Ismael grumbled the next morning, waking up to a banging head, his eyes blurry for seconds,he could feel his senses intact, with a little bit of consciousness.
“Where am I?” Ismeal asked, staring at the man who stood before him, while sitting up from where he laid.
Ismael hands straddled upon his forehead with no recollection of what had happened the night before, his body grown weak, he wished he hadn't awoken yet.
“At a club house ” the man replied, handing in a piece of paper, which seemed from his expression, was definitely given by Leonel his boss.
Ismael opened the note reading its contents, flinging it to the floor once he felt he was done“He left already?“ Ismael asked, referring to Leonel, standing up, as he made his way into the washroom, putting on nothing.
“A meeting before noon, he said he has to attend, one he believes your attendance is also of importance”the young looking man responded to Ismael, stepping close to the washroom doors for easy audience.
Ismael felt his recollections rushing back, as he tried to think, memories of the previous night's events, to the point right before his consciousness was lost, remembering also the important things he still had to attend too, a reasoning, which instantly threw him, into a panic state within second.
A proposed deal which he had forgotten and fragmented memory pieces of a lusty night, which he definetly couldn't fathom the end, that seemed too heavy of a brain load to bear.
“What says time?“ Ismael asked, Steeping out of the washroom, agreeing with himself, to forget the past night and move for the future.
“Two hours before noon” the man responded handing Ismael, his clothing, while he walked out wearing a piece of towel.
Ismael briskly placed on his clothes when done cleaning up, although trying to keep it at bay, for his rush to go unnoticed by the male standing right beside him, he needed not his agitations pronounced.
“Plans to drive you home, are already made” the man said to Ismael, leading him out of the room, towards a black coloured car, parked right behind the club house.
opening up the back seat's door, Ismael stepped in, closing it afterwards, hurrying into the drivers seat, the man sat, starting up the car's engine.
“What's the address?“ The man questioned, waiting to cue in Ismael's location.
“Elion Street, Ricardo mansion” Ismael responded, laying his back onto the comfy seat, he shut his eyes, bringing a little relief to his troubled brains.
Ismael felt the car jerk back and move, a breath unintentionally hitched, he allowed it free.
“whats your name?“ Ismael questioned the man who drove the car.
“I do not think it would bear any importance to you, sir” the man responded, trying his very best in upholding his work's code of conduct.
Ismael seemed not to go well with what he had replied, a slim fitted man, with a much handsome face, an upheld courtesy, and a nice scenting body, wasn't someone he was willing to let go just like that, not minding he wasn't up to his social standards, one quality which Ismael had no care about.
“I insist, don't think I would be telling on your boss” Ismael assured, kindly awaiting the young man's response.
“Alexander Colson, is the name sir” he responded to Ismael reluctantly, squinting his eyes a little in regret, not sure his decision was the right one to make.
Ismael said nothing more, while Alexander drove forward, towards his destination, a little nod was what he only did give, with a smile, an outcome of his gladened heart , due to his answered question.
Alexander getting to the Ricardo mansion, pressed upon the cars Horning button, honking on its gates, waiting on a response, while he awoke the sleeping Ismael.
“Thanks Alex” Ismael said to Alexander, highlighting from the vehicle being dropped off at his door's entrance.
Banging the door close, Ismael gave Alexander a wave, while watching him drive off, Ismael felt a twirl inward watching Alexander get his first two buttons undone, while he off, waking up some dirty desires within him, inwardly Ismael had wished he had gotten his digits.
“And where might you be coming from?“ Ismaels father questioned, with anger vivid in his voice, watching Ismael walk in.
“Where wouldn't bring shame to your name” Ismael responded, taking his flight, up stairs into his room, with no wishes to banter words with his Dad at that very moment.
He could hear his father's voice thunder below him, speaking words of how much of a disappointment Ismael was to him, words Ismael found unaffected by.
Ismael placed his tie onto his neck, the last of his clothing he had to put on, lifting his file jacket, which contained documents consigning his next destination, he dashed out of his room, briskly walking to his car, conscious of his fathers prying eyes, laying presently on him, he drove off, bearing no worries of what thoughts were running through his father's mind.
Few minutes drive to his destination, Ismael halted his car, pushing open the drivers door, once he had switched off his vehicle's engine, walking in, he realised, he still had few minutes to spare, and seeing the unruly, scanty situation around him, he guessed he still had much time ahead of him.
