They spent the whole month on the island and enjoying their relationship by having a quality time
It's their last week and they decided to stay at the house and cuddle all day night
Jennie's POV
It breaks me every time it's sinking on my mind, that she will leave me soon. We made a promise with each other and I know that she will fulfill that promise. I just need to wait for her to come back.
I'm just afraid that what if one day or sooner she'll find someone new
Yeah right it sounds like possessive but I can't lose her she's my everything, my world
We are at our room watching Netflix
I look deep into her eyes and all I can see is pain and sadness. She noticed that I'm looking at her so she tapped my head
" Yah love we should enjoy this now, we only have 5 days "
" I just want to stare at you because I know that when you leave I'll do this thing again "
" You're right... I will miss you love "
"Me too love "
After watching Netflix she went down because she said that she just need to get something
And when she came back in shock. Lisa is holding a cup of ice cream and it is vanilla flavor my favorite
" Aww. Thank you for this love "
" Are you happy now ?"
" Yes, I'm very happy... But still, I will be sad as soon as you left "
I said pouting on her
She flashes a sad smile on me and she just hugged me
After that, we went to sleep and we cuddle because it's too cold here at Jeju island
Lisa's POV
I'm in a dark room and I can hear someone whispering on my ears
I can feel cold water on my feet and as soon as I look at the place it's still blackout and the water is going higher and higher, it is at my chest now
I tried to call help but no one can hear me. The whole room is now full of water and I feel like I'm drowning now
I can't breathe, I can feel that my Body going cold now.
I got drown in the darkroom. And now I'm at the place that I don't know at all
I'm riding my car and as I can see the meter of the car is going too fast. I'm at a crowded and busy city and there is a truck on the front of my car and I bump on it
I lose my control and I bump on the truck I can feel that my blood is dripping all over my body and I lost my sight
" Babe, wake up "I hear a familiar voice and I can feel that someone is shaking my body
I woke up on a nightmare. I'm catching my breath and my sweat is dripping all over my face and body
My tears began to fall when Jennie hug me tight
" Babe, what happened? I heard you gasping for air and breathing so hard are you having a nightmare ?"
" I guess so it's my first time to have a Nightmare like that, it's just too scary," I said and I look at the wall clock and it's already past 2 am
Jennie went out to get me a glass of water and I'm thinking about my dream
Is it a sign?
She went back with a glass of water and I drink it up
" Do you feel better now ?" Jennie said while rubbing my back
" Yes. Maybe "
I said Swallowing the water
" What is it? "
" I dream about drowning in a dark room and having a car accident "
" Shhh, that won't happen love. It's just a dream right?"
She said and she put her hands on my face
" On that accident, the place seems familiar, I just can't figure it out and defined the place "
" Okay fine, for you to get some sleep I will just sing a song for you, just like what you did to me whenever I have bad dreams"
Malibu nights - LANY
Jennie's POV
After I sang her a song she went back to sleep
Days past by, and we went back to Seoul Korea, she said that she still needs to pack her things
I sat down on her bed and I watch her packing her stuff. All I can do is to cry and to let her leave, she may be heard that I'm sobbing so she went on me and she sat beside me
" Love, what's the matter we talked about this right," she said and she hugged me
" I'm sorry love, I just can't help it. Don't worry I will be strong for you and I will wait for you to come back "
She finished packing her stuff and tomorrow morning is her flight to New York
We spent the night telling stories and recalling the times that we're together having fun
She still remembers our first months at the Ferris wheel she was afraid to ride that roller coaster so I pulled her in
***Flashback ***
" Love I don't want to please just let me go now "
Lisa said while struggling on my hands
" You won't come with me, fine I will just go home "
" Aish Jennie come on I'm just joking let's ride it now "
" I know it will work "
I whispered on the wind
" Are you ready now love ?.... Here it comes "I said and I held her hands upon the air
" AHHHH!!!!" Lisa scream as the roller coaster fall from the top
We went off the ride and we walk headed to the stalls
" Look that girl is so gorgeous bro, hi Uhm I'm Jed," a boy said and display a sign of handshake but I didn't move at all instead I cling on Lisa's arms
I saw that Lisa is turning red on anger right now
" Okay fine dude I'm sorry" as soon at he said that they got lost on our site
After that we went on a dinner I don't know but she's good at these things
But she once said that her dad helped her sometimes to think an idea
The next morning
We woke up early because we don't want
To be late at the airport
I cooked something for her for the last time
We went to the airport to wait for her to fight with her parents and friends
" Hey Don't be sad now, don't worry as soon as I arrive I will call you"
" Be careful at NewYork huh, don't you ever find someone else or else I'll break your leg "
" Yeah. Don't you have trust in me? And besides, I don't want to lose you just because of some other girls around NYC"
" I will gonna miss you, babe "
" Me too babe "
" The door is open for the 7:40 am flight heading to New York " we both heard that made our hearts shredded into pieces
" You need to go now babe, behave yourself and please take care of yourself while I'm not around "
" Yes, Love... You too take care always "
I kissed her lips as our last goodbye, I savor the last kiss. I know that this will be hard for us now but God has a plan on everything that happened
She waves at me for the last time and I wave back with teary eyes. As she entered the door for the departure my tears fall and keep falling into my eyes
I look at the necklace that she gave to me, it's the precious one that I have now
I didn't notice that it have a word manoban written at the back, as soon as I saw my tears keep falling again
If the time comes that you went back, I wish I'm still the one on your heart
We went back to our mansion and house. My mom went to my room to check me
" Don't worry honey, everything will be fine. Lisa leaves for a reason and I know that she will do great in New York. But for now, you just need to keep your conversation to save your relationship from falling "
" I know mom, and I trust her. I love her
And no one can change that. But what if one day I got tired. What if it didn't go, well our relationship. I'm scared that one day everything will not work out "
" Then if it didn't work out, if you're meant to be you'll see each other in the future. Everything has a purpose "
My mom said combing my hair
I went to my bed to sleep because I feel so tired today, Lisa is my strength but she's away from me now. I feel like alone now but jisoo unnie didn't leave me alone, she's the best unnie of all
I focus on studying hard and everything went well on our relationship