« Right personality. Wrong age, » I muttered and chuckled as I thought about Riley. He’s sure as hell gonna be a heart breaker, that’s for sure.
« So what are you gonna do ? » Shawn asked taking the seat beside me.
« I honestly don’t know. What should I do ? » I asked as I looked into his bright blue eyes.
« He’s your mate. Give him a chance. Maybe Greyson isn’t as bad as he seems, » he said and left the room with my chips.
Maybe he’s not.
I started thinking back to the phone call when it hit me. How did Greyson get my number ?
I was debating on whether or not I should call back or just act like I don’t care, but Riley would be so upset.
I decided to call him back, so I ran up to my room and quickly locked the door. I quickly hit the call back button and it began to ring. It rang about five times before someone answered.
« Hello ? » Greyson’s voice said through the speaker. It made my heart speed up and my stomach tingle.
« Greyson ? » I asked even though I already knew it was him.
« Alex ? Oh ! Hey ! What’s up ? » He said. He sounded so chill over the phone. Wow. This is a lot different the calling Karissa or Austin.
« I actually called to talk to your brother, » I chirped a little too happily.
« Oh. » I frowned at the disappointment in his voice. I actually felt bad. I waited a moment or two before Riley’s voice filled my right hear.
« Ally ! » He screamed into the phone.
« Hey, Lee, » I chimed happily.
« Lee ? My name is Riley, » he said confused. I chuckled and moved a stray strand of hair out of my face and pushed it behind my ear. My ear that wasn’t cut in half.
« I know. It’s a nickname. Its only fair that you get one since you gave me one, » I pointed out.
« Oooh, » he drug out and then giggled. « Bubba, my nigname is Lee, » he said and I chuckled as he must have misheard me.
« I know, Ry. Do I get one ? » I heard Greyson say in the background. It put a smile on my face to know that he seemed really close to Riley. I wonder if he had any other siblings ? I could hear the faint giggles from Riley on the phone which made me smile more.
« No, cause you isn’t special like my Ally. You’re ugly, » Riley said and I burst out laughing. I wonder how Greyson took the news that I am now his brother’s. Not to mention he was just very bluntly called ugly.
« Hey ! That’s not nice ! Ally is gonna think you’re a meanie, » Greyson teased. Just listening to him act like this made me wonder how many people have seen him like this. Not the stone cold alpha, but the one who plays and makes jokes with his three year old brother.
« Ally ! I isn’t mean is I ? » Riley stammered worriedly through the phone. I chuckled and smiled to myself.
« That was pretty mean, Lee, » I said.
« Yeah, Ryles, » Greyson huffed. I chuckled at his childish behavior.
« Oh. I’m sorry. Don’t tell mummy, » Riley mumbled quietly and I could just imagine his little pouty face in my mind.
« Hmmm, only if you do something for me, » Greyson said.
« What ? » Riley asked. I could just see the wheels turning in Greyson’s mind as the phone went silent. « Oh..okay, » he said and I could almost imagine the evil grin on he and Greyson’s face by the way he said it. « Ally, you should give bubba a chance. He’s nice when he doesn’t have to go with Daddy. Sometimes he’s mean though, like when Ty and Mariah are over. He’s nice when you’re around though. I like when you’re arou-«
« Okay, Ry. That’s enough, » Greyson barged into the conversation. He didn’t sound to happy. Great, so my mate is a stuck up asshole around his friends. I wouldn’t deny that for a minute.
« Sorry, bubba. Please don’t get angry. I don’t like when you’re angry, Bubba. Your eyes scare me, » Riley said and I wanted to tear Greyson’s head off. Poor little Lee. He’s only three ! He shouldn’t have to worry about seeing Greyson’s wolf.
« It’s okay, Riley, » Greyson said and then I heard Lee squeal.
« No ! I only get kisses from Ally and Mummy ! Ew, Bubba ! Ew-hahaha ! » Riley laughed loudly.
« Awe, » I said as I listened to Riley giggle as Greyson gave him kisses. It reminded me if the relationship I had with my little brother.
« Grey-Greys-son ! S-sto-op ! » Riley squealed as he giggled even louder. Miments passed and slowly Riley seemed to calm down. « Ally ? »
« Yeah ? » I answered with a big plastered on my face.
« Will you give bubba a chance ? » He asked sincerely.
« Yeah. I guess I could. For you. » I just hope that my choice doesn’t backfire.
One minute I’m getting my books out of my locker, and the next I’m choking Mariah up against a wall. Today hasn’t been my day.
It’s Friday and that means I have to be moved in with Greyson soon. Before Saturday night.
I had barely gotten any sleep because after Riley and I were done talking I couldn’t stop thinking about what I said I’d do. Why would I agree to give Greyson a chance ? He’s nothing but trouble.
Then, when I woke up I wasn’t in the best mood either.
Beep. Beep. Beep.
It was mocking me. I got angry after about five minutes of this and grabbed the clock and squeezed it in my hand until it crumbled to the floor in small pieces. It was easy considering the extra strength werewolves had. I sighed and just laid my head down and decided to sleep for a few more minutes. I had two hours. I’d be fine.
« Alex ! Alex ! Wake up ! We have ten minutes ! » My whole body jolted up as I grabbed the arms that were shaking me and flung the person across the room.
I ran over to the person and immediately felt bad.
« Sorry, Dylan, » I said as I helped him stand up.
« Geez. Ten minutes, Alex, » he groaned as he rubbed his head and walked out. Ten minutes ?
I ran over to my clothes and pulled out a pair of jeans and a plain black tee shirt. Then, I hurriedly put on some socks since I slept in a bra and slipped on my combat boots. I ran over to my makeup and skipped the foundation and just put on some eyeliner and my mascara and ran downstairs.
« Alex ! Your hair ! » Gabby squealed and ran over and started messing with it. After a few minutes, she pulled away and I felt it. It was done in a neat French braid.
« You don’t have time for breakfast. We’re already late, » Shane said as he exited the room and Gabby followed.