Nicolas went through the supermarket’s automatic doors that early evening and looked to his left and to his right, wondering the reason why he decided to go without even knowing what to buy. He stuck his hands in his jacket pockets and stood there for a while, observing the shoppers going through the aisles and hearing the rings from the cashier’s area.
He smelled a faint scent of burgers being grilled and decided to buy one to pass time until he knows the reason why he came.
“Hi,” he greeted the young girl manning the booth. “Can I have the Ultimate Burger? Medium well patty, double, fresh tomato, spicy mayo and additional cheese please.”
“That will be $2.50,” she replied with a smile. She accepted his cash and smiled gratefully when he motioned the change towards the tip box. “Would you like your bread to be toasted a bit more?”
“Sure,” Nicholas replied as he turned back towards the aisle and leaned back on the counter.
His eyes wandered and it finally landed on one woman, he found familiar from the crowd. He squinted a bit and realize that it’s Ivanna Gatchalian, Warren’s hired architect. He watched her push her big cart as she browsed through the toiletries and laundry section.
“Hey, would you mind having it to go?” Nicholas said on his burger. “I’ll be back in a while. I finally know what to buy.”
He didn’t wait for the person’s reply as he hurriedly walked towards the entry point and grabbed himself a small cart, trailing behind her discreetly. He pulled some soap bars, toothpaste and shampoo he’s using and put them in his cart.
“Dude, I’d better warn you. She’s not easy,” he remembered Warren’s advised earlier this afternoon. “From the way you’re asking me, you seemed intrigued.”
“It’s been a while since you appear to be interested on a woman,” Richard commented. “Usually it’s the women falling at your feet and asking you out.”
The group in their table laugh including him.
“Trust me,” Warren continued. “I jokingly told her that if ever it will be us in the end, she can have Tony’s as a constant project for her entire career. Do you know what she said? She said that even if I give her ten or twenty branches of Tony’s to work on, she will still eat at Gustavo’s Corner.”
“I’m beginning to like her already,” Martina stated, laughing. “Your charm doesn’t seem to be rubbing on her, Warren. Perhaps, Mr. Hotshot here will be different.”
“You’re underestimating our friend here, Warren,” Richard said. “You seemed to have forgotten that he managed to get Sascha Clayton’s uptight, prima donna attitude to his bed in less than a week. Look where it took him after that.”
“You broke a lot of hearts, dude,” his younger brother quipped.
“Okay. A thousand dollars for Nico to get her in one month,” Richard betted with a grin. “She seems a bit harder than Sascha so I think the duration is good. How about you, Warren? Are you betting against him?”
“This is really stupid, you idiot,” Nicholas snorted.
“Are you kidding me?” Warren returned. “I’m betting for our boy here. I see how he works his charm on the ladies. Besides, she has this rule of her own that she doesn’t date her clients. How stupid is that?”
“I’ll bet for her,” Martina piped in. “Paolo’s on your side. I guess it’s me against you, three.”
“Do you have fresh cuts?” Ivanna’s voice broke into his thoughts as he stopped and watched her talking politely with the butcher behind the counter. “And, is it alright if you can have them pack per slice? It’ll be great for me.”
“Sure, that wouldn’t be a problem,” the butcher replied. “Is it alright to wait for a while?”
Ivanna nodded. “I’ll come back,” she answered. “I have some other items to purchase.”
Nicholas moved towards the meat section and looked at the butcher.
“Mr. Nico!” The butcher greeted enthusiastically. “It’s been a long time since you came here.”
He felt Ivanna glanced at him curiously before proceeding towards the chicken section. He smiled at Carlos, the butcher and nodded towards the cuts. “Any good sirloin left?” He asked softly as he pointed at one part before nodding at the ground beef as well. “Get me a pound, will you?”
“I’ll have a new cut from the back,” Carlos assured. “It’ll be ready in ten minutes. I’ll have the customer ahead of you taken care of first.”
“No worries,” Nicholas replied as he casually trailed behind Ivanna towards the chicken section. He watched her hand the person behind the counter a reusable container she has with her and pointed towards the thigh fillets. “Breast for me please.”
“Sure, Mr. Nico,” an attendant replied.
Nicholas turned to Ivanna casually and cleared his throat. “I think breast part are better,” he stated. “Don’t you think?”
Ivanna looked at him calmly.
“It depends,” she replied softly as she thankfully nodded after accepting her order. She placed the container in her cart and looked at her phone before looking back at the attendant. “May I also have a whole chicken around two kilos?”
“Do you go here often?” Nicholas inquired as he accepted his order.
“Yes,” she answered.
Nicholas grinned inside as he observed her silently. He watched her checked her phone for the list she had made, smiled politely at the person attending to her. He noted her casual outfit, dark jeans, plain black loafers and topped with a white shirt. The same look when he first glimpsed of her a while ago. She still managed to look the same despite her work.
“When do you usually go here?” He asked as he followed her back to the meat section.
Ivanna looked up at him curiously and only remained silent.
“Here you are, Ms,” Carlos said with a smile before turning to Nicholas. “Here’s your order, Mr. Nico. Freshly cut as always.”
Nicholas nodded turned towards Ivanna and found that she already wheeled away. He sighed, shaking his head with a grin. “Hey, Carlos. Do you see her here often?” He asked.
Carlos cocked his head at her direction.
“Yes. She’s here usually at this time and day,” he answered. “But, there will be times when she comes now and then.”
“Thanks for the info,” Nicholas replied as he walked towards the counter, looking for an express lane.
He finally managed to ring up his purchases. He grabbed the bag containing his groceries and proceeded to get his ordered burger. He heard his phone ringing and he reached into his pocket to see his mom calling on the line.
“Hey, Mom,” he greeted as he walked towards the exit. “Actually, I’m heading out the supermarket. I’ll just drop the meat I bought and catch up with you, guys. I won’t take long.”
Nicholas chatted with his mom for a few more minutes as he proceeded to where he parked his car. He suddenly halted when he saw Ivanna, opening the back of her car to load the groceries she bought.
“Need help?” He asked as he approached. He put his hands up when she whirled in surprise. “Hey. It was me back there. Thought you might need a hand for the things you bought.”
He checked her cart and counted around five bags plus the sack of dog food. He placed his bag on the ground and grabbed two bags from her cart and loaded them carefully.
“There you go,” he said.
“Thank you,” Ivanna replied politely as she closed her trunk.
“I’m Nicholas,” Nicholas finally said, extending out his hand.
Ivanna looked at his hand, hesitating for a while before shaking his hand. “I’m Ivanna,” she answered softly. She pulled her hand a few seconds after and took her small bag from the cart. “Thank you again for the help. It was nice meeting you.”
He looked after her amusingly as she quickly went inside her car and started her car. He took her empty cart away and noticed that something was left behind. He picked it up and saw a billing statement for her utilities.
“Dude, she thought you’re dangerous,” he said with a laugh. He pocketed the billing in his jacket as he parked the cart on a designated area. “You’re such an idiot.”
Nicholas shook his head as he headed towards his car and drove off.