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Alicia heard screeching sounds of halting tires, assuming it was Leonel, she dashed forth hurriedly towards the door, flinging it open.

“Good evening sir” Alicia greeted, a disappointed look waving accross her face, at the sight of Ismael.

Ismael at once, understood the cause of Alicia's downcast expression, feeling a surg of pity for her, who had been left aside by Leonel, he walked in with no expressions, not ready to interfere in anothers issues.

“Set my meal on the table” Ismael said, walking up to his room.

He threw himself upon his bed, on getting in, tired from the days work, he set to rest, pulling off his clothing once he found the strength. Grunting at the sound of his grumbling stomach, Ismael rose off his bed, decided against his wish for sleep, he placed on a short and shirt, walking down to the dinning room, once he was done.

Pulling out a chair, Ismael got seated right before his already laid out meal, digging in, he moaned out, taking his first bite “This does taste good” he said to Leonel, who was seated accross him, engrossed at whatever he was doing.

Leonel nodded his head in affirmation, his legs crossed, seated before his dinning table, he sat awaiting his serve.

Alicia soon gaited in, placing Leonel's and Alex's meal before them.

“Get me water” Leonel requested, picking up a piece of cutlery, flashing not even a look towards Alicia.

Ismael stared at Leonel's action towards Alicia, guessing how the lady must have felt from her expression, he sighed, pulling down his gaze to his meal, restraining himself from any sort of eye contact with Leo, noticeably avoiding him for a while, prior to there previous conflict, he wished there contacts or conversations, as limited as it could be.

Placing on an earpode on, Ismael increased the tempo of his music, laying his back unto the chair he sat upon for relieve, as he shut close his eyes.

Unconscious of his environment, lost in the rhythm of his song, Ismael felt a tap on his shoulder, jolting him back to senses, his sight welcoming in an image of Leonels, sent a string of fright flying accross, through his heart. Looking up, was Leo faced directly at him, his eyes fixed upon him, Ismael could feel his body stiffen, his grip tightening upon the chairs arm, he could swear to hearing the sound of his own heart beat.

“What's brings you here?“ Ismael managed to stutter, while dressing his posture.

Evident already, his voice had given out the fear he felt inside, his posture being taken care off, acclaimed Leonel's already built suspicion of his fear of him.

“The masked ball's tonight” Leonel said to him, staring down. Moving away a little from Ismael's face, he turned, walking further away from Ismael, sipping water from the cup he held “ I was asked to inform you about it, and “ Leo said, pausing for a breif moment, while he turned facing Ismael “Are you in anyway avoiding me?“

Staturing in denial, Ismael stood in protest, sitting back down as Leonel walked out, refusing any sort of argument. Staring at Leo as he walked off, Ismael dragged down his shorts a little, making space for his erecting cock, as his eyes sat fixed, on Leonel's bouncing booty.

“His got an awesome butt” Ismael mumbled, still staring.

Halting in his tracks to pick his things, Leonel caught hold of Alicia's stare, her eyes fixed in him, he could see the longing, one he ignored, continuing on his tracks.

“Hey” Alex waved at Ismael, breaking his sight and thought at same time.

Flashing him a smile in response, Alex felt his his heart falter, he was definitely smitten by Ismael, although all he felt, he assumed to be of sex relation.

“Would you be going for the ball tonight?“ Ismael questioned Alex, standing off the table, moving towards the lounge.

“Definitely” Alex responded gulping in, his sight fixed at Ismael protruding cock, his lips hungered for a taste.

Watching Ismael move his lips at every bite he took off his fruit, gave him an exciting pleasure, with wishes for more than just staring.

Taking the last bite, Ismael stood, throwing off its waste to the bin, walking closer to Alexander, he placed a kiss on his lips “next time, simply ask” Ismael said walking off, leaving the blushing Alex, who followed behind him.

Leonel had firm grips, his hand clenching unto the rails before him, a string of jealousy or that of possessive will, swaved through his veins, watching Ismael retire to his room, with Alexander following suite, he wished for not a reason he could think of, that he would replace Alexander, at that very moment.

Walking through, Leonel proceeded towards Ismaels compartment, with no definite reason in mind, but one leveled as an excuse, if need be.

Leonel getting to Ismael's door, halted to the sound of kisses, pushing open the door slowly, his eyes rested upon his suspected make out moments.

There lips entangled, squashed against each other, there tongues seemed wiggling in a slow frenzy, fighting for dominance. Alex towered over Ismael, Ismaels finger deep into the back of his shorts, there bodies frictioned in unisome.

Leonel steeped back seeing all that, slightly closing back the door, he heavily knocked on it, forcing the two apart.

“Could we talk for a while?“ Leonel requested of Ismael, standing before the slightly opened door.

