After this embarrassing episode, I stayed locked in the toilet, regretting what I had just done
Thin! Thin! Minceee!
But what possessed me to do this at Tamite , ay Kya? What could have gone through my head ?
Yes I have feelings for him but I tried to repress them as best I could but in vain, they are still present , why me, why is this happening to me, and why did I have to fall in love? from him ??
And what will he think of me ?
He's been knocking on the door for a while now, but I refuse to talk to him, I'm so ashamed of myself. What explanation to give him?
surprised wesh?ha it was to see your reaction ! Nononnoooo it does n't make sense
Or when it came to me like that ..
Or the truth ? _ Shiiiiiiii
Not the truth I refuse to destroy our friendship , I will apologize After
It will be difficult to be credible but he will understand
We always hear it at the door
Karim: fat! but talk to me steuup what's wrong with you?
Karim: Kya, Kya Knock Knock Kya? Kya please open we talk about it, we have to talk
Kyaa stop your childishness too
I do n't answer
A moment later I couldn't hear it anymore
And then I was dropped to the ground
Cry ...
Why is this happening to me
And yet he takes me like his own sister sniff
Why can't he look at me differently? Doesn't he find me beautiful?
Around 4 p.m. I hear the maid call me, no, it was more like my mother
But what is she doing here at this hour?
She: Honey , are you okay? Why did you lock yourself in the shower?
Me: uh I'm coming I'm leaving..
if Karim was still there ?
No he can't be there , usually he avoids my parents especially my mother and yet my Mum has no problems , just sometimes very protective
At first he didn't like her but now she's trying hard for me?
I open the door very slowly so as not to make a lot of noise and look from left to right to see if the other one is still in my room .
Fortunately I don't see any karim around, ah I blow an alhamdoulilah
Anyway , there was a tiny chance that he was there , since my mother does not tolerate my friends entering my room, let alone a guy.
Hey, I guess it's me alone who has a mother like that. duma may dara mom
I leave the room and I see her sitting in the dining room and I have the impression that she is waiting for me to eat, it is surely the servant who told her. I hope she won't notice that I cried
me: hi man
Her: Honey , how are you ?
euuuhh why you come home so early , you usually take a long time to come home
Her: I came to spend some time with you, in the last few days we barely talk to each other
Me: ahh ok
Her: and also don't I have the right to go home
Me: hann I didn't say that deh iyo
She: tell me why have you been staring at me for a while now? go look at me
Damn I knew she was going to notice , but I would tell her it 's probably the lack of sleep that's why they're red
I slowly raise my head
Her: Why are you crying? Tell everything to mom
Me: uh no what are you saying, it's just that I didn't sleep well that my eyes are like that but I didn't cry
Her: are you finished?
What me ?
Her: Are you hiding things from me now? I thought I was your confidante ?
Me: ayy Ma yes
Her: so why are you lying to me like this?
Me: but..
Her: but nothing, I know you cried so talk to your mother
Her: and even Mounass heard you cry so talk to me
I understand now, it was probably the servant who asked him to come home that I was not well, shiiii that the tamite
Her: Am I listening to you? Did you argue with your friend?
Me:??whattt but how does she know?
Her: yes , you were surely surprised ! I know that Karim was there
oops i was thinking out loud
Me: we just got confused do n't worry
Her: tell me what he could have done to you to make you start crying like that ?
Me: but no what are you talking about
Her: stop defending her , I 'm sure that he did something to you and he will regret it
Me: Man , listen to me, he didn't do anything to me, I did it embrace
She: ???
Her: what are you stupid? I thought he was your best friend?
And since when do you kiss your best friend? Did I bring you up like that ? You're crazy? I knew that he was not frequentable and that he would put ideas in your head , this bandit
did n't even expect it … .
Mom listen to me without interrupting you will understand
Her: I understood everything it's worth nothing shippp, I was right on his account, yet I told you, and from today I forbid you to talk to him
Me: forever do you hear ? Never have to kill me then for that , because I fell in love with my best friend? snipppp
And yes I love Karim and I can't help it
And then I ran to lock myself in my room
What do you think of mom 's reaction?