Good reading
At school we did so much homework that at one point , we rarely saw each other with my boyfriend.
He complained sometimes but we always manage
He sometimes invited me to go out but I very rarely accepted as much since my parents allowed me to do so as when Awa was there , wherever I was accompanied, pfff the parents tmt .
My best friend meanwhile we saw each other a few times, he gave me the presentation with his girlfriend Aicha
reserved Manchalah cannon at first but now hum
I even think that she really does n't like me
And she is very sticky with Karim I find ish
It's not that I am but good tamite
annoys me
I remember the other day, when Karim walked me back to my bus stop, we held hands , which has been bothering me for a while now … anyway
She came in from nowhere and screamed like a hysteric saying
we were there with open mouths _
Thiooo with all this crowd at Mbed Face lol, and she even lived not far in addition lol "come to my house she means yeah" she did n't even pay attention to me. But with the look that my best friend gave her heeee baah she immediately gave me a curt hello
we could see Karim's anger, since he says he has changed now and that he hates hysterics above all , even if the word to describe it is a little too strong I think lol
He always liked my company, and the Aicha had too change Legui . He said he always feels good in my company t é dara douko yakal our moments together lol I have buzz dale
Khalifa and him got to know each other, they also support each other, even if at the beginning Khalifa wanted to play the jealous and possessive guy which I can't stand either
In short, we would write to each other from time to time
We were two days away from taking our holidays and Christmas parties
At school _
There's my guy who invited me for a shoot, my handsome boy
I see a lot of girls go after him, because he was on the cover of a magazine, and yeah the guy is successful .
I arrive in front of them, and he had moved away to join me
Khalifa: my baby baby
me: hi khalifa
Him: I missed you so much
Me: hmm like that ! I can't find it, you were in good company
Him: lol they're fans bae that's all
Me: and your fans they know you have a girlfriend?
Him: euuuuuuhh yeah I think so
Me: they don't know , right ?
Him: but bae it even suits you , no one will attack you, you see
Me: it suits you better oh you
Him: what's the problem ? don't tell me you're jealous? Hhaaha b you'll have to do it I'm hot and the girls love me. And you will have to fight outside the competition looks tough
Me: what does that mean ?
Him: bae wait a minute you'll see
Then he turns to call I don't know who
I hear him on the other side calling girls from the 2nd and others too
Him: come and let me introduce you
But what the fuck he ain't gonna do that , he knows he hates being the center of everyone's attention
Him: you always ask me if I have a girlfriend and yes there is my baby
Everybody had their eyes on me
People talk to each other too
I thought I saw Karim behind these girls and Anna too
After just we rang
We all had to go back to our respective classes
I still have Karim's look in mind , as if he were disgusted walae
In class everyone talks openly about me, and the guy liked it .
Remind you of Fatou and well she no longer talks to me and Anna
She is in another group even
On the way down, I went straight ahead, I didn't even go to the bus stop, nor wait for Anna .
I stopped a taxi and got into it
Everyone will talk about me from now on, not to mention that we are in the same class
i think khalifa success went to his head _
He winks at me here and there and even in class, it 's embarrassing walae
Arrived at home
I went straight up to my room, there was hardly anyone home .
I turned on my mobile data and got so many messages, even from unknown numbers
But Karim's caught my attention more
Karim: I need to talk to you urgently, I'm looking for you everywhere
Karim: where are you , you're not even with Anna
Me: I'm at home you can come by if you want
Karim: ok I'm coming
Me: okay
By the time I finish reading all the other messages, I hear a knock on the door
As I had guessed that Karim had arrived , it was Mounass (the maid) who came to warn me , that 's what I thought
Me: yea
And there the door had opened on Karim
Damn what the hell is going on in my room
He was speechless _
I did n't realize that I hadn't worn a t-shirt yet.
Shame, I was only throwing in a bra
I hurried to put it on _
Karim: euuu...uh sorry I didn't know ... did n't ...
Me: don't worry, I thought that was the reason why
Go sit down
He sat on the chair next to my bed , and I on the bed.
no one speak
He was just looking at me, which tends to embarrass me
Me: I'm listening to you, what was the emergency ?
Karim: ah yes the urgency … .
Me: anhan
Karim: i don't want your relationship with khalifa anymore i think it's not clear
Me: han Okay and what are you basing yourself on to say that?
Karim : seriously I heard from a reliable source that he has a lot of girls
Me: don't you forget that he introduced me to everyone at school today to say that I'm his only
He got up and put his hands in his hair which could grow out and then came to sit next to me this time on the bed
Karim : seriously, I really don't trust him
Holding both my hands and stroking it wowowoww explain to me what the hell
With a sudden movement I approached him and captured his lips
Don't ask me what took me to do it, I don't have the answer either, it just came like that .
He was surprised but still responded to my kiss
It did n't last , I took my mind and put an end to this.
I left it to Karim who didn't understand anything and I ran to the bathroom and locked myself in there like I am ashamed