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Chapter 3_ Avoid the worms, fight the infected

Abruptly, the girl had turned to the screen and Danny who was as lost as a puppy could only do the same.

The breaking news had different tapes of streets, cities, and countries being displayed. The roads were secluded and it was the afternoon unlike now when it was the night.

Cars were dumped around, blood stains and bodies could be seen on some of the streets the screen displayed with the word 'AFTER' boldly stamped on the screen.

"It is just a day and it's already worst than I thought." the girl muttered beside Danny.

Danny glanced at her and asked the question dancing in his throat. "What is worst than you thought?" he asked with doubt, still finding it hard to stomach the whole zombie thing the girl had mentioned to him.

Suddenly, almost immediately he asked that, the serene display on the screen change to the opposite. Danny heard screams and gunshots and when he turned back to the screen, what he saw left his jaw slacking.

"That is what's worst than I thought." the girl breathed beside him.

People were going insane. Eating, biting, shooting one another in the streets, pubs, restaurants, schools, churches, mosques, everywhere, name it.

It was just like scenes from horror movies. All of these could not be happening, could it?

Streets could not be burning, cars could not be burning, houses too. People were not eating, biting, and shooting one another, were they?

Zombies could definitely not be real.

There could not be an outbreak of a zombie virus, could there?

Many questions were lingering on every vital of Danny's as fear settled upon him. How on earth had he managed to get here?

"All of these can't be real right? Those people outside the door are not zombies, right? This is all a scene from movies right?" Danny started to rush as he was slowly drifting into a short trance.

'BEFORE' was the inscription on the screen now as all the awful scenes were shown and screams, cries, and gunshots resounded.

"Does the breaking news show movies?" was the sarcastic reply from the girl before the screen display changed.

A woman in a corporate suit and neatly packed hair began to broadcast the news.

"These are all scenes of how the streets look this afternoon, May 6th, 2044, and how it looked two nights ago when the first outbreak was detected on the streets of Flopian." she began.

May 6th, 2044?

It was twelve years to the present day he was at in his reality. What the hell happened to him?

Did he transmigrate into another body in another reality?

Were things like that possible at all?

He stared down at his bare body from the torn shirt and saw the nice abs he had and rigid chest.

To hell– this wasn't his body. It was far from it. He was caught up in the heat of the whole thing that he hadn't even noticed his own body. His own body from head to toe was as skinny as chicken legs. He would be examining the rest of his body later.

But for now, he needed to listen to the rest of the news carefully because indeed, his survival now depended on it.

The tiny but professional voice of the woman continued to read the news. "The virus is from the family of cordyceps, a zombie fungus. Black worms are the main carrier of this virus and are what caused the first outbreak as they germinated from the ground and Infected Dale Tanner, a farmer who returned home with the symptoms and ended up infecting people from the hospital where he was treated. Flopian is ground zero so if you are not within that axis, stay away from there as much as possible."

Danny glanced at the girl to ask her where they were but somehow, she also chose to look at him and their eyes collided.

"Where are we?" Danny asked after clearing his throat from the awkwardness of the interlocked gazes.

As though surprised, she dimmed her eyes and tilted her head. "What's wrong with you?" she questioned. "Did you suffer amnesia from hitting your head previously?" she further asked.

If pretending would get him all the information he needed, he might as well pretend.

"Urhhm— I think so. I can't remember a thing. Not even who I am except for my name." Danny lied.

Well, it wasn't totally a lie, was it?

He saw the doubtful flickering of her eyes. "Listen to the news. We will talk after," she said, her hands going under her chin while her gaze returned to the TV screen.

The broadcaster had already made some statements Danny was unable to hear because of his conversation with the girl.

However, the information being passed by the broadcaster continued.

"Our first enemy is the worms because the source of their germinating from the ground is still unknown and still being experimented. We implore civilians to protect themselves with leather materials or heavy boots when they are out where there is mud or sand directly from the ground. Wear leather boots to protect your legs. It is easier for the worms to get into your body through your legs which would be in close contact with the ground. Avoid the worms, don't let them get to you. Remember, they germinate from the ground at night as they cannot survive the scorching effects of the sun."

Again, Danny and the girl exchanged glances. Danny was not used to exchanging glances with girls. He would never get used to it.

The broadcast continued...

"Zombie worms can however survive in dark places with no effects of sunlight but they can not survive for long without a host that is why their act of survival is to find a host. When they enter your system, they immediately infect you with the zombie virus."

Danny gulped, fear had gripped all the better part of him. His throat was dry this time but it wasn't from fear or the news, he was really thirsty. Very thirsty and hungry and he was losing strength.

Since the girl wasn't complaining, he chose to not complain also.

"Our second enemy and the ones you see around you are the infected. Avoid them and do not let them bite you. A bite from them will immediately infect you with the zombie virus and symptoms would begin to surface after two minutes of infection. The infected also carry the zombie worms. Do not let them get to you. Protect your body with shields of any sort. Be creative and shield yourself while we come to get you once it's morning. Rescue teams will be sent out once it's morning as the infected can not move about during daylight. We need to see your beacon and SOS wherever you are. As long as you do that, we will find you and rescue you."

This was all too overwhelming for Danny to digest. How did he go from being a skinny brainy loser in school who won the dancing tournaments and got his face burnt by Jon and his crew to being– a sexy boy who needs to kill zombies, and avoid worms to survive?

He never knew that truly, transmigration exists nor did he know that there was indeed something as different realities.

Of all the places it could be, why did his soul choose to transmigrate here?

"Symptoms begin with blurred vision to bloodshot eyes. Then, a high fever accompanied by high temperature would follow until the newly infected starts to burn up. An excruciating thirst would then attack the infected until finally, they turn into fresh zombies. Look out for these signs in others and stay safe." there was a paise from the broadcaster. "Survive," she finished with a smile, and in the same way it come on like a thief in the night, the TV screen went blank running with static.

"If we don't die of hunger and thirst before then," Danny commented as he slumped on the floor, a reasonable distance away from the zombie body.

He wasn't expecting what he heard next from the girl.

"Once it's morning, we will go scout for what to eat and use as a beacon for our rescue." she declared.

He most certainly wasn't getting out there.

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