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Chapter 5

They will be having a night out party because it's anyone's birthday, they are throwing a party at the club

Jennie's POV

It's Nayeon's birthday, Lisa's friend they invited me and Lisa to come and yeah it's a night out party

Lisa went to our house to ask permission on my mom and dad

", Hi Uncle and auntie ..I'm here to ask your permission for Jennie to come with at a party. I promise that I will take care of her "

" Where is it happening? "

" Uhm on our private bar? But don't worry uncle I won't let her drink "

" No it's fine I will allow her and I have trust in you. And can you do me a favor, let her sleep on your mansion it's past late and I don't want you to drive on that hour "

"Sure uncle and by the way dad wants to meet you too, and he's Wondering if you two can have a drink too"

" Oh sure just let me know "

He said and he winks at me

We left our mansion with my things and went on the condo that her dad bought her months ago, it's just near our school and near the place that we're going tonight

As we entered her condo it's quite huge, it's like a huge house

I left my things at the guest room and she told me that just knock at her room if I need something

Lisa's POV

I called the bar to set up everything and something came up. We had a problem

" Boss we had a problem "

" What is it? "

" The bar is occupied by a group of guys, they were having a bachelor party "

" Aish fine just bring those drinks at my condo we're trowing "

" Yes boss, we're on our way there "

I went to Jennie's room to tell her what happened

" Uhm Jennie, the party is going to be here at the condo tonight. Something came up "

" It's fine, let's set up now they will be here any minute "

We set up the condo and we ordered a lot of foods. They came with a bunch of drinks

" Yow wassup bro" they jumped at me and I fell on the couch

" Get off bro you're so heavy "

We prepared the drinks and foods and we sat at the ground to start the party

We form a circle

The formation of the circle is seulgi me, Jennie, jungyeon, nayeon, Sandara, Taeyeon, donghyuk, and bobby

We take a few drinks and they decided to play a game, Truth or dare

The game becomes intense and the dare isn't that kind of dare that kids used to do we only have one truth and the left is full of daring, if you can't do the dare you will drink the whole cup of vodka with tequila damn I can smell the devils drink on that

The bottle pointed on seulgi

" Truth or dare seulgi ?" Bobby said naughtily

" Truth bitch " she said

" Tell us about the things that you had with irene bae ?... What's with the both of you dude come on spill the beans"

" Okay fine, Irene we are dating ..... I can't tell you this because she said we need to keep it in private or else if her parents know about us her parents might send her in the US" she said and she

drink her bottle

We're all having fun and we're a little tipsy now

They spin the bottle again and it landed on Jennie

" Truth of dare Jennie ?" Seulgi said

" Dare "

" Tell us about you and Lisa, are you dating and do you have feelings for her? "

Seulgi said and she takes a glance at me

"Uhm we're not dating," she said and they all stared at me

" And the thing about feelings, I'm not into those things and besides we're good friends "

She said that made my heart aches, why does this hurts me she's right I'm just her friend. Why would she had feelings for me she only sees me as a friend

We remain on silence and they all look at me as if they sorry about it. I just drank the whole bottle of Smirnoff Smule

I stood up and went on the table to get a bottle of Smirnoff Smule

As I went back we started the game again

Jungyeon spin the bottle and it landed on me

" Dare," I said while drinking the bottle

Jennie's POV

I said those things because I got scared. What if she didn't like me or the feeling is not mutual, urgh shit Lisa is getting drunk now, maybe because of that thing that I said before

She picks the dare and her evil friends had something to do with her

" Okay this one is just simple dude, make out with Jennie for 15 seconds "

" Nope, give me the drink I'll drink it "

" Lisa," I said in a whisper but she didn't even look at me and she drank the whole cup of vodka with tequila

Damn it she might get dead on that drink I saw their reaction after she drank the whole cup, their face look worried

They spin the bottle and it keeps on pointing on her

"Same dare brother "

" No, throw me the drink," she said and it's her 3rd cup damn it why is she doing this to her self

" Please stop now," I said in almost shout and the bottle still pointing on Lisa

It's her 6th cup and she looks wasted and horrible now

She was about to get the cup when I stood up and pull the cup on her hands

I drank half of it and I sat on her lap. I kissed her intensely while they were counting slowly

"15, 14,13,12,11" they count slowly

I kissed her intensely and deeply, I felt that she is starting to kiss me back and I held her neck closer to me. I brushed her hair while kissing her

The count lasted and I'm still kissing her, Lisa didn't manage to move so I stopped it and I bit her lips when I noticed that we're all shouting at us

" Yah finished it upstairs," they all said

While Lisa on the other hand manages to stand up but she fell on the ground. She's so drunk

I told them to help me carry Lisa to her room

They decided to stay because we're all drunk too

The girls sleep in my room and the boys are on the couch. I slept with Lisa and I take care of her, she passes out

Please tell me that she can't remember that kiss tomorrow and if she did damn I'm dead

I went on her bathroom and I got her some wet towel to Clean her

I wipe her face and her body with the towel I got her a shirt and I changed it because it's wet with vodka

I take off her shirt and I saw her abs, she's wearing a black sports bra.

Damn she has this kind of body, she's so sexy and hot as hell, thankfully I'm not that drunk and if ever I am you know what will happen

I put her in the sweater shirt and I cover her with a blanket

She's my first kiss and I didn't regret it, I admit it I like it too. The taste of her lips is marvelous. If I had a chance I would kiss her again

I sleep at her side and I hugged her, it's cold tonight and I just want to warm her up

Lisa's POV

I woke up and I'm all alone at the room, damn it my head hurts

I regret that I drink all of that last night, it feels like my head is exploding

As I remember they throw me a dare to kiss Jennie and I refused because I Know that Jennie didn't like me, I got into a friend zone

I stand up and I went on the bathroom to take a warm bath to lessen my head hurts

After I take a bath I dress my self and I went downstairs I saw them all in the living room eating breakfast

I went on the table to find Jennie and I saw her at the kitchen she's preparing something

They bid their goodbye, Jennie and I are just left at the condo

I sat down and I massage my head, it hurts like hell now

I saw that someone put a cup of coffee on the front of me and when I turned my head it was her, Jennie

" Drink this, to lessen your headache"

" Thanks ... What happened last night I can't remember it "

Jennie's POV

I got into silence and I avoid her looks

" As I remember I'm drinking a cup and you pulled the cup and ........ And y-you kiss me ?" She said shuttering

Fuck she remembers everything

" Why did you kiss me, I mean it's just a dare," she said confusedly

"I can't let you die drinking the whole bottle "

" Oh is that so I see," she said and she turned her head down

" Lisa? "

" Hmm?"

" Sorry about last night from what I've said "

" It's fine "

" Uhmm one more thing ?"

I said and I've been trying to say this to her the whole time

" What is it ?" She said while drinking her coffee

" Let's date Lisa, I want you to be my girlfriend "

I said quickly

She spilled the coffee at the table and she looks at me in a shocking way

" Did I heard is right ?"

I didn't manage to respond and I just kissed her lip as a response

" I guess I heard it right," she said and we both giggle

" I love you, Jennie "

" I love you more Lisa "

We went out and she drives me to my mansion and we bid our goodbyes

" I'll see you later love. Take care I love you " she said and she kissed my forehead

" Drive safely love, I love you too," I said as a response and I wave at her as a goodbye

The dare is worth it, and now I have her. I will never gonna leave her and I will make her happy, she bring happiness on me and I would love to spend the life with her .

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