Sounds of the zombies outside of their door running down to the source of the scream reverberated and finally, Danny could freely breathe. He hated himself for being relieved that danger was out of their door and heading to someone else. Someone who might just be as scared as him, if not more.
Picturing the zombies eating out the intestines and brain of the victim caused him to belch in fright. The belching caused his stomach to churn even louder. He sat down, holding his stomach which was now stinging with pains caused by hunger.
Surprisingly, he wasn't as thirsty as he was hungry. He wondered why.
As though matching the rhythm of a song, the stomach of the girl also made a lazy grumbling sound which was even louder than the sound of his own. He glanced unconsciously at her just to follow the hilarious sound but she had also looked his way. Awkwardly yet again, their eyes collided and Danny shyly looked away in speed.
"Let's smash." he heard her loud voice declare.
She did not mean what he thought she meant, right?
As he turned questioningly at her, she seemed to read the expression on his face. " Sex will take our mind off things and make us forget our hunger." she shamelessly explained.
By God, there was no end to her vulgarity!
"Yeah and drain whatever energy we have left. Sex is not the solution." he reasoned with her when in actuality, he was only saying that to hide his uneasiness by the mention of the word 'sex'
His last sexual experience was not a nice one. He could remember vaguely that day like it was yesterday. He was seven— or eight. His mother had left him in the care of his aunt while she needed to go work on some important projects.
His aunt was a single ripened-for-marriage woman— she still was. While they were alone in the house, she had taken off his clothes and caressed his little body. He was young and confused but when she slid his tiny cock into her wide vagina, he had gasped in something birth of pain and confusion.
He could still remember at times the way her large body was riding on top of his little one and hated sex for that one moment.
The thought of having his first sexual experience with his blood at a tender age made him grow a dislikeness for the act. He still sees her whenever she comes to visit or his mom insisted they go visit. Aunt Theida probably thought he had forgotten about that one experience but did not know that he replays the scene all over in his head every time his eyes set upon her.
So— no sex. He stayed away from it like a plague. Thankfully, his looks and stature made him the last boy girls would want to be with. But now, what the hell was he supposed to do with such a body as sexy as this?
The girl standing up and moving towards the door which now had the mattress strongly blocking it made him jump in fortification.
"What in the bloody hell are you doing?!" he yelled.
Smugly, she turned to him. "You are right, sex will drain all of our energy so we better go get food this night or I die before the zombies or worms could even get to me." she shrugged.
What the...?
"So you want to go out of the door and get food— where?" he sarcastically asked.
The way she indifferently strapped up her chin almost made him curse.
"This is a lounge, Danny. There is a bar right downstairs. They would definitely have a kitchen right? We need the food or my sanity would collapse and I eat that zombie over there." she pointed at the dead zombie on the floor.
Why the hell was she pointing at it again?!
"I eat the zombie, turn into one, and—" she jumped forward, snarling and twisting.
Even though he knew she was just messing around, the motion made Danny jump a step away in terror.
The girl gave a throaty laughter before finishing her statement. "Then, I eat you Danny," she smirked then return her streak of laughter which sank with the bloody walls of the room and Danny thought her voice echoed.
The street, building, and everywhere was silent this time. A type of deadly silence that beguiled danger.
Cripes, this was the worst type of girl outside!
He had a female friend from his junior year in high school before she got transferred to another school after her family moved away from the neighborhood and— she was nothing like this.
"You're crazy." he spat out before turning away from her. Smart enough he was to know she was only messing around with him.
Going out of the door would be the last thing she would do.
He turned to the window and walked closer to it to see how the night looks in an apocalypse. The swarm of zombies walking aimlessly about quietly bumping into one another while walking like people infected with the lethal stage of stroke did something to his inside.
Even the breeze that blew on his face held no niceness. Didn't smell nice and did not blow nicely.
Indeed, all of this was real and one way, he needed to learn, to survive.
A figure in the dark behind a house moving silently and sneakingly from one shade to the other caught his attention. Someone was outside sneaking and moving away from the notice of the zombies and they were still human.
Did everyone not see the news?
Was the instruction not to stay indoors and only move in daylight? What was the problem of this woman?
He could clearly see her now as the street lights were still on. Not that he could perfectly see how she looks but he could see her figure quite clearly enough to know she was a woman.
Probably in her early fifties or late forties and she was heading somewhere, doing well to hide from the zombies. He wasn't sure but he knew it would be only a little amount of time before the zombies would notice her.
By the way, she was bending and scurrying around, he decided she was looking for something. His eyes continued to follow her until he saw another small figure running in between the zombies, awakening their senses as each zombie began to pursue it as it passed them.
It was a dog, Danny saw it clearly now and it was running fast with something in its mouth.
It was a white Siberian husky dog and it looked sinfully familiar. The creature was managing to slip away from the zombies but not without barking loudly, attracting more zombies within the axis.
"Bloody dumb old goofer!" Danny cursed when he saw the woman hiding behind the porch of a house crawl out but still hidden.
She was probably whispering as her hands were outstretched as though calling out to something, or someone.
As the barking dog headed towards her, the growling of the zombies increased and that seemed to heighten their speed.
Danny decided the dog belonged to the woman and she came out to get it. She was going to get herself killed, or maybe eaten and turned into one of those monsters for it too. How stupid!
Who comes out in the night to save a dog on a street filled with zombies?
Who could have such affection for a dog and risk their lives to come to save it?
He knew of one person like that. One single, lonely woman who had no companion except for that of her dog.
As the dog finally got to the woman and she lifted it up and began to crawl back to where she came from, Danny strained his eyes and looked in more closely at her.
They would have been saved had the dog not continued to bark at the zombies snarling their way to them. Finally, when a zombie grabbed her leg and another her second leg until she got dragged down and about twenty zombies pounced down on her, her scream flew to Danny's ears.
Instantaneously, he recognized the voice.
"Aunt Theida?" he called in astonishment as she watched her go out of sight, now buried under the heap of zombies tearing her flesh into their mouths.
Her dog continuously whimpered and howled in pain as it barked at the predators predating on its owner while it bites them repeatedly – until it also got itself overwhelmed by the four zombies who had dropped over patronized Aunt Theida and focused on consuming the doggy flesh under its white furs.
Danny could not believe his eyes. This was Aunt Theida and she just got eaten by zombies right in his presence only that she was a few meters away.
Why was Aunt Theida in this new world he transmigrated to?