Alex wasn't used to feeling intimidated, but he had to admit that the sight of Camille DeLorme made him nervous. Determined to seize the opportunity, he excused himself from Pierre and headed for the bar where Camille was still in conversation with Philippe.
Philippe, ever attentive, noticed Alex's approach and discreetly stepped aside, leaving Camille alone with her glass of champagne. Camille, aware of this maneuver, glanced questioningly at Philippe before turning to Alex, who had just reached her height.
“Good evening, Mademoiselle DeLorme,” Alex said with a kind smile. “May I offer you a drink?”
Camille stared at him for a moment, analyzing his approach. “You already seem to have a glass in your hand,” she replied, her voice tinged with a hint of defiance.
Alex laughed softly, accepting the teasing gracefully. “You're right. Perhaps I should introduce myself first. My name is Alex, and I'm here thanks to a mutual friend, Pierre.”
“Nice to meet you, Alex,” Camille replied with measured politeness. “Pierre is a good friend. How do you know him?”
“We work in the same industry,” Alex explained, ”although, I admit, I'm nowhere near your level. I'm simply here to discover this world of gala and charity.”
Camille nodded, a slight smile forming on her lips. “So, what do you think of this world so far?”
Alex thought for a moment before answering. “Honestly? It's fascinating and intimidating at the same time. But what interests me most are the stories behind each face. The motivations, the passions...”
Camille was surprised by this answer. She'd expected banal compliments or flattery, but Alex seemed genuinely curious and sincere. This piqued her interest.
“You're different from the other guests,” she remarked. “Most people here are only interested in appearances and business.”
“Maybe,” Alex admitted, ”but I think everyone has an interesting story to tell, even those who seem the most ordinary. For example, you must have passions and motivations that go beyond business, right?”
Camille took a sip of champagne, pondering the question. “It's possible. But in this world, it's sometimes easier to hide your true motivations behind a mask.”
“Masks can be useful, but they don't show who we really are,” Alex replied softly. “Maybe one day, you'll be able to lower yours.”
There was a moment of silence, during which Camille looked at him intensely. She didn't know why, but this man, with his frank approach and disarming sincerity, touched her in an unexpected way.
“Perhaps,” she said finally, an enigmatic smile on her lips. “But for now, I'm curious to know more about you, Alex. What are you passionate about?”
Alex smiled, recognizing the opening Camille was offering. “I'm passionate about innovation and technology. I've always wanted to create something that could really help people, improve their lives in a meaningful way. That's why I work in the IT sector.”
Camille nodded, finding this passion admirable. “That's a great ambition. A lot of people here could learn from you.”
The conversation continued, Alex sharing more about his aspirations and Camille, for the first time in a long time, finding pleasure in chatting with someone without ulterior motives. As the minutes passed, she realized that this man had awakened something in her, an interest she hadn't felt in a long time.
As the evening wore on, Camille and Alex continued their conversation, almost ignoring the rest of the gala. Their meeting, albeit brief, marked the beginning of a connection that would turn their lives upside down.
As the evening progressed, the grand ballroom of the Ritz was now full of vibrant energy. Guests were dancing, laughing and enjoying the sumptuous ambience. Camille, who usually found these events interminable, found herself enjoying Alex's company. Their conversation had taken an unexpected turn, oscillating between light-hearted topics and deeper exchanges.
As Alex finished an amusing anecdote about one of her first projects, Camille laughed sincerely, attracting the attention of some of the guests around them. It was a rarity to see the cold heiress laugh like this, and several people noticed.
“You have a talent for storytelling, Alex,” Camille said, catching her breath after laughing.
“Thank you,” Alex replied, her eyes shining with satisfaction. “But I must say, it's your company that makes the conversation so enjoyable.”
Camille blushed slightly, a rare feeling for her. This disarming sincerity touched her deeply. But before she could reply, Philippe reappeared beside them, an enigmatic smile on his face.
“Camille, excuse me for interrupting, but I just wanted to make sure everything was okay.”
Camille gave him a grateful look. “Everything's fine, Philippe. I was just getting to know Alex.”
Philippe nodded. “It's a pleasure to see you so well looked after. Alex, I hope you're enjoying your evening.”
“Absolutely,” Alex replied with a smile. “Thank you for introducing me to Camille.”
Philippe nodded and walked away again, leaving Alex and Camille to resume their conversation.
“He's very protective of you,” Alex remarked.
“Philippe is more than an advisor,” Camille explained. “He's been a family friend for many years. He always makes sure I'm well looked after.”
“He seems to do his job well,” Alex said, laughing softly. “So, what are you passionate about, Camille? You've asked me what I'm passionate about, but I haven't had a chance to return the question yet.”
Camille hesitated for a moment. “It's a complex question. Business has always been a big part of my life, but there's something else... I've always had a passion for art. Painting, especially. I love visiting galleries and discovering new artists.”
“Really?” marveled Alex, ”Do you have a personal collection?”
“Yes,” admitted Camille, her face lighting up slightly. “I have a few pieces at home. They bring me a certain peace in this hectic world.”
“I'd love to see that someday,” Alex said spontaneously before realizing the audacity of her proposal. “That is, if you don't mind.”
Camille was surprised by his frankness, but far from being upset, she felt a pleasant warmth invade her heart. “Perhaps it could be arranged,” she replied, a smile playing on her lips.
Before the conversation could go any further, a waiter approached with a tray of hors d'oeuvres. Camille seized the opportunity to slip away for a moment, leaving Alex alone with his thoughts. She needed to catch her breath, to understand what had just happened. This man had broken through her defenses with disconcerting ease.
As she moved away to a private terrace for some fresh air, she felt Alex's gaze follow her every step. She knew that something significant had just happened. Something that could change the trajectory of her life.
Alex stayed inside and watched Camille walk away, his heart beating faster than he thought possible. He promised himself he wouldn't let this encounter be a fleeting moment. He knew he had to see her again, to continue this unfinished conversation, and perhaps discover what really lay behind this façade of coldness and mystery.