“You could come in” Ismael said, whipping off his lips, with the back of his palm.

Ismael sat on his bed, while Alexander moved onto the sofa seated near by.

“could you excuse us for a moment?“ Leo requested of Alex, the first he had ever done, than his previous demands.

Though reluctant, Alexander left in obedience to his boss, trusting his judgment he stayed right behind the door, eavesdropping on the two.

With Alexander out the door, Leonel stepped forward, walking towards Ismael, he sat right beside him.

Not sure of it being lust, love or the passion to posses, Leo knew the moment he drew closer to Ismael, that he felt something for him. From the scent of his body, to the heat he emitted, and the posture at which he sat, there it was, the pleasure he seeked, clutching unto him, possessing his being.

Ismael's presence alone had stared up emotions in Leo, the desire to ravish him had grown strong, Leo wondered, what it would feel like once again, if he should witness at a close range of Ismael's naked body.

“You wished to say something?” Ismael queried, drawing Leo out of his thoughts.

“I wish to offer a hand of friendship” Leonel spoke, his heart sure, his soul wanted something more.

“Aren't we already that?” Ismael questioned, his eyes focused on his phone, never wandering towards Leo.

“Yet you vividly avoid me?“ Leo asked, his faced moved closer towards Ismael “trying at every instance to evade my presence” Leo stated, his voice raised a little, gaining Ismaels attention. “Be mine” Leonel said, drawing closer towards Ismael, taking hold of his hands.

“You would have to leave” Ismael said to Leo, pulling off his hands.

Leonel felt his senses being drawn back, standing up immediately, he apologised, walking out with no look behind him.

Alexander walked right in immediately Leonel had left, he wished to ask what had happened but went silent at Ismael's lips being smashed against his.

“I want you now” Ismael said, pressing him against the wall, drawing off the belt which held Alexander's clothing.

Moaning in response, Alexander felt Ismael's cock sink into his walls at his twirl around, he knew not what Leonel had done to Ismael but whatever it was, made him greatful for the pleasure he laid receiving.

Leo stormed into his room, his breath heavy, he felt his cocks erection, not yet a touch but he felt addicted. Dashing into his washroom, Leonel yanked out his hard cock, pulling down his clothings, he lubed his cock, rubbing down its legnth as he walked it off, his thoughts occupied by soft feeling of Ismael's skin. Leonel quivered, grunting loudly as he poured out his spunk to the ground, his placed upon the wall, he bowed his head, looking upon the mess he had made, as his heart raced, calming down from the pressure Leonel had embarked upon. One thing Leonel had become pretty sure off, as he emerged forth from his room, was his desire to have Ismael to himself, a desire he was certain to fufil.

Dressed up for the night's event, the three men stepped out in there clothings, walking down before the exit.

Putting on tight clothings, Ismael looked perfect on his decent to the lounge, his physic were vivid, showing forth every ounce of sexisness he had on.Leonel stared at the beautiful figure before him, astonished by Ismaels aesthetic presence, Leonel had a broad smile on his lips, one which vanished at Alex's entrance, leading him towards clenching his fist on seeing Alex, his step signified the occurance of an incident, Leo had never wished it occurance, infuriated him more.

With Leonel leading the way, the left tagging behind, he was one acquainted with wherever the were off too. Driving behind him, Ismael followed what ever path Leonel passed through, till the got to there proposed destination.

Highlighting from there vehicle, Leonel walked directly to the bar which stood beside the dancing paloure, ordering drinks, while Alexander found his path to the dancing floor. Leonel sat, gulping down enough amount of liquor, sure he wasn't going to get drunk, being he had a high tolerance for such and an aspiration he was yet to archive.

Ismael found a sitting spot, a little bit away from the noise, he wasn't much of a social type, referring from parties, where more of what he did.

“Not much of a party person?“ A voice said to Ismael, sitting beside him.

“That's right” Ismael responded, raising his eyes off his phone, he beheld the brown skinned man, who had taking a seat beside him.

“I'm Andre Carios” he uttered, offering a handshake.

Ismael recieved his handshake, giving his name too, as a response to his. both male soon began chatting, moving towards the dancing paloure, once the felt the had enough.

A little while into there dancing, Ismael sighted a drunk acting Leo, staggering as he fell to the ground, a little close by Ismael.

“Sorry, I would be leaving now” Ismael said to Andre, rushing off towards Leo, he drew him up the floor, placing his hands upon his shoulders, walked him out of the premises, towards the vehicle.

Ismael tried contacting Alex, proving futile and tired of waiting, he sent Alex a text of there exit, placing Leonel into his car, as he drove them back to there residence, sure Alex would make his way back using that of Leo's.

