« I overrule you ! I’m your alpha ! » Shane growled out. I wanted to just yell out ‘no, not really,’ but considering we had all agreed to setting up positions to create a makeshift pack amongst the seven of us, I had no other option but to keep that comment to myself.
All of us were rogues at one point. Then, before I joined they decided they needed a leader to lead the small group, so they just chose ranks like a normal pack. Shawn was beta before me, but I beat him out of the title somehow. Shane never really explained it to me. I just accepted it.
« Titles don’t mean anything, Shane ! I have the right to the pursuit of happiness ! Going there will not bring me happiness ! » I insisted as I waved my hands in the air.
« I don’t care, Alex ! You are going, » he said as he got into my face. I snarled at him and he snarled back. I took a step back and let out a vicious growl as Shane realized what I was doing. « Alex ! Don’t- ! » He shouted, but it was already to late.
I couldn’t help myself. The though of Greyson Hayes put a bad taste in my mouth. He had been nothing but a pain in my neck from the time we had to make ourselves schoolmates with his pack. He hated us. His entire pack hated us. Dirty looks and threats were common, but the moment we even breathed in their direction they were claiming we wanted to start war.
Greyson Hayes is a putrid human being who would love nothing more than to kill all of us, and he has made that very clear.
I shifted into my midnight black wolf. He shifted into his blonde wolf and we circled each other. It’s a good thing we go to an all werewolf school. Students gasped and moved aways from us. Some even took out their phones and began to record us.
I launched myself at Shane’s shoulder, but he turned to the side so I latched onto his hind leg. He snarled at me bucked his legs causing me to fly off of him and hit the wall. I crumbled to the ground in a heap, but quickly got back up.
I growled at him and he copied then launched himself at me. He got onto my back, but I rolled over before he could do anything. I crushed him with my wolf’s weight enough that he’s detach himself from me.
I attempted to get back up, but his teeth clamped around my leg and pulled my down. I used my back legs to kick him in the stomach. He launched across the room and hit a table causing it to break in half. He barked and snarled menacingly at me. I growled and launched myself at him again.
He jumped up and slammed me back down on the ground. The floor tiles cracked and I’m pretty sure there was an indent there now.
I pushed myself back off the floor and and ran toward Shane once again only to have him spin around and knock me through a window.
I could feel glass digging into my side, but got back up anyway. I climbed back through the window and growled at pretty much everyone.
I already knew that my wolf was a pretty intimidating thing to look at. I was pitch black, had a huge scratch mark down the side of my face, my right ear wasn’t there, and I was actually pretty big. One of the reasons I was given the beta title. Add a few shards of glass in your side and blood and you have a scary-ass wolf.
I charged at Shane and just when he was about to latch onto my shoulder I gripped his neck in my teeth. Think I won, right ? No. Not at all.
Two paws came up and rammed into my stomach causing me to hit the wall once again. It’s just not my day is it ?
I attempted to get back up, but my body was completely sore. Getting yourself thrown at a wall several times can do that to a person.
Shane’s blonde wolf stood over me. I put my head down showing that I surrendered. Dylan came up to us and gave us each a towel and a spare change of clothes. We kept spare clothes with us as if it were religion.
We each shifted back and wrapped the towels around us. The girls were practically drooling over Shane who had the towel wrapped only around his waist.
« No means no, Alex, » he said and took off in another direction to get changed.
I felt someone come up behind me and place a hand on my shoulder.
« You’re still not going, are you ? » Dylan asked. I just smirked and shook my head.
« Nope. » And then I took off toward the restroom to get dressed and take these shards out of my side.
It was a bit strange the rest of the day walking down the halls, but it wasn’t anything unbearable. I was happy when I eventually got to leave and go home. I spent a good hour and a half in my room just scream-singing ‘Holla-back Girl’ before my bedroom door was very rudely slammed open.
« Alex ! » Karissa screamed above my music. « Get ready. Me, you, and Gab are all going out. I am not going to that party, » she said with confidence. She hated Greyson almost as much as I did. I chuckled, and she glared at me. « You in or not ? » I nodded and got up off of the floor to turn the music off.
« Where are we going ? » I asked as I walked to my closet.
« Not the party. That’s all I know of at the moment. We still have to figure out how we’re gonna get Gabby off of Shane’s hip. »
I laughed at her. Shane always was way too protective over Gabby. They are the perfect couple to be honest. Gabby is shy and quiet while Shane is loud and talkative. Shane is constantly doing new things while Gabby tends to stay in her comfort zone. They just suit each other. I wonder if that’s how Liam and I would have been ? I wonder if he was patient and bullheaded or shy and forgiving. I wondered this all the time and over the years it’s just made me bitter.
« Don’t make that face. You look creepy when you scowl like that, » Gabby said as she stepped through my door. I just rolled my eyes and turned back to my closet.
« So where are we going ? » Gabby asked. I shot a smirk at Karissa and she growled at me.
« I don’t know yet, okay ? Gosh darnit, you guys ! » She said as she flipped us off.
« Why don’t we tell Shane we are going for a quick walk and then we’ll ‘accidentally’ get lost, » Gabby suggested.
« Ya know..this could work. But, we’ve been here for nearly a year now and Shane will know that is major bull, » I said and Gabby cursed under her breath. I chuckled and looked at Karissa who was staring out the window. I looked out to see what she was staring at. Dylan and Austin shooting each other with airsoft guns.
« Yo ! Stop checking out your boy and stay on task ! » I yelled in her ear. She jumped and I could hear her heart speed up as her face reddened.
« Fake an injury, » someone said from my door. All of our heads whipped toward the door and we saw Shawn standing there looking devious as ever.
« Perfect ! But how ? » Gabby said as she began pacing the room. She paced for a few more seconds before she stopped and looked at me. A grin was plastered across her face and she looked evil as shit.
« Could it just so happen that one of us gets shot with an airsoft bullet ? » Gabby said staring at me with a certain evil smile. My jaw hit the floor. Is she serious ? She wants me to get hit with a plastic sphere that stings, and then hope that Shane doesn’t just say put ice on it and let’s go ?
« They are plastic ! They won’t hurt me just sting ! » I argued. I turned to Karissa for help but got a more evil smirk that Gabby’s.
« Maybe one won’t convince him, but what about various ? » My jaw dropped once again as I stared at them in shock.
« No ! No ! No ! No ! No… »
« …No ! No ! NO ! » I yelled as I stood in a bathing suit in the garage. Gabby, Karissa, and Shawn stood around me with airsoft guns and little vicious smirks plastered across their facees.
« It won’t hurt that bad ! You’re a wolf ! We just need you to act like you had an allergic reaction to something and Gabby and I will take you to the ‘hospital’, » Karissa said.
« Give me your phone, » I said to Shawn. He looked at me wearily and then spoke.
« Why ? » He asked.
« Because I’m calling Satan and telling him I’m bringing his daughter back, » I said seriously. Karissa shot a pellet to the right of my head and then did one of those fake ‘whoopsie’ things. I whipped her off and put a mask over my face.
« READY ! AIM ! FIRE ! » Karissa yelled and then little tiny stinging marks occurred all over my body. It wasn’t like I was getting stung by bees. It was like having a body part falling asleep, but worse.