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Chapter 7

Upstairs in the house was a lot less grandeur and old-fashioned. It was more modern and tasteful, like Hollywood celebrity homes. Unexpected and airy above the noise and chaos below; Abby dragged Rose along a long row of doors to her own and unlocked it.

‘Rob made us all get locks on the doors to our personal rooms last year.’ She smiled, shaking her key so that it jingled, that dazzling beautiful smile aimed at Rose. ‘When people get a bit drunk, they tend to go wandering, and although nothing has ever been taken from here, it’s the thought of old drunk people having nookie in my room that bothered him.’ She laughed and led the way into a pink and cream decorated boudoir. Rose smiled in response, but she was far from feeling like it.

The cool, calm exterior was quick at having a soothing effect on her, providing her with a much-needed breathing space. Abby’s room was everything Rose had imagined it would be. Frilly, girly, almost princess-like in a childish way. Yet surprisingly, a bookcase full of trashy novels and Jackie Collins books in a way showcased the innocent, naïve side of Abby perfectly, while hinting at the naughty unseen side too. A girl stuck somewhere between childhood and womanhood, with a foot firmly planted on both sides.

The huge four poster bed layered with fluffy throws, pink sheets, and satin cushions was draped in white voiles, dotted with fairy lights, and the floor was scattered with the contents of her makeup drawer on a plush white fluffy rug.

Her bathroom was white and modern with the odd hints of pinks in towels and accessories, matching the room, and Rose fell in love with this girl and her layers of personality again. They were more alike than she could ever imagine.

The girls sponged off Rose’s dress, easily removing the champagne and patting it dry with thick fluffy towels in the large bathroom. Rose was beginning to regain her control and smooth away the craziness of being in his presence, rationalising internally that she was being stupid, and it was nothing more than a silly school girl crush. She had no reason to feel upset about Morag; it was obvious that someone like him would be with someone like that. Rose was no competition at all, not that he had implied she could be.

It didn’t take long with the help of a hair dryer to remove all evidence of the mishap and Abby teased Rose for her clumsiness. Something inside held her back from telling Abby exactly what had caused her clumsiness, and although she was longing to ask about Morag, something stopped her. The quietness up here was a welcome break and gave Rose enough time to pull herself back together again.

She was being so stupid. She barely knew him at all, and what did she know? They couldn’t stand each other’s company for more than forty seconds without arguing. Five seconds of him whispering compliments and she was suddenly a bowl of goo.

She didn’t need this drama or craziness in the first month at her new home, and he was the Laird for goodness’ sake. If anything, it could make living here impossible, not to mention drive away her new best friend and that would break Rose’s heart. It would be a disaster and such a mess if she couldn’t stop fixating on him.

Giving herself an internal talking to while the girls touched up their hair and makeup, she pulled on the normal Rose persona and straightened her back. A new resolve to get a bloody grip on herself and have an enjoyable time. No Rob drama for her tonight, she’d just have to wear blinkers and close her eyes anytime he passed with his overly sexual date.

* * *

Back down in the hall, the room was alive with dancing and laughter. The sounds competing with the orchestra and everything was in full swing. There was to be an auction soon, selling donated items from local businesses and then afterwards, there was to be a human raffle. Rose found this hilarious; many men and women in the community had put their names forward, offering to be slaves for a day and everyone had bought tickets at the door. Rose herself, caught by the women with the tickets, bought a few strips in the name of raising money then tucked them into her bag for safe keeping. She’d scrawled her name quickly across the book, telling herself it was pointless. She never won anything in raffles or tombolas.

Abby dragged her up a few times to dance. Sometimes young men intervened, pulling them off to dance beside each other and Rose soon brushed off her Scottish dancing skills and joined in, screaming with laughter. She soon forgot about her earlier mental breakdown and was so lost in having a great time, dancing, eating, and sipping bubbly that she really got lost in the atmosphere.

When a familiar blond haired hotty pulled her over to dance, she almost didn’t recognise him. At first, the tailored suit and cut hair threw her, but that southern drawl brought her back to reality. Matt looked so different with his newly spiked hair.

‘What do you think, Miss Rose?’ He bent and ran a hand across his hair, Rose felt obliged to do the same, considering he was leaning in her face, running her fingers across the jaggy surface as he bent down like a school kid, showing off his new toy.

‘Very nice. A bit of a makeover?’ She smiled and pulled back, feeling a little too claustrophobic with how close he was. It was obvious he’d been on the whisky already, he was very merry and seemed to have fewer inhibitions than their meeting at the museum.

