Muffin was thrilled to see Rose, acting as though they’d been separated for months and throwing his tiny furry self all over her like a rodent in heat. His small pink tongue attacking her hands and face ferociously when she tried to sit down on her bed. She barely had time to rustle up something to eat before she needed to start getting ready and realised her answer machine was flashing with a ton of messages.
Every single one of them was from Abby. Checking in. Sharing excitement. Confirming eight o’clock in the front car park. Describing her final choice of dress and finally wishing her luck. Every call ended with, ‘Don’t need to call me back. I’ll see you there.’ Rose laughed.
She figured Abby was as restless as her and their lack of physical contact today was turning her into a phone stalker. Rose pulled out her mobile, realising it was switched off with a dead battery and threw it on her bed.
Okay, so she had to get herself together.
She had plenty of time to relax and do her hair and makeup, pull out her new dress which had arrived a few days ago. Locals had told her that the dance was very formal, evening gowns and black tie. It was all rather exciting.
She’d chosen a long, pale dress in ivory with layers of puffy chiffon in an over the knee length skirt, giving it an almost fairytale princess feel. It puffed out just enough to look beautiful, but not so much she looked like a cloud. The bodice was fitted and studded with pearls, crystals, and embroidery subtly along the sweetheart neckline in matching ivory. Its straps were wide, forming little cap sleeves but leaving her shoulders bare. When she’d tried it on for the very first time, Abby had gasped in awe. She’d worried it was a little too bride-to-be, but Abby assured her that her tanned skin and dark hair tumbling down from a romantic up-style would make it look perfect. She had shoes in a darker shade with high heels and peep toes, made from a similar satin to the bodice, on her feet that made her long legs look amazing. Matching clutch bag and her newly polished pearl coloured toenails and manicure finished the look.
Abby had helped her practice a few simple updos on her hair, and her makeup was pure nineteen fifties glam tonight. Black-winged eyeliner, subtle blush, and rose coloured almost nude lips, pouting at full capacity. Her hair, although mostly loose curls, was pinned up at the nape of her neck with a small vintage crystal clasp and she’d let small tendrils fall and hang prettily around her face and ears. She looked every bit the princess from a romantic fairy tale. She suited vintage clothes; somehow, they made her look even more beautiful.
Pulling on a cream cashmere coat her mother had given her for her last birthday, she looked like Audrey Hepburn.
She took a few deep breaths, checking the time, and putting both her purse and invitation into her bag. She’d decided to drive to the dance, but Abby had promised her a taxi to return; leaving her free to get merry and dance the night into drunken oblivion. Her stomach was doing a crazy rhumba and churning with nerves by the time she pulled into the long manor road. Other cars were coming and going, lots of hustle and bustle both on the road and in the huge driveway at the doors. Ushers were signalling for cars to park and deposit guests, and others were driving cars off the wide space onto a sectioned off lawn as a makeshift car park.
Fairy lights hung in the surrounding trees and the fountain in the centre had floating candles and lights draped all over. It was magical. A small orchestra was set up at the entrance, welcoming people with soothing music. It was so opulent and classy that it was breathtaking, and she’d not even ventured inside. Rose parked off to the side of the house in the area Abby had described to her, that way her car would be out of the way for an overnight stay and close enough to the house to leave her coat for later.
As soon as she exited her car, Abby was by her side screaming with delight and twirling her around, swarming her with compliments on how beautiful she looked. When she slid her coat off and dropped it into her car seat Abby began wolf whistling and again the spinning and turning while she admired her dress. She was caught up in her enthusiasm and started giggling with excitement.
‘You, my beauty, are going to knock the men’s eyes out tonight.’ Abby giggled and once again twirled Rose under her arm.
Abby was dressed in a long satin gown in gorgeous emerald green. It was slinky and clingy in all the right places and swept the floor as she walked, opening a slit from floor to thigh on her left leg. With a draped neckline revealing her modest cleavage and thin straps on her dainty shoulders. It made the girl’s pale skin and raven hair even more stunning. And she complimented her friend with the same enthusiasm she’d received. It made her look so much older than her nineteen years and it tugged at Rose’s heart a little to see the woman before her. Rob had been accurate with his ‘revealing or outrageous’ prediction; this was certainly revealing, but classy and Abby looked stunning.
‘Talk about me … Look at you, Abs. You are the belle of the ball.’ Rose beamed, looping their arms, and excitedly toddling on heels towards the bustling entranceway.
