I cringed, shaking my head as I read the message. Yes, Jeon Jungkook is my 'boyfriend' but somehow, I still find him uncomfortable yet safe at the same time.
Shaking my head, I tried to get these thoughts out of my mind. These past few days has been a weird experience for me with events that I've never physically encountered started to invade my mind. And I don't know what the hell is happening to me as various questions and thoughts have been on my mind, needing answers. However, no one seemed to have the answers to my questions.
Should I ask the boys?
Shaking my head again. I think that would be not a good idea as of the moment, seeing how the things that have been happening to me seemed to be related towards them. I'm seriously so clueless of what is happening.
I shifted to my comfortable position before putting my phone inside my bag, forgetting the fact that I didn't see the other's messages.
All throughout the class, all I did was yawn and forcefully blink my eyes trying to wake up the entire damn class. And the next moment that I knew was that, Meyah tapped my shoulders saying that classes are over.
Preparing my things, I heard squealings outside the classroom in which I stood up and glanced to see the boys are smiling at the girls.
"What are they doing here?" I muttered under my breath before walking way past the crowd, cheeks flushing in embarassment.
Can't I have at least a day without them?
Walking towards the hallway, someone yanked my arms making me span around and eyes widened to see Jimin.
"Where are you going, babygirl?" He cheekily grinned, holding me in his arms with my hands gripping on both his shoulders. He took a glimpse of my hands before smirking at me with his eyes on mine making my breath hitched. Squealings have even become louder than I expected.
I quickly pulled away from Jimin, and without any expectation, I hiccuped out of nowhere with my heart accelerating so fast. The boys chuckled before they cooed the girls to go in which they undeniably and unbelievably nodded. My hiccups couldn't be controlled as I looked down on my feet in embarrassment, and I could hear the boys chuckled deeply.
"Look at what you did, Jimin." Namjoon giggled. "You made her nervous."
My eyes snapped at him in confusion. What?
"We all know that she gets hiccups whenever she's nervous." Jin smirked.
What the hell? I don't! Since when would I hiccup when I'm nervous?
"Aww! It made our princess nervous?" Jimin cooed, pinching my cheeks. I scoffed in disbelief, eyes protruded out of my eye sockets when he started leaning closer to me before whispering words that sent shivers down to my spine.
"I never thought I had that effect on you, babygirl." With that, he pulled away with a smirk before turning around to approach the guys while I stood there with red chilli cheeks.
"Let's go have lunch together." Jin offered-not like I have a choice right? I just sighed and nodded before something caught my attention.
Where's Jungkook?
Out of all of them, only he is not present here making me frown and feel disappointed. And what is this feeling? I shouldn't be feeling like this. Maybe It's just because he's my supposed boyfriend, right? Nothing else. Maybe my old heart before the accident, yearned for his presence, right? Not like I yearned for him. I must've been that much closed to him before.
...but where is he?
I sighed as I followed the boys before a pair of arms wrapped around my waist, didn't even bother to know who it was. We got in our chairs, me sitting beside Jimin and Yoongi while Jin, Namjoon and Taehyung are across the table. Jin stood up the chair to get us some food.
"Are you alright, Eri-yah?" Taehyung asked. They seemed to be worried as I sat in my seat, uncomfortable, still not used by their presence.
Should I ask them that I wanted to be alone for a moment? I'm going crazy at what is happening the past few days.
I shook my head, lips parted to say something but nothing came out. All I could ever hear was the sound of my heartbeat beating the shit out of my chest like it's ready to rip out. A sigh released from my mouth when Namjoon asked what Taehyung questioned again. This time, with Jin around, I opened my mouth to say something.
"Can I not sleep beside any of you tonight?" I blurted out. Saying the word 'with' seemed to be wrong, so I decided to say 'beside'.
"What?" Namjoon spit out the water Jin gave to him. The boys looked at me with a surprise look and jaw dropped.
Can't I have some alone time for a moment?
"No, you can't." Jin responded bluntly and sternly which caused me to glare at him.
"Can't be alone for once?!" I retorted, crossing my arms. Never have I rebelled to them once since the first day but I've had enough today.
Again, I am not an object.
"Eri..." Yoongi called my name softly. "You do know we are doing this for you, right?"
A groan came out from my throat with my eyebrows knitted, still crossing my arms over my chest. I felt my heart goes heavy by time.
"You do know that we just want to protect you, right?" Yoongi asked, trying to confirm his words with my answer. "If you are still upset about what happened yesterday, although I don't know why you ran from my room, I'm sorry."
Yoongi added with a sad tone in his voice. "If I scared you, I'm sorry."
I glanced at Yoongi and noticed that he seemed sincere with his apology. I don't even know myself what his sin was but I just somehow felt disappointed. Not to him only, but to the entire group. All I ever wanted was to be alone. A girl needs time and space away from everything despite the horror that I experienced last night.
I heard a sigh coming from across me and looked to see Jin.
"Fine." Jin huffed, the boys looked at him in disbelief. "You will be alone tonight. But make sure,"
He pointed at me. "Make sure you will sleep beside the boys tomorrow."
Smile. That was all I could give before the boys nodded in agreement, probably giving up protesting against the idea. I know they wanted to protect me, but just this time, I just need to be alone to sort out these feelings.
Classes finished at 5pm, so I had time to talk to Meyah. She kept on grumbling about how she is excited to meet 'my brother', and about the Grand Party. I completely forgot about that damn party.
I've never met my so-called- brother, or so I think. But I felt some connection between him and I. Is this what they call the siblings bond?
I puffed my cheeks, ready to be out of the library with Meyah before going to my bedroom. As I stumbled my keys to get it in the knob, I felt a sudden vibration from my bag. I opened it and see that someone was calling me.
'Incoming call from Jinnie ❤'