‘Fancied a change; you Scots seem to prefer short hair over here.’

He winked at her and moved a little closer, sliding arms around her waist rather forwardly. Rose squirmed and tried for a smile, giggle, and wriggle to get loose, but he only pulled her against him.

‘Dance with me, Miss Rose.’ His mouth came a little too near her face and she leaned back to gain some space.

‘Doesn’t look like you’re giving me any choice in the matter.’ She smiled through gritted teeth, trying again to loosen his hold but he seemed oblivious to her discomfort.

‘I can’t pass up having the prettiest girl in the room in my arms, can I?’ He again pulled her hard against him and Rose realised this was futile. She didn’t want to be rude and cause a scene, despite not really wanting to be stuck in this American Thor’s overly muscular arms, she knew a dance was harmless.

He swung her around the floor to a fast-paced jig as soon as the music started, despite her protests to dance, and dragged her heaving and panting back up to him when she tried to escape. Abby was wrapped in the arms of a hefty younger lad with strawberry blond hair and farmer’s rosy cheeks and offered no salvation for poor Rose. Abby was practically nose to nose with him as he was telling her something so obviously interesting, her eyes were locked with his. A sizzle of chemistry between them that signalled Abby would be no help for a while and Rose felt completely out of her depth.

Rose felt uneasy as Matt pulled her into him for the slow smooch song, not that she’d managed to evade his grip even for a minute, but at least a fast-paced song had offered her some space, this song, however, seemed to give him an excuse to haul her against him hard. It felt weird and awkward being held against his torso. When he locked her fingers in his huge bear hand and pulled them to his mouth to nibble, she couldn’t resist the urge to glance around wondering where Rob was. Almost praying for anyone to save her, she squirmed her hand free and tried again to wiggle some room between them to no avail.

Like casting out a safety net and looking to see dry land, she looked out across the room again, praying for a glimpse of Rob to distract her from her fate worse than death. She caught his eye across the room momentarily, unable to read the expression on his face, but he was facing this way, watching the dancers, watching her. His overly slutty, serpent lady, practically humping his leg. She was whispering something in his ear and stroking his cheek with her long red fingernails as he stared blankly at the dancers. He seemed oblivious to the sweet nothings being whispered at him. His eyes focused intently on her.

Rose felt a shiver run up inside her and turned back to concentrate on what Matt was saying loudly into the side of her face. It was so hard to concentrate, aware of eyes burning into her from across the room, aware that he was watching her and that she had no idea of a single thing Matt had said for the last three minutes. She’d been so lost in her own brain and he was now staring at her in a really odd way.

‘What now? Sorry, the music … I didn’t hear?’ She focused back on his face apologetically.

‘I said … What about you let me walk you home after this? I heard you live close by?’ He had a smarmy kind of smile on his face, and his eyes were narrowed lustily. His focus was on her mouth and making it blatantly obvious where his mind was heading. Rose felt her stomach drop from its happy nesting place to the floor and her face went cold as the blood escaped from the closest orifice.

Panic! Cringe!

He wanted to take her home. She knew only too well what that meant.

Shit, shit, shit.

Rose wasn’t one to have random one-night stands, even with hot muscular American romance heroes. Especially not with ones who had a look of a predator about to devour some innocent prey. She was physically beginning to recoil. Even without a stinking crush on another hot man, she still wouldn’t have been inclined to do so.

She began making fumbling excuses about staying with Abby tonight and maybe another time.

Like never!

Rose’s need to be polite was sometimes a curse and wished she had Abby’s blunt ability to tell people to get lost.

She was almost willing the song to end, to give her an excuse to bolt from his overzealous grip to the ladies’ room. He wasn’t buying any of it and holding her a little too close for comfort, his mouth descending, no matter how much she turned and tried to dodge it. The song was incredibly long, and he was taking no form of NO as an answer.

Oh, my God, how the heck was she going to get out of this one?

His grip was like a vice and he had no intention of letting her flee.

‘Can I cut in?’ Like a warm sunrise over a chilly morning that familiar voice came over her, bringing with it the effect it always seemed to have on her. Melting her bones. Rob’s voice stayed her crazy manic panic. He expertly manoeuvred the pair apart, effortlessly shielding Rose behind his body in one swift move. His height and build equalling that of Matt’s. ‘Sorry, mate, we have something to discuss that can’t wait. Business,’ he said smoothly to the other man with a cheeky tone to his voice, a tone that also carried a hint of authority.