“Good morning sir, how may I be of help?” the receptionist standing behind the desk questioned, placing her focus on something other than Ismael, who stood before her.
Feeling a wave of annoyance pass through him, reasons being the lady's nonchalant attitude towards him, Ismael tried restraining himself from causing any damages, his anger calming down at every deep breath he took. The lady finally showing interest in responding to Ismael's presence and enquiry of his way towards his destination, spoke in a demeaning manner towards him.
Ismael scrolled through himself, making quite sure he had not dents upon him, seeing non, he glared upon the lady, his hands folded to a fist, he sent words of warning towards her, sending a little quiver up the lady's spine. Smiling, Ismael laid off his annoyance causes by bad reception, setting his foot on its part, advancing towards the elevator, Ismael pressed upon its button, awaited its opening as he stood by.
Hearing the sound of a noisome rush behind him, Ismael Swaved backwards trying to see what it was all about. Listening closely to little talks of a certain dignitaries approach to the building, baffled him at what importance such a man could bear to cause such a ruckus.
“His the most spurt after bachelor, hopes he looks my way” Ismael heard a lady speak, scoffing to her words, he was sure such a person, wouldn't dare look her way, with exceptions being for pleasurable needs.
Ismael groaned, impatiently wondering what seemed to withhold the elevators door, as it seemed not to open for a while.
Being indulged by sounds of scampering feels once more, Ismael walked towards the next elevator, pushing in its buttons, trying to escape the noisy environment. Felling odd by the sudden silence which swept accross, Ismael turned backwards once more, reasoning the arrival of the expected guest.
Advancing towards him, was one who seemed in control of power, dominance emanating from his presence, with a focused concentration, the man matched forward towards Ismael, being followed suite by people Ismael assumed bore importance too. His eyes suddenly widened to the figure which kept approaching towards him, Ismael felt a rush of tension within him, realising who it was, matching towards him.
In a hysterical frenzy, Ismael repulsively pressed upon the elevators button, rushing into its doors at its open swing. Ismael pushed in the button of his destination once in, trying so hard to evade Leonel's company, therefore avoiding any embarrassing moments, he momentarily prayed for doors to shut close before Leonel could make it in.
The doors slowly closing, Ismael let out a relieving breath of an answered prayer, with the feeling of a heavy burden lifted. His breath suddenly seizing, Ismael watched his hope fade in seconds as the elevators door slowly departed, with hands stopping its closure at just the wrong moment for Ismael. Ismael felt his heart race uncontrollably at the sight of Leonel being revealed, standing beside him was Alexander, who had seemed to be the one to halt the elevator doors.
“Good morning” Leonel greeted walking in, being followed suite by Alexander, the both stood before Ismael.
Ismael stood still, frozen behind both males, feeling uneasy, he managed to stutter a greeting back, retreating to silence artworks, with not as much as a word escaping his lips. Leonel has a smirk on his lips noticing Ismael's uneasiness, never did he imagine Ismael to be one who could be bothered by something so passive.
Ismael loosing a little bit of his shame, with a spark of courage, thought to himself, how unflinged Leonel would be, definitely seeing there previous night's encounter as nothing much of a fling. Highlighting from the elevator, Ismael walked out behind Leonel, head held high as one who's burden had been thrown out, finding new courage in himself. Leonel ignored Ismael's present reaction, sure his newly found courage was soon to plumate to the floor, leaving him desolate, his observation still kin towards Ismael, Leonel sat faced opposit Ismael, staring at him I'm a manber not easily noticeable.
Stepping in moments later, was the governor's representative “Apologies young men, for the late entrance ” he apologised, indicating, he was the one honouring the meeting in place of the state's governor.
Giving out there presentation, Ismael vividly could notice Leonel gaze upon him, his words fading, he seemed to catch on to it before it's death, causing Leonels unending smile, same which did come forth at Ismael's attempt to evade his look during his own presentation, his will it took not to mess up his own presentation.
Handing in the proposed contract papers done with each presentation, each company's representative, familiarised with what the had been giving, carefully studying the clause of the contract, placing there signatures on the papers the held, once done going through it.
Ismael too took to the contract papers, carefully studying through it, stumbling soon upon a confusing phrase, stating a conjoined living, a phrase his consciousness let go, seeing it as nothing which could be of bother, Ismael picked up his pen, placing his signatures on the on them, much to Leonel's suprise, who had thought he would issue a disagreement to contract, seeing he was the one to live with him for a while.
