Ivanna looked up from her laptop late Saturday morning when she heard the doorbell rang. Gunther barked loudly, his protective stance visible. She placed her laptop on the sofa, stood up and scratched her dog’s head before walking towards the front door.
She opened her door, thanking silently that she had a screen door installed as well and stood in surprise as she looked at the person standing in front of her.
“Hello,” Nicholas, the guy she met at the supermarket greeted with a smile.
“H-How-,” she stuttered, holding on to the knob tightly. She grabbed Gunther’s collar when he lunged at the screen door, barking loudly, protecting her. “At ease, Gunny.”
Ivanna firmly brought her dog to a sitting position before looking back at him.
“How do you know where I live?” She asked intently, cursing herself that she left her phone in the living room. She looked around, trying to find something she could use as a weapon in case something will happen.
Nicholas hurriedly gave her an assuring look when he noticed her action.
“Look, I’m not stalking you nor I’m a dangerous person,” he quickly explained. He took something from his pocket and showed it to her. “This was left on your cart last night and thought this is important.”
Ivanna saw that he is holding her utility bill that she stuffed in her bag last night.
“Oh,” she said. She unlocked the screen door and slowly opened it, reaching for the bill. “Thank you.”
She looked up in surprise when he moved his hand from her reach.
“I was hoping you’ll have brunch with me instead of just thanking me,” he remarked with a smile. “There’s a nice coffee shop near here. They have sweet pastries as well.”
She immediately crossed her arms and started to observe him intently from head to toe. She knew he wasn’t the dangerous type especially with Gunther calmed down behind her. She looked at his profile, silently admitting that he’s irresistibly handsome with a killer smile that could melt hearts. But, she couldn’t easily be fooled. She knew better.
“You can keep the bill,” she said calmly as she stepped back inside her house and quickly closed the screen door before he could stop it. She smirked lightly when he looked surprise. “I can always request for another one.”
“It’s just brunch,” he pointed out. “And, I’m pretty sure you already summed up that I’m not a bad person. So, what’s wrong of getting out of your house for a few hours?”
“Aside from last night, have we by chance met somewhere?” She asked instead, having a feeling that he somewhat knows her but she couldn’t place him. It place her into a difficult predicament given that he has the upper hand. “You seemed to know me.”
Nicholas huffed with a laugh.
“Don’t be too cocky,” he answered. “I just met you last night and something tells me that you’re somewhat interesting to get to know.”
Ivanna shook her head and held on to the doorknob.
“That’s good to know,” she said. “Well, it was nice meeting you.”
She closed the door with a smile, hearing him sputtering at her action. She turned and walked back to the living room with Gunther behind her and froze when her doorbell rang. She rolled her eyes, clenching her fist as she turned back. She felt Gunther wagging his tail excitedly as he followed her back.
“What?” She asked.
“You’re a very rude person, do you know that?” He pointed out firmly. “How could you close your door at me? I wasn’t even finish.”
“Well, I was,” she replied with a force smile. “Look, Mr. Nicholas, I’m sure you’re a very nice guy and brunch sounds great. But, I just knew you in passing at the supermarket. I’m not that gullible to then just have brunch with you over a billing that you’re returning as a thank you.”
“You know, I have the whole day free,” he answered instead. “I’m going to bother you until you say yes. Don’t bother calling the sheriff if you’re planning on it. He’s a good friend and you’ll just be wasting his time when you’ll tell him that you’re reporting me because I’m asking you out. He’ll probably be amused and will be pointing that out to me always. And might I add, yours as well.”
Ivanna grimaced since that was the first thing that came into her mind. She looked away and thought of another way out. She looked back at him where he stood looking at her in a way that he’s ready for any excuse she’ll be throwing at him.
“It’s a waste of time and will give you a headache if you’re trying to think of a way to say no,” he finally said with a knowing smile. “It’s just brunch, Ivanna. Three hours the most. I can assure you that I’m a good company. Who knows? You’ll be enjoying our time together.”
