All i see is
Black... Darkness i couldn’t move so all i did was think.. Think about him... How this all ended up for him
You might be wondering who i am and what am i talking about right?
Well i might really enjoy telling the story but somehow i wanted to show it to you in full detail but i’ll Give you an introduction
It all started...
I am moving from Wolverhampton to Bradford it’s because my stepbrother Louis Tomlinson and my best friend harry styles asks me to move with them and study there
Well, i was glad they offered a home for me .. My parents kicked me out when they found out i’m gay well i don’t blame them ... i really don’t give a fuck of what they say so i am here driving to Bradford clearly nervous
I will try my best to fit in with society for once or maybe find out my purpose of living... Why am i curious... Well my life kind off pretty sucked from the bullying to
my parents kicking me out i was devastated and it lead me to cut but then i met my stepbrother who moved out of my parent's house cause clearly he hates my parent's guts for kicking me out
Then i met harry i stopped cutting.. Because he told me something about his sister that practically had the same life as me she cuts and well ... she died.. And she didn’t notice that purpose in her life so she ended it
But i’m not thinking about it anymore until i find out what is my purpose or maybe a who? right?
“Hey liam were here” louis says breaking me from my thoughts i smile nervously we stopped at a 2 story house
“wow it’s huge” i said in awe
They both chuckled clearly not as astonished as me Louis works at a recording company he’s a musical engineer and he is paid tons of money so clearly i was not that surprised at all
I went to get the rest of my stuff the house is already fully furnished so Louis and Harry gave me a tour of the house it was a simple yet comfortable house
It contains a big living room with two sets of the staircase in the back of it below it is the kitchen which harry is going to be a lot, he loves cooking
Upstairs were 3 bedrooms each had connecting bathrooms and walk-in closets and balconies
Mine was designed already by Louis which was cool it has blue linings on the ceiling with white engravings on it. It also has a round carpet in the middle with a king-sized bed with white and purple duvet in it with a purple small corner table, what I like purple and a desk at the side
I put in my belongings in the bed and continued with the tour he took me into another room upstairs which is a music room we 3 love music so there were instruments and recording stuff in it
We went downstairs into the back yard with a huge rectangular swimming pool and an outdoor fireplace and a grilling station
We went inside and harry started to cook dinner while me and Louis chat
“So you and Harry are going to go to the same school BRADFORD HIGHSCHOOL” i just nod not really sure what to say about it .. but I’m pretty nervous
“Don’t worry li... this school will be ok for you don’t think of your past think more on your future and you might encounter your purpose in life this time?” Louis says encouraging me
“Maybe your right Lou” i said smiling at him I’m glad he helped me out in this
“Or maybe yet ... you can find the right MAN,” Louis says wiggling his eyebrows in the process of making me embarrass
“I don’t think so Lou ... heck i don’t even know if I’m coming out of the closet at this school i don’t want it to end like the last school I’ve been to” i say bitterly
He hugs me tight “Li... i told you to have this feeling that you will be perfectly fine...but it’s your choice if you’re going Narnia mode again,” he says chuckling
I laughed at his nickname for “closet gay” and he gave me his smiles and gave him a smile back dropping our conversation
“guys dinner ready!” harry shouts from the kitchen
We stood up and went to the kitchen and we ate our delicious food courtesy of chef styles
And i hugged them good night and went to my room closing the door behind me i went to unpack my clothes and place them organized in the walk-in closet i picked on what i should wear tomorrow and placed them on my desk along with my backpack that has my pens and notebooks i grabbed my phone and charged it for the night
I stripped into my boxers and went to my laptop and searched for a history of this place it got me curious
Until i saw the latest article
“vampires strike again”
i snort at the title ... they really think vampires are real .. but i don’t blame them i actually like reading vampire stories ... and i truly wished someday i can meet a vampire ...only if they are the nice ones ... and well if there are nice ones ... or if they are really true but i doubt that
i read it further
“A 19 year old man was found dead at the ally beside Bradford high school and was found to be drained by blood ... the doctors couldn’t find any other wound that can cause this young man to lose all of his blood doctors only found two holes in the side of his neck and bruises in his shoulders that look like handprints investigators examined the handprints but resulted to no one as we may believe this tragedy happened because of someone and that someone is rumored to be a VAMPIRE”
Shuddering at what i just read i think it’s time to go to sleep i shut my laptop down and saw my phone was charged enough i put it in my desk shutting it down to save the battery beside my wallet and my car keys
Yes Louis gave me a car it’s actually a Porsche i know expensive i tried reasoning him to give it back to the store well he refused and said it can be my way of thanking him for everything if i accept it so i did but i still owe him something so I’m not giving up on thanking him
I covered myself with the warm duvet and i started to think of what might happen tomorrow and what might be my future will I ever find my purpose with all the thinking i finally fell into a deep sleep