Ismael walked into Leo's room, staggering over the weight laid on him, he dumped Leo unto the bed, taking a sit, to relieve himself of the stress Leonel had weighed upon him.

“Could you please undress me?“ Leonel mumbled, a sly smile spread accross his lips, he was halfway through his proposed plan.

Ismael felt reluctant knowing the possibilities of things taking a different turn, but believing his previous sex with Alex had taken off the days pleasure, he went on helping Leo.

Pulling off Leo's shoes, Ishmael drew down his trousers, asking Leonel to rise, as he unbuttoned his shirt.

Leonel sure it was time, raised up himself, his lips meeting that of Ismael who was about pulling of his shirt. Grabbing unto Ismael, Leonel pulled him onto the the bed, turning him over, he towered over him, deepening the kiss, as he unbuttoned Ismaels shirt.

“Leo don't ” Ismael demanded, Pushing Leo off himself, as he walked towards the door, with thoughts of leaving.

Not ready to let him go, Leonel jumped off the bed, grabbing unto his wrist, turning him towards himself, he smashed Ismael against the wall “I want you” Leo said in whispers to Ismael, his breath heavy, Ismael could feel the lust in his voice. “I need you” Leo said, a darker shade in his eyes, Leo's voice seemed cracking, like that of someone about to weep.

Ismael felt Leo's cock pressed against his, as Leo sniffed in his scent, he heard him let out a breath, its warmt grazing his skin, plumating his resolutions to the ground. Still feeling reluctant, Ismael pushed Leonel off, his hands grabbing unto the doors handle, he set to leave.

“Ismael” Leonel called out once more “Please don't leave ” he pleaded, his eyes fixed upon the halted Ismael.

Ismael saw the glassy tears on his eyes, his only restrain being his wish not to be a fling of Leo's, he still felt reluctant but yet defeated by Leonels pleading state.

Ismael shutted back the door, moving backwards towards Leo, pushing him unto the bed, he crawled upon him, towering over him.

“Why do you act this way?“ Ismael questioned, his mind wondering if this was Leonel's ploy to get him.

“I do not know” Leo responded “This too seem alien to me” Leo stated, staring directly at Ismael's eyeballs “ Never have I wanted someone so badly ” Leonel said, bitting down his last strain of restrain.

Seeing his cravings, the hunger which sat vividly upon his eyes, Ismael bent down, planting a kiss on Leo's lips, an allowance Leo needed.

Within a seconds split, Leo swayed Ismael underneath himself, swiftly pulling off his clothing, until the were both naked.

Leo halted for a moment, admiring the tender skin he had always wanted and presently felt. He sat, planting kisses on all parts of Ismaels skin, turning on Ismaels lusty desires to a high frequency.

Halting once more “You should plead” Leonel said to Ismael, placing a kiss upp his neck, observing he had gotten Ismael aroused to an extent.

Noticing Leonel's dominant aura, Ismael felt lost, he wondered what had suddenly taken place, but long gone, he knew he couldn't relent from pleading.

“I want you” Ismael said, repeating Leo's own words.

“I said Plead” Leonel commanded, bearing a much deeper voice, sending sparks of pleasure down Ismael's spine.

“ I need you” Ismael said, sure it would suffice.

“Not convincing enough” Leonel indicated, placing a wet lip kiss on Ismaels neck region, marking him, as he carresed Ismael's entrance with the tip of his fingers.

Ismael felt tears gather in his eyes, he was at the brink of shedding them “please” he pleaded, his voice cracking as those words broke through.

Saying no more words, he felt Leo leave, making his thirst for him grow. Thinking he had left, Ismael tried to stand, a hand pushing him back down, he felt Leo's tongue touch his entrance, a moan sound escaping his lips, as the both made contact.

Slowly Ismael felt Leo's cock plung into his hungry hole, a mixture of pleasure and pain shoiting through him,as he wailed, screaming as he dug deep his nails into Leo's back. At every thrust Ismael felt more pleasure, pulsating at the mixture of the heat, screams and moans, he felt his walls being filled with Leonel's seeds, with no withdrawal till the third, groaning as there body frictioned, Leonel spilt his last seed upon Ismaels back, falling upon him, his breath slowly decreased, till it ran its normal pace.

Ismael felt torn inbetween as Leonel withdrew his cock, he had never thought, such pleasure in pain could be that Alluring.

Being carried up by Leonel, Ismael realised he had spilled his seed too, unknown to him when, for the pleasure he had ecieved felt much explosive.

Leo washed his skin, laying down with him, he covered them up as the both slept or so he thought of the sad Ismael, who thought he had been broken in by one who would never look his way again.

Waking the next morning, Leo met no one beside him, Ismael had left so early, bearing a shame which never really was.

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