She huffed with annoyance, looking at him hardly.
“Fine,” she finally said. “Give me fifteen minutes. You can wait there.”
Ivanna then closed the door, hearing his chuckle. She went up to her room and headed to her walk-in closet, grabbing her jeans and a plain pink shirt and placed them on a duvet before heading to the toilet to wash her face. A few minutes later, she tied her hair in a loose ponytail, slipped on to her white rubber shoes and stuffing some money and tissue into a small sling bag. She went back downstairs to grab her phone and closed her laptop, putting it on the kitchen counter, while checking if Gunther has enough water on his bowl.
“About time,” Nicholas said when she finally went out from her house and locking the main door. He studied her slowly. “You look nice.”
“Whatever,” she snapped. She crossed the wooden deck and went down the steps. “We’re walking. It’s only two blocks away.”
“Fine with me,” he replied.
Nicholas stared through his sunglasses as Ivanna walked in front of him towards the coffee shop he mentioned. He could sense her irritation but that didn’t detract from her feminine ways. The gentle sway of her hips and the way she waves at the people she knows along the way.
He took out his phone, secretly took a picture of her and sent it to the group chat he have with his friends.
“Guess who I’m having brunch with?” He added the message with a wink and laughing emoticon.
It didn’t reach a full minute when his phone is flooded with messages from his friends. He laughed as he read through the message.
Warren : Seriously?! What the hell did you do to make her say yes?!
Richard : I never doubted you, dude. Sorry, ladies. Looks like the men are winning this bet!
Martina : It’s just the first day. I’m sure Nico can’t entice her to his bed.
Cassie : When will you, gentlemen learn? Never assume your victory yet.
Warren : Or you accidentally saw her?! That brat! I’ll make her life hell next week.
Nicholas looked up from his phone and saw her stopping at the corner, looking at him expectantly through her sunglasses, her arms folded across her chest.
“Sorry,” he apologized lightly. “My Mom was asking where I am today.”
Ivanna only turned towards the street and crossed the pedestrian when the signal turned green. She then took left and a quick right before finally going through the doors of Breakfast Staple & Coffee Shop.
“Hey, Iva!” Nicholas heard some greetings when he entered after her. He followed her to a vacant booth beside one of the store’s windows and took his seat across from her. He smiled when he looked at her after she took off her sunglasses. He nodded when a waitress handed them each a menu and serve them water. “Thanks! I’ll call when we’re ready to order.”
“No problem,” she replied with a smile.
Nicholas then heard Ivanna snorted lightly and smiled, knowing full well the reason of her reaction. “Don’t worry,” he assured. “I swear that I will only look at you the whole time we’re together.”
“I don’t need it,” she replied as she reached for her menu. “Let’s just order. The sooner this is over, the better for me. I still have some things to do and you interrupted.”
“What shall I order?” He asked as he browse through. “Is the Croissant Breakfast Sandwich good? What’s this Pancake Board? We can order this and share. I’m sure it’s good for two.”
Ivanna looked at him above the menu she’s holding, a gleam in her eyes, which he didn’t notice.
“The board is good,” she answered. “But, I have something in my mind. Hey, Clarisse!”
Clarisse, the waitress who attended them approached, pad and paper readied as she gave them a smile.
“I’ll have the Breakfast Sliders, Stuffed Cream Cheese Crescent Rolls, Bagel Bites and Veggie Quiche,” she said with a wide smile as the waitress wrote quickly on the pad. “Then a large mug of Americano, just black. He’s getting the Pancake Board.”
Nicholas looked at her slightly aghast as well as the waitress at what she ordered and then just simply nodded at the waitress and ordered for an iced Mochaccino.
“Great. Please tell Jack not to scrimp on the cream cheese,” Ivanna replied.
“You’re making me sorry for forcing you here,” Nicholas then noted lightly when the waitress took off. He gave her a hard smile. “That tactic won’t work.”
