stirred and opened his eyes. The sun had begun to set. Crap, I can’t believe I fell asleep. Sitting up, he noticed Libby lying near the door. She raised her head and returned his stare. When he swung out of the hammock, she rose and padded down the steps. Following her with his gaze, he stared over the bushes and found the backyard empty. He walked to the screen door and knocked.
“Come on in.” Her voice filtered to him.
He walked in and Libby brushed by him. Kassidy stood in the kitchen and he shrugged sheepishly when she looked up at him.
“I’m so sorry—”
She waved away his attempt at an apology. “No need to say anything. Dinner’s just about ready if you’d care to stay.”
His heart swelled and he smiled at her. “I’d love to.” He cast a glance down over his attire and frowned. He was dirty and sweaty. “Do you mind if I use your shower and clean up?”
Her head jerked up from where she’d been chopping veggies to stare at him. He remained silent, well aware he may have just overstepped with her.
She licked her lips, slowly. “Sure. Down the hall and on your right. The cabinet by the door will have everything you need.”
“Thank you.”
He left before he lifted her and carried her with him to share the shower. Heading to his car he grabbed his bag then jogged back in. His shower was a quick one, but in the terms of improving how he felt and smelled it was gigantic. Standing before the mirror wearing only a towel around his waist, he stared at his reflection.
He didn’t want to mess this up. The moment he’d laid eyes on Kassidy he’d known she was special. He’d meant the words he’d uttered to Kelly about Kassidy being the future Mrs. Justice Graham.
“So why am I standing in here?”
He’d not had many serious relationships and he had no real clue as to how to proceed. Were his sister here, he’d ask her for advice. But she wasn’t. With a fortifying sigh, he dressed in record time and hung up the towel. Leaving the bathroom his nose was bombarded by the smell of fritters, chicken, and more.
At the end of the hall, he dropped his duffle to the floor and continued on to the kitchen. Kassidy stationed herself at the sink washing out a pot, Libby lay on the floor and jazz played, creating a more intimate mood.
“Feel better?” she asked him without turning around.
“Much,” he replied, setting his hands on either side of her, boxing her in between him and the counter. “Thank you for allowing me to clean up.”
He nuzzled the side of her neck and she shivered beneath his touch. The seductive scent of her intermixed with the aroma of the food.
“You’re welcome. Did you sleep well?”
“Like a rock. Why didn’t you wake me?”
She turned so they were chest to chest. “Why would I do that? You were sleeping so peacefully.”
“Because I came to see you and was rude enough to fall asleep.”
His breath hitched when she looped her arms around his waist.
“You were exhausted.”
Dropping his forehead to hers, he kissed the tip of her nose. “You are a special woman, Kassidy.”
“Hmmm, no need to butter me up, I’ll feed you.”
His lips moved lower and captured hers. She purred and pressed closer to him. Justice took all she gave and asked for more. His body responded full heartedly to her reactions. Teetering on the edge of his control, he ended the kiss. Her eyes, smoky with desire, stared up at him. Swollen lips were slightly parted.
“I’m starved.” And he didn’t mean for food. Every inch of him wanted the woman in his arms. Wanted to divest her of all clothing and lay her back on the bed.
“Great.” Her voice combined with her stepping away nudged his mind back on track.
Within moments they were seated with the meal between them. Corn fritters, pan-seared chicken, arugula salad, and a smooth minty pie for dessert. Over dinner they chatted about the past week. Each bite, every passing second, he knew he fell deeper and deeper for Kassidy.
While he enjoyed the pie, he posed the question that had been lingering on his tongue. “Will you come sailing with me this weekend?”
He watched her expression. Uncertainty, nervousness, and a few other emotions flashed across her normally serene face.
Worrying her lower lip she nodded. “Okay. Sounds like fun.”
He smiled slowly. “Wonderful. Saturday work?”
The idea of it just being the two of them on his boat made his mouth water. Kassidy in a bikini. He helped her clean up, put his bag in his car, then they headed to the back porch and sat beside one another in a matching pair of Adirondack chairs.
The dusk slowly gave way to night. Fireflies began to illuminate the darkening sky. The sounds of the city were muted. The air was filled with the pungent aroma of all her blooming flowers. His soul was at rest. There was no restlessness within him. No overwhelming need to go out to a large party or a bar. He realized in those moments what contentment was. And he’d been lucky enough to discover it for himself. He shook his head when it dawned on him Kassidy had asked him a question.
“I’m sorry, what did you say?”
Her musical and lilting laughter tinkled through the night. “I asked what I can bring for food on Saturday.”
He leaned back in the chair and closed his eyes. “Beautiful, the way you cook, I’ll take anything you feel like bringing.”
“Thank you.”
Facing where he imagined her face to be, he opened his eyes just as some gentle blue-hued wall sconces came on. The light exposed her serene expression. A slight smile turned up the side of her mouth he could see.
“Will Libby be alright?” he asked, well aware how much the poodle meant to her.
“I’ll take her to mom and dad’s for the day. She’ll be fine.”
With an easy push, he got to his feet and helped her up as well. Gathering her close, he nuzzled the wild mass of curls she had. The strands smelled like vanilla.
“Thank you for a wonderful afternoon and meal, Kassidy.”
“I’m glad you stopped by, I missed you.”
“Missed you, too, beautiful. I missed you, too.”
He wanted to stay. Longed to spend the night with her, in her arms, her bed. But he didn’t push it. There was still this way she held herself that told him she wasn’t quite ready for that step yet. While he was anxious, he could, and would, wait. He knew this woman equated his future.
“I should get going.”
Her slight body stiffened briefly. “Do you work tomorrow?”
“Yes. I have a few things to take care of in the morning. Then I’ll be all ready for Saturday.”
She drew back and stared at him. “Time and place?”
Here and now. “My boat’s on Pier 8, Slip 6A. What do you say about eleven?”
Her smile grew as she repeated the information back to him. Leading her down the steps and to the gate, he wrapped his arms tight around her, wound one hand in her hair and tugged her head back.
The kiss was intense and proprietary. He thrust his tongue deep into the recess of her welcoming mouth. Mint and ice tea combined with a taste purely Kassidy and he hardened in seconds. A primitive growl escaped as the kiss intensified.
Her lush figure pressed invitingly into him and wore down the thin remaining control he had to be a gentleman. His free hand gripped her derriere, his fingers digging into the flesh through her jeans.
Somehow he ripped his mouth from hers. Chest heaving with each labored and consumed breath, he set her away from him, his mind nearly overrun by the intoxicating taste and smell of her.
“Good night, Kassidy. I’ll see you Saturday.”
One more hard, fast kiss and he slipped out the gate and headed for his car at a jog. His shaft pressed painfully against his jeans and no amount of readjusting relieved it. He cast one more look at Kassidy’s house. The warm inviting glow almost tempted him out of his vehicle. Jaw clenched, he shifted into reverse and backed out of her drive then headed home.
Kassidy on his mind the entire way.