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Chapter 03:





She pulled back to look at my furious erection again and I thought if it got any harder it would crack my skin. She stroked it a few more times, then gave the tip a soft kiss. I could see a smudge of her lipstick on the tip and I was in nerve-wracking heaven. Lamya stuck her tongue out and licked the underside, almost like an experiment. For a first time without instructions, she got off to an incredible start. She kissed his head a few more times before finally opening her mouth and taking the lead. She looked up at me and I had a hard time stopping myself from blowing my wad already. With her mouth wrapped around my cock head, she asked;

➖Mmmm-mmmm how are you?

➖ME: Oh, yeah, that's amazing!

My hand reflexively went to her head, but I didn't push her onto my cock. Instead, I just stroked her beautiful hair; run my fingers over it. Lamya slowly took more of my cock and I quickly had no problem believing it was her first time. Not because she wasn't good, but because her gag reflexes were sensitive. She was only about a third down the descent when she choked and saliva poured out of her mouth. I told him to take his time to get used to it. She didn't need to force herself. She backed up and stroked my shaft a few times while catching her breath. She sucked my cock past her gorgeous lips and started rocking up and down as much as she could. After 20-30 seconds of rocking, she pushed a little further and stood there for several seconds.

It wasn't long before she could catch her breath without removing my cock from her mouth. Her eyes were glazed over from the gag reflex, but she was sexy as hell when she looked at me like that! Each time she recovered, she descended harder and harder. When she was halfway through, I felt my cock hit the back of her throat and she came up coughing.

I tell him;

➖You don't have to impress me; you can take it slow if you want. I want you to enjoy it too. You are amazing !!!

➖LAMYA: I appreciate that! Seeing your reaction is the most fun I've ever had!

I had been with a few girls in my life, and the sex was always good. But none of them were as good as Lamya. In fact, all I could think of as she vanished my cock into her mouth was that if I never had another sexual encounter for the rest of my life, I would be fine as long as I remembered this moment with her!

My orgasm was rising rapidly and I warned her. I thought it would be pretty rude to just blast a load in a newbie's mouth.

She asked;

➖How will it taste? Is that rude?

I laughed a little;

➖Well, from my personal experience, I don't know! Some say it's good, others say it's awful. But everyone says it's usually quite salty.

➖LAMYA: Yeah, I think I tasted it a while ago.

➖ME: You probably did. But there will be a lot more when I cum and it will be a lot saltier.

Lamya winked at me;

➖I like salty things…

She came back to me. Her red hair was bouncing as her head bobbed up and down on my shaft. She held onto my hips using only her lips and tongue on my engorged cock. A ring of her lipstick formed around my cock to the point where it couldn't pass and the vision was too much to bear. My balls flexed and my orgasm hit hard. The first blow was a direct blow to the back of his throat and was never to be seen again. She pulled back instinctively and the second breath splashed across her now closed lips and chin. And the suddenness of the second explosion shocked her so much that she opened her mouth in surprise, just in time for the third bullet to shoot into her mouth. By then she knew what was going on and just held her mouth open as my orgasm ended. After the third shot, I lost count of how many strings of cum I pulled in and around her mouth, but I'd bet it was at least seven.

Seeing her porcelain doll face with my cum all over it made it so incredibly hot that I never wanted to stop cumming. I looked at her with admiration and she said;

➖Take a picture. It will last longer.

She meant that as a joke, but I leaned over, grabbed my phone, and opened the camera app. As I did this she put the head of my cock back in her mouth and watched me while pushing some of my cum to her lips to pool on my cock. I took several pictures and she did her best to smile. Lamya pulled away from me and used her finger to wipe a big dollop of cum from her upper lip and put on a show putting it in her mouth before swallowing it. I took at least a dozen pictures of her doing it too.

At that moment, his phone rang. I asked;


She looked at her phone and said that was it and she had to go. Lamya thanked me for this wonderful moment and I told her that of course the pleasure was all mine. But I wanted to catch up next time...

Lamya cleaned up and I got dressed. We had no way of knowing if anyone was out, so we just took a chance and walked out together. There was a guy who saw us dating, he was on his way to the men's room. He looked at her, looked at me, and gave me a slight nod as if to say well done, man. Lamya didn't even look at him.

