Liam’s Pov
If i say i was feeling happy... that would be a lie i wasn’t happy at all
I know confusing right? He just kissed me... the person i love just kissed me... why wouldn’t i be happy? Because in the heat of the moment he pulled away
He said the most gruesome words ever
“i don’t love you ... i regret that and please stay away from me”
Now i’m here confused and heartbroken just like what i was feeling when i was on Wolverhampton the feeling of being rejected came crashing down on me
But i was confused the moment he said those words he’s eyes showed lies
I don’t know who to believe myself or him but i knew i wasn’t the only one who felt that amazing sparks on our lips as they met
But i don’t know what to do anymore
Should i cry? Should i scream? Should i move on?
Nope i don’t think i could move on i’m pathetic i know i don’t really know him that much but he IS my purpose in life .... LIFE
Now that he’s gone ...what do i have to lose
I promised myself if i ever found out my purpose and i succeeded on making myself happy i will erase all the negative thoughts in my mind
But i failed i’m more heartbroken than before ...if that’s even possible
Now i feel worthless... maybe just maybe i could do one more thing for myself
If zayn doesn’t want me near him then no one could ever could
I will end it ... i’ll end my life for good
I run towards my car i went inside and written a note to the boys
Lads ,
If your reading this don’t find me, please ... i’m sorry if i’m ending this ... but i figured zayn doesn’t want me so i don’t deserve to live anymore my purpose doesn’t want me and i don’t want to live
Louis – i love you... thanks for giving me a life that our parents could never give me thanks for being there when i was rejected and you welcomed me in your life even though were stepbrothers i feel that we are truly in the same blood i’ll miss you bro i love you
Harry- my best friend i the entire world you were the one who made me realize that cutting was a mistake i’m sorry if i’m ending my life in pure tragedy i’m really sorry but i want to say i love you and i’ll miss you don’t forget about me
Niall – take care of my best friend and brother for me... thanks for making me laugh even if i’m really heartbroken i always laugh..because your laugh is contagious i love you niall your like my 2nd best friend thanks for everything
Zayn—if your going to read this i hope you will ...if you did care just for one bit don’t try to blame yourself as to why i’m ending my life i just want you to know that i love you... i just love you no one not even me can explain why i love you... maybe it’s just fate... i don’t know but if your reading this i want you to know if you don’t wnat me no one can have me not even myself taht’s why i’m ending it i love you
I love you guys so much but i’m sorry
With that i looked at the note i drived to my home dropping the note in the mail slot i drived agin to the nearest highway
I stand at the side of the road behind a tree so no one could tell if there is a person crossing the road or not
But before i could think i saw a truck coming towards in fast motion i took a step forward
I’ll miss you
Life , louis, harry, niall
And with that i blacked out
---end of flashback---
So hear i am still in the darkness i don’t know what is to happen but i hope i’m dead but i’m hearing muffled noises and i see a light straight ahead if i go to it will i live or will i die
There’s only one way to find out i walk into it and.....
I opened my eyes my whole body feels numb i felt powerful yet very thirsty
My throat is on fire i feel my head throbbing but it disappeared i stand up holding my throat
I saw a bathroom quickly going to the sink and drank the water
But i’m still thirsty but this thirst is not really being affected by the water what is happening to me i looked at myself in the mirror feeling weird at my appearance
I was pale but i still look the same except my eyes are pitch black with a hint of red on the sides i have two pointed fangs in my mouth
And that’s when it hit me i screamed in fear
I’m.... a .....