Merging both companies for construction purposes, Ismael and Leonel offered each other a handshake welcoming each on board, leaving Leonel withholding his laughter, from Ismael's frantic behaviour.
Picking up his documented files,Ismael walked off immediately, being not one to socialize, getting aimlessly familiar and trying so hard to escape an encounter with Leonel once more. He himself knew not why he was acting in such a manner, but his care wasn't understanding but leaving at that very moment. Leonel noticing Ismael's immediate exit, followed suit, walking briskly behind trying to catch up to him.
Rushing into the elevator, noticing a following footstep, Ismael tried getting the elevator doors, shut as soon as he entered. Walking in right before the door could get shut was Leonel, who had entered at the nick of time, a smile still up on his lips.
“Nice try evading me“ Leonel said, while staring directly at Ismael
“I do not indulg in such” Ismael replied, lying through his teeth “what am I a kid?“ He asked, letting out a nervous laughter
Leonel chuckled, watching Ismael act out his courageous self, he couldn't imagine how much of a pretence one could be in.
“Are you certain of this?“ Leonel asked, advancing towards Ismael.
Retreating backwards at every step Leonel drew forward, Ismael felt his back meet the elevators walls “Do not step an inch futher” Ismael ordered, hoping Leonel would halt in his tracks.
Defiant to Ismaels words, Leonel moved closer, soon hovering over, the trembling Ismael. Ismael shutted close his eyes, seeing Leonel upon him, he felt his heart race, at the warm breath of his preditor, Leonel's hands soon caressing his face, his body quivering, Ismael hitched his breath, feeling his body dissolve upon the graze of hus skin.
“look how bad I affect you, yet you claim not bear wishes of rejectino my audience with you” Leonel slowly whispered brushing his lips on Ismael. “Don't you crave for me any longer” he questioned, staring deep into Ismael's opened eyes his hands raising up his chin, intimacy could be felt.
Ismael felt flustered, his face showing hints of red in likes of one who felt I'll, making up words to deny Leonel's claims, Ismael sto seized his tongue, at the elevators door being shut open.
“farewell” Leonel bade, flashing Ismael a wink, before walking away “would be meeting you soon” he said, with his back turned towards Ismael while he walked off.
Ismaels followed suit, not quite grasping what Leonel meant, he decided to ignore, walking a different part from that of Leonels, he entered his car driving off. His reasoning moving back, Ismael grew questions in his mind, while he hungered for answers to questioned which laid in his mind.
Walking into his home, Ismael met his family having there lunch, one practice he never adhered too.
“Son, come have your lunch” Ismaels dad requested, with knowledge of Ismaels lack of interest to such gestures or family norms.
“Not interested” Ismael said, waking our “ but could I just ask few questions, for knowledge sake” Ismael asked turning back.
“speak” Ismeal's father demanded, indulging Ismael to speak up.
“The phrase co-joined living, what does that Entail?“ Ismael asked, with wishes of getting his mind at peace.
“Prior to the governors wish, you would be living with a person, a match made by two similar production companies” Ismaels dad answered, his focus not broken from the meal he seemed to be enjoying.
Ismael placed his fathers words before, calculating what it meant, linking it to what was said with that of Leonel's eords, he realised who it was, who he was going to be with.
“No I cant” Ismael responded to his dad “he makes my skin shrivel” Ismael said, referring to Leonel Fernando.
“Not a choice at your liberty, your signatures lay on the contracts papers presently” his dad responded, having finished his meal, he stood up.
Ismael followed suit, to say more words against what had already been decided.
“Not a word more” his father commanded, sealing Ismael's words in his lips “this discussion is over as it is” his father said, moving towards the lounge. “Your flights by noon tomorrow” his father added “the governor wishes a quick kick off, of the different projects ” his father informed, as he sat on a sofa.
Ishmael feeling deceived by his dad's lack of information on there made deal, stormed towards his room, bashing close the door at his entrance. Being seated on his bed, Ismael plunged his hands into his hair, annoyed and reluctant to obey, his wish to end what he started, but the thought of his dreams, being left unfinished, his bound to accept it became.
Getting a break from his annoyed state, Ismael felt the irritation of his skin as well as the grumbling of his stomach. Sure of what he needed, he walked into the washroom, drawing a bath, after which he made a call for his meal, for his breath seemed to be drawing faintly, as his body quivered in hunger.