Matt shrugged and dived forward planting a kiss on Rose’s cheek before informing her he would be at the bar when she was done. It was obvious he wasn’t going to argue with Rob, but he was still trying to make a claim on Rose. She resisted the urge to wipe her face in revolt. Instead, faking a smile and shuddering inwardly.

Rose almost melted into Rob’s arms with relief as he turned her, pulling her in to dance against him, a lot softer than the Yank had been, a lot more welcoming too. Even though she barely knew him there was something about being in his arms that felt familiar, his presence made her feel safe and at home. No awkwardness or uneasiness, just a sense of belonging. And of course, a rising heat deep down inside her that came from being hot for his body. A complete contrast to how she’d felt with Matt wrapped around her.

Panic dispersed, nerves calmed; the noise drowning into the background with her tipsy mood returned. He was watching Matt walk away across the crowded floor and not meeting her gaze just yet. Giving her time to revel in the closeness; to gaze at his perfect profile and the way his eyes changed tone almost every time his mood did. The smooth curve of his neck down to his wide strong shoulders and the perfect cut of his tailored suit.

As soon as he was satisfied, he turned his attention back to her. Locking her eyes with his and lowering his face towards her so they were close enough to talk over the music; manoeuvring her expertly, slow, and steady. It was obvious this wasn’t his first dance as he took control and made her feel like a Strictly Come Dancing contestant. She had to reel her eyes back in, aware that she should stop looking at him like prize meat before he noticed.

‘Business?’ Her voice sounded so childlike and pathetic, she wanted to slap herself for being so transparent. She needed to reel her faculties back in and not make it so god-damn obvious. The steel-grey eyes locked with her chocolate brown ones intensely and a smile appeared.

‘You don’t miss a trick do you, Pen … Rose.’ He spun her in time with other dancers and pulled her back, taking her breath away, and letting her feel his strength straining under his clothed body. He could pull her around effortlessly, with grace, and ease that made her feel like she was floating on air. His hands, causing a delicious heat where he laid them and the sheer graze of brushing against him had her stomach fluttering. Her lower body warming up with a little too much longing. She’d never met a man who could physically turn her on with the briefest of touches or looks, without even meaning to. He smelled strongly of a delicious designer aftershave and just the closeness to him was like a drug, making her feel giddy and giggly, breathless, and carefree.

‘You looked like you needed rescuing from him. Figured I would be your hero.’ He smiled down at her, sliding her closer as the tempo slowed and he changed the speed of the waltz he was leading her in.

‘Rescuing? Hmmm … I think you were imagining it.’ Rose tried for a playful tone, relaxing into the mood that he was putting her into, and not quite ready to admit just how relieved she was to be rescued from an over amorous footballer.

‘I don’t think so. You looked like a kitten trapped down a well. If I’d left you any longer I reckon you were going to form the foetal position at his feet.’ He smiled, that devastating smile which floored her every time and pushed her away, turning her under his arm and pulling her back in, so that she gently collided with his torso, his arm came up around her back, pulling her in tighter for a second. Her body responded, letting the hard carved muscles of his chest meet her soft curved ones. She could have sworn his heartbeat was as fast as hers, his breathing equally shallow before he released her a little again. Their eyes locked as his darkened and changed again.

‘Is that something you do often? Save damsels in distress.’ Rose smiled up at him, catching his gaze on her face and being mesmerised into locking eyes with him.

‘Only the beautiful ones.’ He winked; his expression somewhere between humour and seriousness and Rose felt her breath hitch a little more.

‘That’s a little unfair. I’m sure plenty of moderately pretty girls could do with a hero intervention at times,’ Rose jibed, trying to cover the way her chest was heaving up and down at a faster rate and her body was beginning to tingle at his proximity.

‘Possibly. Maybe I should reform my ways and stop being so shallow.’ Rob broke into a smile this time, complete humour and Rose couldn’t help the childish giggle that broke loose from her.

‘I’m not complaining; you just told me I was beautiful.’ Rose grinned, her face heating and her blood pumping faster in her veins.

‘There’s no denying that, Miss Turner, have to say I think you could easily be the belle of the ball tonight.’ His eyes darkened, and his tone took on a huskier sexier tone that made Rose unable to formulate a reply, his gaze moved to her mouth, which caused her to part her lips involuntarily. The urge to be kissed by him suddenly springing on her from nowhere and with such an intense force. Her own eyes moved to his mouth longingly. He had the kind of mouth that looked made for kissing. Sensual and perfectly formed.

‘I don’t think your date would like to hear you say that.’ Rose breathed, almost losing her voice completely as he moved alarmingly close to her mouth, her mind obviously disliking his advances and hitting her with reality. He regained control of his senses at her remark, loosening his hold enough to let her relax on her heels and again meeting her eyes, although a little less intensely this time.

