Hayfah's life became glum, as the only time she was out was when she attended Islamic school. She was never the type that loved going out. Amna had travelled to Abuja to her boyfriend a visit, under the pretext of going for school registration. Hayfah was worried about the outcome because she knew her sister had lied about gaining admission and was extorting the poor man. ‘If only Abba knew what she was up to’ Hayfah thought saying a silent prayer for her sister’s wellbeing.
Hayfah yawned and stretched her arms, looked at the wall clock in her room, it read 11:30. Her eyes bulged out, how did she end up sleeping for long? She just had finished memorizing a few minutes after subh prayer before going back to bed.
‘Umma will skin me alive’ she thought clearing her Umma’s words the previous night. She expected Hayfah up early. They needed to prepare a little feast for her ‘beloved Amna’
Hayfah silently muttered a supplication before pulling herself off bed. She immediately left for the well, to fetch some water. She bent over to lift a bucket of water when she felt a violent smack on her back. "Ahhhhhrrgg" she yelled, abruptly turning back, her gaze fell on Umma's growled face.
She hung her head low, gently wiping the tears which cascaded down her cheeks. "I'm sorry, Umma, I slept off, totally forgetting that we have some work to do." Hayfah conceded, battling with the tears that were threatening to fall. Her back was hurting badly.
"You should be sorry for yourself. Just look at yourself Hayfah, why do you harbor so much hatred for your sister? She’s coming home after so many days and you can’t even help me prepare a nice meal for her? You good for nothing! You’re worthless to me, Amna is the daughter that’ll make me proud.” Umma bragged.
Hayfah marveled out of shock and pain, her eyes bulged out, glistened with tears. How could Umma accuse her of hating on her own sister? Was she that mean and heartless? When did having a crooked voice amount to being guile and heartless? This was just too much. As far she was concerned, she might even love her more than Umma, because she want the right thing for her, she want her to follow the right path, she wanted Allah's Rahma on her, unlike Umma, who was only blinded by worldly pleasures.
"Umma why would you think I hate my sister when she’s the only sister I have. She might not be warm and welcoming towards me but I really love her, so much." Tears were never ceasing from cascading down Hayfah’s cheeks. How much more could she handle?
"How many times will I tell you not to speak to me with that awful voice of yours? You can answer my questions in pantomime, this voice is irritating, Hayfah," Umma bellowed boiling with so much anger; she hissed and majestically sauntered to their mud kitchen.
"I was created like this, and I believe it's a blessing in disguise." Hayfah muttered somberly before going about her duties.
Amna came in a few minutes past 5, she came in pushing a huge trolley and the guy who dropped her came in to say hi to Umma who was grinning from ear to ear when he dropped a bundle of 500 naira notes beside her, she thanked him will all her heart, blessing Amna endlessly.
Amna said she was full; apparently they had eaten before she was brought home. Amna opened the trolley which contained; Abayas, flawless gowns, jeans and tops, some expensive ankaras and laces, shoes and bags. Everything looked expensive. Hayfah took a long black Abaya which has silver stones embroidered on its neck and the hand, it looked simple and elegant. "Addah Amna, I really love this Abaya, it'll look good on you, put it on tomorrow please." Hayfah remarked, her husky voice full of enthusiasm and sincerity. Umma abruptly yanked the Abaya from Hayfah's hand, they both gave her a quizzical look, she sneered at Hayfah "I know what you were trying to say, you want her to give it to you eh? You must be really wicked, you hate her but love her things, how guile," Umma reprimanded, putting back the Abaya in the trolley.
"Umma, I'm sorry, but what you said wasn't right, how can I hate my sister? And for the Abaya, wallahi I sincerely don't want it," Hayfah defended and trudged back to their room with a heavy heart, vowing not to cry again over Umma's ill-treatments.
"Hayfah," Amna called loudly, holding her phone. Hayfah hurriedly went out, she thought it was something bad that happened "Addah Amna, what's it?" She asked, looking worried. She hoped they're all fine.
"Fareeha called me, she said your WEAC result was out since yesterday, she had been trying to contact you through my phone but it wasn't going. She said she'll check it for you and send a screenshot via Whatsapp," Amna stated and handed her phone to Hayfah, she went back to what they were discussing with Umma.
Out of anxiety, tears started rolling down her cheeks, she was eager and afraid to know how her result will be, will she pass? Will she fail? As it was the last phase of her future studies. She scored 218 in her jamb, and if she failed WEAC that meant she might lose one or two years, because Abba had to struggle to pay for another examination. She let out a wail when Amna's phone beeped, "Innalillahi, Ya Allah help me, Ya Allah make me pass." Her husky voice was now huskier than usual, as she was afraid and anxious.
"Will you keep quite please? You're confusing me with your voice." Umma hissed and continued counting the bundle of money Amna's boyfriend gave her.
Ignoring Umma’s tantrum, Hayfah tapped on Fareeha’s message with a shaky hand. Her result came to view in all its glory;
English Language B3
Mathematics B3
Biology B2
Chemistry B3
Economics A1
Geography B3
Islamic Studies B3
Home management B2
She squealed and hugged Umma tightly "Umma I passed," she burbled. "With flying colors, Alhamdulillah," Hayfah jabbered, tears of joy cascading down her cheeks, her dimples deepening and that made her look more flawless and radiant than ever before.
Umma pushed her, and that made her fall on her back on the trolley with a loud thud "Are you insane? Why would shout in ears, do you want to destroy my eardrums with this awful voice of yours? Stupid girl! Are you the only one that passed with flying colors? Just get lost." Umma hissed shooting a deadly glare towards Hayfah. Before she could utter another word, Amna pushed her on the ground, scrutinizing her trolley "What do you think you're doing, Hayfah? How can you sit comfortably on my new trolley? Are you out of your senses? Why’re you hell bent on destroying everything. You are incorrigible wallahi," Amna said glaring. Hayfah's tears of joy turned to tears of pain, heartbreak, and sadness; she never imagined they would treat her that way. What had she done to deserve such treatment from her family? Was it because of her voice? But she was created like this, and it wasn't her fault neither was it anyone’s. She swallowed the lump that formed in her throat, and resisted the urge to flare at them, tell them how disgusting they were, how heartless they were, and how they didn’t deserve her love. She walked to their room, Abba's voice halted at their room's door, he came and hugged her "I'm so proud of you, Hayfah, May Allah shower his endless blessing on you. Allah yayi maki albarka, my money wasn't wasted, may he grant all your wishes. I loved you, I love you, and I'll forever love you, my sweet child." Abba spoke with a glum voice and used his thumb to clear the lone tear that cascaded down his right cheek because he had witnessed all that had taken place. She felt an agonizing pain, she couldn’t vocalize how she felt, but she was relieved a bit because of Abba's assurance of unending love. "Why, Abba? Was I the one that created me? Abba are they my real family? Why is it that you're the only one that loves me? Abba I don't deserve them." She let out a wail agonizingly.
He patted her back soothingly, swallowing the lump that formed in his throat "They're your family, Hayfah, they also love you. You didn’t create yourself, and Insha Allah it's a blessing in disguise. Weep not, Hayfah," Abba spoke somberly.