‘Aww shucks, you make me blush.’ Abby jested and squeezed Rose’s arm a little tighter. ‘All ready for a night of schmoozing and boozing, Miss Turner?’ Abby’s eyes twinkled merrily.
‘Definitely, I need a good night out more than anything.’ Rose was swept up in the excitement now and her nerves were tingling.
As they entered the grand stone stairs past the orchestra Rose could see the green of Abby’s eyes seemed to have darkened to the colour of the dress, and her peachy, almost natural lipstick, made her seem so much more seductive. She couldn’t tell her enough how beautiful she looked and how every young man’s head turned as they walked through the hall into the main ballroom. Unaware the glances were not just for Abby. The air was buzzing with excitement and chatter. Groups of overexcited happy people at every turn, a huge turnout already. Grand chandeliers hung low, illuminating the room with a magical glow, tables set up with crisp linens at one end, and extravagant lily and rose centrepieces. A vast dance floor with glittery lights and floral arrangements dotted all over on stands and a wide sweeping buffet table full of delicious looking hors d’oeuvres. It was the most elegant room she’d ever seen, and she tried to work out how much money could they raise for the charity when spending so much on the decor, music, and food.
There was another orchestra set up in one corner on a stand playing vaguely familiar songs with a classical twist. The entire atmosphere brought goosebumps of excitement to Rose as she explored the food table with Abby, admiring all the delicious morsels on offer. There was everything from seafood, delicious meats, and cold pasta, to bowls of salads with dressing and chicken wings. There were rolled pastries and things on sticks she couldn’t even identify, and, of course, a huge mountain of champagne glasses beside an array of miniature desserts.
Abby nudged her as handsome men in black bow ties and crisp suits walked by, winking at the girls; giggling girls in puffy dresses and tightly pinned hairdos followed with friendly grins. There were more people here than Rose knew even lived in this area and half of them were completely new to her. Rose’s eyes wandered around the room, taking in the people, the beautiful clothes, sparkly accessories, and the elegant setting. She was aware of the way her eyes were searching every dark-haired male face as they jumped from one to the other. No matter how much she told herself to stop it, it was like she had little control and the urge to seek him out carried on regardless.
When her eyes met with a tall, straight back of a tailored black jacket over wide shoulders, a man with cropped black hair and a strong, tanned neck, her stomach fluttered, and her heart skipped a beat. She’d recognise him even from the back and at a distance and that only disturbed her more. Abby was chatting at hyper-speed in her ear and handed her a champagne glass filled with slightly pink bubbly liquid, unaware of her friend’s sudden silence. Rose kept glancing towards his back, unsure how to react.
To avoid? To go over? To pretend she hadn’t seen him?
As she was contemplating what to do, he turned away from the group of people he was with and Rose got to see his face properly. A slight change in her heartbeat. Unable to look away. He was looking out onto the sea of people with a smile on his face, someone was still talking to him and his attention was wherever they were pointing. His handsome face looked even more chiselled in the dim lights and his white shirt, black bow tie, and jacket made him more like James bond than Laird of the manor. He looked so effortlessly at ease. He suited the whole bow tie, dinner jacket set up, and Rose could barely feel her knees anymore. Her breath had caught in her chest and suddenly made her feel lightheaded.
God-damn it.
How could she be so stupid? How could she not realise that every time she reacted to him this way her body was trying to tell her something apparently obvious.
She had a stinking huge crush on him!
Like a hormonal teenager who followed around the high school heartthrob. Suddenly aware of this fact made her feel vulnerable, confused, and emotional all at the same time. Like a light being switched on in a dark room, only to find you’re naked on a stage in front of strangers. Completely shocked at her own discovery and then an inward groan at how incredibly dumb she was. She winced, turning herself to the buffet and trying to reel in the crazy thoughts that were spilling all over her dress and table like a severed artery.
Jesus! What the hell? How could she be so blind?
Abby was lost in conversation with an elderly woman to her side over crab sticks and was oblivious to her friend’s sudden life altering realisation, or the sheer crumpling effect it had had on her posture and state of mind. She glanced back, trying to catch sight of Rob again, just to be sure he did, in fact cause, these fluttering’s, lack of breath, and insane light-headedness. This insane need to beat him around the head anytime he appeared charming and stopped her in her tracks.
That was her mind’s way of highlighting how irresistible he was to her, surely?
Rob was still in the same spot as he had been seconds ago, looking like he was bathed in angelic light. If it was possible to have rainbows indoors, she’d have seen one arcing over him. She was pretty sure she was seeing stars already. Maybe that was just the lack of oxygen as breathing was near impossible at that moment.