‘I daresay she wouldn’t be pleased, but you can’t deny the obvious.’ He winked again and this time when he turned her under his arm, in time to the music and pulled her back, he didn’t bring her as close.

‘You’re such a flirt.’ Rose smiled, although it didn’t reach her eyes; the awareness that his whole demeanour had changed with the mention of his date had her wondering if she was more than just a casual escort. Possibly his girlfriend.

‘You bring it out in us simple men, with your sweet, vulnerable, damsel in distress signals.’ He was back to light humour and a wink and Rose couldn’t help feeling a tinge of emotion that didn’t feel entirely good in the pit of her stomach.

‘Maybe that’s part of my method to reel in unsuspecting men.’ She sounded breathy and was fighting hard to control her voice, she couldn’t break the gaze between them, despite her growing melancholy and her humour was starting to wane.

‘I thought trying to drive your car into them was a better method.’ His voice was husky and equally quiet and this time he pulled her a little closer with a step, bringing her back in line with his mouth. It was as though the music around them had drifted far away, along with all the people and the rest of the room. Neither said anything more. Just silence as they stared at one another and continued to dance. Rose was trying to extract the meaning in his eyes and Rob seemed happy to just watch her there, moving slowly to the music. Transfixed on one another. So much translating between them without any words being uttered.

The applause started around them as the song ended. Breaking the moment and bringing them back to reality. Rob reluctantly stepped away from her to join in; releasing her and smoothing down his jacket.

She felt instantly disappointed and realised that the heat had risen to her face as she caught sight of herself in one of the long floor to ceiling mirrors on the wall. She looked rosy-cheeked, flushed, and wild-eyed – like a lust fuelled animal. Rob was looking a little shaken himself and small glances towards her didn’t go unnoticed by Rose.

Abby appeared beside them as equally rosy-cheeked and announced she was in love before Rob caught her under his arm and warned her of the dangers of telling a big brother that. Rose watched them, feeling amused, out of breath, and strangely affectionate towards the brotherly protectiveness. It was warming her in ways she’d never experienced. Abby’s intrusion giving both of them a chance to cool off and return to the previous mood, and give her a moment to wonder what it had even meant.

Was there an attraction on both sides?

When he released his sister, he caught Rose’s eye again, an unreadable look and a smile just for her. Something in his expression, as he moved towards her, made her think he had something more to say, but that was brought to an abrupt halt when Morag slunk into view and draped herself across his shoulders.

‘I was so lonesome waiting on you, Robbie, baby,’ she slurred huskily as he tried to disentangle her arms from around his neck. It was obvious she’d been hitting the champagne a little too hard and was rather worse for wear. He didn’t look amused and looked at Rose with an almost pained expression; Rose wondered what it was meant to translate.

‘I’m sure there were plenty people keeping you company. I’ve been less than five minutes, Morag.’ His tone was dry, expression deadpan as he was trying to unwrap her and place her arms around her own torso before turning her around to free himself, but she was persistent. Like an eight-armed beast desperate to capture her prey.

‘Take me upstairs, Rob. Please, baby. I need you to take me to bed.’ Her speech was slurring incoherently and her eyes were drooping. She wasn’t so attractive now in this state; all the sex appeal and classy control, sizzling into a hot mess on the floor. He grimaced, casting Rose an apologetic smile and once again tried to untangle her long, slender arms from wrapping around his waist under his jacket. She had a snake-like way of moving her hands into his clothes, trying to get under them. Any longer and she’d be undressing him right there on the floor. Rose felt the jealousy rearing up inside her stomach, causing her to look away and down at the glass she’d been handed by a passing waiter.

‘Sorry, girls, I need to deal with this.’ He threw her and Abby an apologetic soft smile before he turned and scooped Morag up over his shoulder; she let out an excited squeal, and he walked off in the direction of the doorway without another backwards glance. Both Abby and Rose watched them leave, Abby rolling her eyes and returning to her drink and Rose feeling less than merry.

Caveman style exit, right there. Dragging off his woman for some drunken fun, no doubt. He didn’t even flinch at the woman’s weight; just up and off, walking like he was carrying nothing more than a piece of clothing.

Rose felt her insides crumble into a million pieces and her throat restrict at the sight of him dragging his girlfriend off. Confused by what had taken place between them even more now that he was literally dragging his woman off to bed!

Why did it have to be her? Of all people! A born seductress who Rose had no chance of competing with. Why did he have to have a woman at all? One that wasn’t Rose!

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