“Why do you think I would think of that?” She returned casually as she took her phone from her bag and leaned back on the leather chair. “If you don’t mind, I’ll be answering some emails while waiting for the food.”
He opened his mouth to reply but was surprise that she had already zoned him out from her world. He smiled slightly as he leaned back and started to watch her. He noticed the way her brows will drew together as she read through her emails then watched her bite her lower lip as she concentrates on her reply. She frowned when her phone suddenly rang.
“Yes, Mr. James?” She answered.
Nicholas straightened up when he heard the name and silently cursed Warren.
“I can’t do that,” she said to the phone. “I told you that Diane will get to it by Tuesday as confirmed. By the time your restaurant opens, it will be there.”
“Yes, I know that,” she continued calmly. She then frowned again. “You very well know my answer to that. Good day, Mr. James. I’ll be at your south branch on Tuesday.”
“Work?” Nicholas asked when she placed her phone face down on the table while he heard his own phone beeping on a message.
Warren : That brat seems to be charmed by you, Alonso. No hint whatsoever.
Nicholas : She’s pissed. You can still change your mind, Warren.
Cassie : You, boys always stick together. But, as said, it’s just the first day. Don’t expect too much.
“Here you go,” the waitress interrupted gently as she carefully placed the food that Ivanna ordered for herself and Nicholas observed that she can be able to finish that on her own. “And, here’s your Pancake Board.”
Nicholas’ mouth slightly dropped open when a male waiter carefully placed a large wooden board in front of him and Clarisse putting down two plates along with forks and knives. He looked down at the board and could summed up that it’s good enough for four to six people. Dozens of pancakes lined up the middle along with a serve of scrambled eggs, bacon, fresh mixed berries, sliced bananas and three types of spread. Now he knew why the waitress gave Ivanna a looked when she ordered.
“Enjoy,” Ivanna said with an even smile before taking a bite from the sliders she’s holding.
“Why you little-,” he started.
Ivanna raised her brows challengingly.
“Yes?” She asked daringly.
He exhaled calmly and picked up a plate, fork and knife and started to serve himself. By the time, Ivanna finished her food, he was surprised that he managed to consume almost half of the board. He signaled for the waitress to have the excess for take-out.
“I’ll just go to the toilet,” Ivanna stated as she stood up and walk away.
Nicholas then grinned at her very successful attempt on getting back at him.
“Ivanna, you’re starting to interest me,” he commented admiringly. “Just wait and see. You don’t know yet who you’re dealing with.”
A few minutes later, Ivanna appeared beside him and handed him a paper bag with the logo and named of the coffee shop.
“I need to get going,” she said pointedly as she walked off towards the main door.
“How much is the bill?” He asked, pulling out his wallet.
Ivanna glanced back at him. “I already paid it,” she simply answered and went through the doors. “You wanted to have brunch as my way of thanking you for the bill, remember? Or are you such a forgetful person?”
Nicholas stood transfixed for a few seconds at her reply before following her out, his nerves getting the best of him. For the first time in his life, he felt insulted by no less than a woman.
“I didn’t say that you’ll be paying for the brunch,” he called out, following her as they crossed the pedestrian lane. He quickened his steps and grabbed her right upper arm and turned her around. He got even more surprise when she quickly countered his hold and release his grip immediately.
“Don’t even think about it,” she warned seriously.
“Why the hell did you pay for the bill?” He demanded.
“Why the hell can’t I?” She returned evenly. She looked him up and down before turning around and walked towards her house. She glanced back at him when he followed. “It’s less than thirty dollars and I don’t see anything wrong about it. Besides, I don’t know you. So why would I let a stranger pay for my meal?”
Nicholas then remembered the warning Warren gave him and he closed his eyes for a while, cursing the reality of it. Ivanna is one hell of a woman who is difficult to deal with. “Are you trying to insult me by being too independent?” He asked.