He turned slightly and revealed that, latched most purposely to his arm, was a tall, curly-haired redhead, with a supermodel body poured into a figure-hugging cream dress. Slit in all the right places, leaving nothing to the imagination. Morag Spencer; overly sexed museum curator was possessively spilling over Rob!
Rose felt the last of her breath escape her. A sudden thud to the chest and prickling tingles ran the length of her body. Deer in the headlights sprang to mind. Rose dropped her glass of champagne, seemingly removed from the actions of her own limbs and it snapped her back to reality.
Abby cursed and jumped away from the shattering glass as both girls then swept down to start mopping the mess with napkins as fast as possible. Rose felt her bottom lip tremble as her eyes welled up, but they were ushered aside by two waiting staff in uniforms and handed a new glass of champagne. She’d lost control of her faculties in the most juvenile way, aware she was literally losing her calm façade and turning into a bowl of melting jelly.
‘I need to go to the bathroom and clean this.’ She couldn’t look Abby in the eye, afraid the tears would start tumbling, so she kept her gaze fixed on the dampness on her skirt and tried hard to behave normally. Abby took her hand and dragged her off in the direction of the bathroom.
‘Come on, babe, I’ll help.’ Abby smiled warmly, and Rose could do nothing but allow herself to be pulled along. She felt numb and distraught all at the same time.
Rose began panicking as she realised their route took them directly into Rob’s path and as his eyes met hers, his expression changed from a cheery guy at a party to recognition and something else. Something she couldn’t fathom. A moment passing between them as their eyes locked. She was fighting back every single emotion any hormonal woman had ever met, trying to keep a straight face while being dragged by an overzealous slightly tipsy teen. Trying to keep her face blank to get past a guy she’d only just discovered she had a massive longing for.
For the love of God!
Rob reached out and caught hold of her by the waist in a lightning flash move, halting her abruptly. Something he seemed to love doing was putting hands on her. His halting them stopped Abby in her tracks and she almost ripped Rose’s arm off.
‘What happened?’ Rob’s eyes flitted across Rose’s dress, alarmingly close and still holding onto her. She could barely formulate a response.
‘We had a little spill, that’s all.’ Rose tried to sound light and upbeat, but she couldn’t bring her gaze to meet his. Her whole focus was on the hot hand placed across her abdomen through the thin satin material at her waist. No longer bringing fury to her body, but instead making her melt into a puddle and causing an inability to function. She liked it better when she thought his touch irritated her. He had moved close enough that she could feel his breath on her hair and his aftershave surrounded her senses. It was as if the whole room had ceased to exist and they were alone in a little-cocooned bubble.
‘Abby, use one of the en suites upstairs. You know how busy the ladies’ room will be right now.’ His voice was sliding over her like toffee sauce on hot apple pie, she didn’t want to move, speak, or even look up. She heard Abby reply in agreement before his voice turned back to her above her head.
‘You look really beautiful, Rose … Really … Just amazing.’ He almost whispered those words in her ear as her brain realised it was the first time he’d said her real name.
‘Not Penelope?’ Were the only words she could formulate with him this close to her face. Almost brave enough to meet his gaze, she instead lifted her chin high enough to focus on his bow tie.
Aware that now her forehead was almost touching his chin, the closeness sending goosebumps in every direction. It was almost impossible to breathe normally, her hands trembling once again. He really did turn her into a nervous wreck with minimum effort.
‘Not tonight.’ There was something softer in his tone, he sounded breathy and he was seriously affecting her ability to breathe. ‘Tonight, just Rose.’
As though sensing something unjust going on, the tall, slender Morag appeared, pulling at his arm, thus releasing his hand on Rose and pulling him away from her.
‘Rooooobb, baby, come dance with me. I want to be wrapped up in these beefy arms already.’ She crooned in a sickly-sweet baby voice and for a moment Rose thought she saw Rob grimace. It was so fleeting she almost missed it and couldn’t be sure she saw it at all.
A sudden chill where warmth had once been, Rose looked away and then back, catching his eye as he turned her way for a brief glimpse. Something translated between them in that second. His normally light grey eyes were dark and loaded, but she couldn’t fathom the message or the look. Then he was turning and gone, and Abby was pulling her towards the hall; her emotion caught in her throat, threatening to choke her. Looking back at him as she was dragged away by Abby and he was dragged away by Morag, she watched him disappear into the crowd. Taking her heart with him.