The sun shone down on him as he bounded up the steps. With a deep breath, Justice strode toward the automatic doors and entered the Quiet Harbor Main Public Library.
Haven’t been in one of these for a while. Shoving his hands into his pockets, he walked past the front desk and looked at the signs trying to figure out where the children’s area was. He moved quietly and heard a young voice reading aloud.
Peeking around the corner, Justice sighed in pleasure as his gaze landed on Kassidy. She sat on the floor with about ten kids in a circle. There was a dog stretched out beside the child reading, its head in the boy’s lap.
Unnoticed, Justice stared at Kassidy. She wore a pair of buttercream capris and a white tank top. Her hair bounced with every movement she made. It was a beautiful blend of black, brown, and honey colored full out natural curl. He longed to sink his hands in it and devour her. Her skin had a radiance to it that even the fluorescent lights above couldn’t ruin.
“Very good, Trey. Thank you for reading the last chapter,” Kassidy spoke as she rose smoothly to her feet and reached for the book. “I believe y’all’s parents are waiting, so go find them and don’t forget to check out a book to read this week. I’ll see all of y’all next week.”
A small smile curved up his lips as they all stood and said, “Bye, Miss Barrow. Bye, Libby.”
Must be Libby’s the dog.
“You have a way with children,” he commented softly as she began picking up pillows.
Kassidy jumped and looked at him. A huge smile filled her face. “Justice, you scared me. What are you doing here?”
Gathering some of the pillows, he moved to where she piled hers and placed them there as well. “I came to see you.”
“Well, here I am. I’m free for the next thirty minutes. Care to walk with me outside?”
“I’d love to.” Like I’d not want to spend time with you, Kassidy.
“Libs, let’s go,” Kassidy said.
The dog moved to her side from where it had rested on the floor and Kassidy picked up the leash dangling from its collar. Justice followed her into the back where she waved at a few people and opened a door. Kassidy propped it open and released the dog before walking to a picnic table. Justice sat beside her and for a moment they remained silent.
“Tell me something,” he said as Libby ran up with a ball in her mouth.
“What do you wish to know?” She lobbed the ball and the dog took off.
“What got you into this?”
Kassidy sat forward, elbows on knees. “Well, let me see. I wanted to be a teacher, then realized I didn’t have the patience to deal with kids all day. So I began working here to help pay for college and I found I really enjoyed it.” She turned her head and stared at him, her eyes having a bit more green in them today. “When I got Libby, a friend suggested getting her certified as a Therapy Dog. So I did and now she comes with me a few days a week. I get to be around kids, but in short amounts. And they’re quiet when I see them.”
He smiled. “Libby’s a poodle, right?”
“She looks different from the ones you see on TV.”
“Oh yeah. I don’t have the time to maintain that kind of clip on a dog. So I keep her shaved in a puppy clip, a short one, at that.”
“She’s beautiful.”
“Thank you. And what are you doing this lovely Saturday?”
Justice took the ball and threw it for Libby. “I was hoping to get a date with this woman I met outside the museum.”
A blush tinged her smooth cheeks as her gaze dropped to focus on the ground. He never looked away and soon she glanced up again.
“I don’t know,” she hedged.
Justice had no intention of giving up. He smiled. “Why not? In a relationship?” It was hard to breathe with that thought.
“No,” Kassidy said.
And just like that it was easier to breathe again.
“Okay. Then what do I have to do to get your consent?” He watched Libby.
“I just, I don’t date much,” she blurted out and he knew she was wishing she could take it all back.
Keeping his gaze on the dog, Justice pursed his lips briefly. “How about a day in the park. I’ll bring lunch and you bring Libby.” He cut his gaze to her.
The smile that filled her face told him he’d succeeded.
“That would be wonderful.”
She’s comfortable with her things around her. “Tomorrow work for you?”
“That would be fine, but let me bring something.”
The urge to kiss her lips raced through him and it took a lot to tear his gaze from them. “You are. You’re bringing yourself and Libby. Say, Harbour Park about two?”
“I’ll be there.”
Justice got to his feet and stared down at her. “Wonderful. I’ll see you tomorrow, Kassidy.” He smiled and walked away, hands in his pockets and a jaunty whistle on his lips.