Ivanna stopped on her tracks and turned to him. “What’s the point of asking me that?” She asked instead.
“Because I’m trying to understand the reason of what you just did,” he answered seriously.
She huffed and then started to walk again.
Nicholas was about to throw another statement when he noticed a middle-age looking man, hovering at her house’s outer deck, peering in at her windows. He placed his hand inside his jacket, reaching in the holster for his concealed .32 ACP North American handgun and was about to pull Ivanna back to safety.
“Mr. Mitchell!” Ivanna called out, raising one hand and gave an energetic wave.
The man looked up and a smile broke into his face.
“I had a feeling you went out,” he said. “I was about to leave.”
Nicholas watched as she run towards the man and gave him a warm hug. He stood, transfixed, marveling at her quick mood change. One minute she was haughty and the next she was warm and accommodating. He watched, knowing that she already forgotten about him as they converse while Ivanna was unlocking her front door. Mr. Mitchell followed after her and watched Gunther jumped on him happily as well.
His phone rang and he checked the caller before answering.
“You’re right,” he then said after answering. “She’s one hell of a woman.”
Warren laughed at the other end of the line.
“What’d she did?”
Nicholas walked towards his car while relaying to Warren what transpired between the few hours they were together. By the time he was done, he felt himself seething at the gall Ivanna Gatchalian did to him.
“Now, I’m thinking on siding with the girls,” Warren commented with a laugh. “I’m sure the rest of us are wishing that we were flies on the wall to witness your initial downfall to a woman.”
“It’s still not over,” Nicholas answered defensively.
After a few minutes the call ended and Nicholas was about to get in his car when Mr. Mitchell emerge from Ivanna’s house after saying goodbye, carrying with him two grocery bags.
“Hello, son,” Mr. Mitchell greeted when he came across Nicholas.
“Do you know Ivanna?” Nicholas asked after greeting him back.
Mr. Mitchell nodded with a smile. “That woman has always a good heart,” he commented. “She helped me get back on both feet a few years ago but still insists on helping me even if I can support my family already.”
Nicholas perked up.
“Really? How?” He asked calmly.
“Well, I was homeless when she met me outside the supermarket,” Mr. Mitchell started with a faraway look. “My son was with me and had a fever. She took one look and without any hesitation brought us to the hospital so my kid will get treated and paid for it. She was asking me some questions along the way, asking what happened, where’s my wife and where we are staying.”
Nicholas listened closely and his irritation with Ivanna turned to admiration as he discovered the compassion side of her. With her help, Mr. Mitchell and his son were able to sleep that night with a roof over their heads because she found them a small room for rent and paid the needed deposit. In return, Mr. Mitchell had tended to her house twice a month for free and fortunately also found a job along the way. Up to now, she still gives him groceries, insisting that she had accidentally bought too much.
“I told her that she doesn’t need to buy me groceries anymore but she still insists,” Mr. Mitchell continued. “Told me that I might them along the way.”
“What made her be like that?” Nicholas asked slowly.
“Well, I never really asked about her personal life,” Mr. Mitchell answered. “I feel it would be an intrusion. But, from what I can hear from her friends who I met, her mother and stepdad already passed away. With regards to her father, she’s not in talks with him.”
“Do you know who?” Nicholas asked carefully.
Mr. Mitchell looked at him silently, assessing him before answering. “Unfortunately, no,” he finally replied. “And, Ivanna refuses to talked about him when her friends will bring it up. I don’t know the story but from what I can see, it’s deep.”
“Thanks for telling me, Mr. Mitchell,” Nicholas said. He reached out one hand. “Can I give you a lift?”
“That will be great,” the older man answered. “What’s your work, son?”
Nicholas got into the driver seat and buckled his seatbelt before answering the question. “I used to be in the Marines before retiring three years ago,” he said. “Now, I’m running my own shop specializing in security areas. CCTVs, door locks, you name it, we got them.”