"Time for dinner", mom shouted from the kitchen.
Everyone was present in the dining room. As lunchtime Jackie was seated opposite Anna. While eating Jackie was keeping on looking at Anna. He was almost admiring her. Jon noticed Jackie, then he tapped him to bring out from his dream world. Jon knew that Jackie has some feelings towards Anna but he wasn't sure of it.
After dinner Anna ran to the sitting room to get the remote because she didn't want Jackie to have it. Jackie entered the sitting room which made Anna look at him. Anna chuckled by holding the remote then she took her seat. Jackie sat on the single sofa as usual.
Jackie was sitting on the single sofa. I tried not to look at him but every minute I scan a channel my eyeball moves towards him.
"Finally got it”, I said to myself.
The movie began and trust me I knew it was scary but I badly wanted to watch it.Jackie looked at me when I placed the remote on my lap but I pretended like I didn't notice him.
The beginning of the movie went fine but later it was the opposite. That eerie noise got into my nerves. I slightly turned towards Jackie ,then looked back at the TV screen. I am freaking out it is that all the lights were switched off and everyone have fell asleep. This place is in silence except the audio play of the film
and I am sitting here with a stupid person who's scary than that. I was not concentrating on the movie I was busy with my mind thinking of scarier scenes than the movie. Abruptly I was out of my mind when I got Goosebumps. I felt like someone was sitting next to me. Immediately I turned towards Jackie and he was watching the film casually where fear is not shown in his face. I moved slowly towards the left without getting up so that I could get closer to Jackie's sofa. I tried my best not to show that I'm afraid therefore I remained silent and made my move quietly.
Anna was seated a short distance from Jackie's sofa. Jackie noticed Anna being afraid and moving towards him. Abruptly Jackie stood up from his seat.
"Where are you going?” Anna questioned immediately.
"Room”, Jackie yawned and continued," I feel sleepy", Jackie answered.
"Wait”, Anna stood and kept a step forward "I am coming with you".
"Didn't you watch the movie”, Jackie questioned by raising an eyebrow.
"Nope I I I ammmm am m"
"Frightened”, Jackie completed her sentence.
"Noooooo!” Anna replied
"It's humiliating”, Anna whispered to herself.
"Ohh really”, he smirked.
Anna followed Jackie in every single step he took. He switched off the TV and the lights. It was pitch dark except for the area where the night bulb was lit. The surrounding was in silence where the ticking of the clock could be heard clearly. Anna was a short distance from Jackie.
Both reached the staircase. Jackie in front and Anna followed him behind. Suddenly Jackie stamped his foot on the step which made Anna to hold his hand immediately with fright. Jackie paused and turned around to look at Anna. She looked up at him immediately and released his hand.
"Sorry”, Anna whispered by brushing her hair off her face.
"That's okay,''Jackie replied with a broad smile.
It was half past ten. Therefore, I woke and had shower then I walked downstairs and saw no one, the sitting room was in silence.
"Where is Jackie?” I questioned myself.
Why am I bothering about him?
1 walked towards Amy's room and knocked on the door. She opened the door with a wide smile on her face.
"Her Anna ",she said by pushing the door away. “You are early today aren’t you”, she questioned sarcastically.
"Hmmm I thought you would wake me up”; I replied by raising my eyebrows.
"Alright,the breakfast is on the dining table"
"Okay”, I replied and walked away.
"Amy,” 'I called out before she shut the door.
"What?”, Amy asked.
"Where are they"
"Hmm urgh Jack Jon”, I murmured.
"Business meeting"
"Oh I see"
The breakfast and lunch went boring today. Therefore, after lunch I went to my room, sat on the bed and looked up at the ceiling by rolling my eyes. After a few minutes I heard Amy calling "Anna".
I turned towards the doorway to look at her and she was holding a book. She walked in by smiling at me but I didn't. My eyes were in that book.
"What's that”, I asked curiously by curling my eyebrows.
She handed the book over to me and said Jackie gave this to you."
"Jackie", I repeated after her and looked at the book immediately. It was the book which I wanted to read but couldn't because Jackie and I tore it.
"You would have a good time pass”, Amy stated and left.
I flipped the pages and whispered saying thanks to myself.
"Ufffff finally I'm done,” I said to myself with relief. "This Is an awesome book," I commented.
I placed the book on the which was next to the bed then laid on the bed. That very second I heard Amy
"Anna tea,"
I ran downstairs immediately because my throat was dried after reading the book for a long time. I paused in the staircase because I saw Jackie sitting on the single sofa. I slowly walked towards him and sat at the edge of the other sofa where I was close to him. He saw me but didn't respond. We remained silent for quite a long time then I broke the silence.
"Thanks,''I said softly, not looking at him. Jackie immediately turned towards me which made me look up at him.
"Why?”, he asked with a smile.
"May you please stop acting like you don't know WHY"
"How was the book?"
"Good. I love it", I replied cheerfully.
"Hmm hmmn"
"Anna your tea,” mom called from the kitchen.
Anna walked into the kitchen to get her tea. While she was grabbing her mug off the table she heard Jackie saying aloud
"Mom! Tea"
Anna bit her lower lip with her upper teeth cheerfully. She walked towards the pantry and grabbed the mug which belongs to Jackie and poured tea into it. She was holding her mug from the left hand and raised her hand to get Jackie's but paused because she heard footsteps. Mom entered the kitchen.
"I.....I. .....I. ..am..mmm,"Anna blabbered with no question.
"What's wrong dear,” mom asked kindly.
"Ohhh urge nothing,” Anna murmured and left immediately.
During dinner mom broke the silence in the dining room.
"Tomorrow we should be engaged to a function in my sister's house,” mom said while taking a sip of water.
"Then we should be home early,” Jon recommended.