We found Yemima, said goodbye and hugged, ending our first date. As we parted, I heard Yemima say to Lamya;

➖I can't believe you kissed him on the first date! You are such a slut!

She didn't say it in an insulting way; it was more the way the friends talked to each other and they both laughed at the fake insult.

I felt pretty good about my life when I got home; relive the day in my head. I couldn't get Lamya out of my head and it wasn't even because of the incredible blowjob she had just given me. There was a real connection with her and I just enjoyed being with her. I didn't know if it was love or not; it was still too early to know for sure, but I knew that I really loved her.

I was pulling up to my apartment when I realized I couldn't remember a single detail about the drive home. Did I run red lights or signs? Did I speed or drive ten miles per hour under the limit? I couldn't tell you and honestly, I didn't really care at the time. I was on a natural level that I was sure I would never go down. But I was, once again, wrong.

The next day I was at work and still on my level; in the feel of my date. It was a normal day in all other respects. But then we got a call for a traffic accident. We bolted to the platform, prepared as always, and exited with lights and sirens.

As we approached the stage, the leader turned to us and said;

➖It's going to be bad, guys. Of course there is death. Surgeon; you are standing.

We all said in unison: Merrrrde

Danilo's nickname was surgeon; a name he earned due to his skills with the Jaws of Life. No one was better than Danilo.

When the scene dawned on me, I suddenly understood what Ramon was talking about. The intersection was bad. A freeway that ended and turned into local streets at a traffic light. Travelers unfamiliar with the area and not paying attention could easily miss the signs and signals and blow through. And that's exactly what happened. But this time it was a big thing that blew through the intersection and it was a small car that got run over. I couldn't even tell what kind of car it was. It looked like a tank battalion had roamed it and then used it for gunnery practice. The front half of the car was nothing more than the bottom of the chassis. The engine, transmission, wheels, doors, fenders, roof and seats were gone. They were scattered in a field of debris which led to where the truck finally came to rest about 100 yards down the road. As our rig stopped, we were all saying things like: Holy shit; Whore. Even the chef said;

➖Ohhhh putaiiiiiiiin

Whoever was in the front seat was dead before the truck finished passing over the car. But that wasn't what was going to make this one bad. There were no less than a dozen motorists clinging feverishly to the remaining wreckage, and I immediately understood what that meant. There was a child in the back seat.

We jumped off and went to work. The chief sent the motorist to pack, but not before I saw how their hands were cut trying to remove the jagged metal. Every cop in town seemed to be on the scene and they moved from rescuing to securing the scene and rerouting traffic. The surgeon started doing his thing and I took off my outfit so I could try to sneak inside the wreckage more easily. I looked inside and sure enough there was a young girl in a booster seat in the back. She was covered in blood and she wore a face of constant shock. Eyes wide open, mouth wide open. She was no more than seven years old. I was barely able to reach it.

I asked the girl, touching her hand;

➖Honey, can you hear me?

The girl was hyperventilating, but her breathing was shallow. She kept whispering: Mom? Mom ? Mom ?

I said;

➖My name is Jack and I'm going to get you out of here, okay? What is your name?

The girl looked in my direction but it was as if she was looking right through me. She managed to squeal her name;


➖ME: Okay, Katie. I need you to hold still, okay, honey? You will hear loud sounds, but don't be afraid! He's just my friend. He has a big pair of scissors for cutting metal. So that noise you're hearing now, it's just helping me get you out of the car, okay?

She weakly responded;


The roof came up and I pushed further into the twisting wreckage. I had a pen flashlight and used it to check Carla's pupils. Either she had a severe concussion or she had just finished taking enough meth to get an elephant high. My bet was on the concussion. Seemingly out of nowhere, a small neck brace was handed to me and I put it on him. I continued to assess him and found that his shirt was getting bloodier. I cut her shirt off and sure enough she had a puncture wound in her chest. Once her t-shirt was off I saw bubbles forming in the blood with every breath she took and that told me she had a punctured lung. I shouted at Carel;

➖She has a chest injury

In a flash, a bundle of plastic, gauze, and duct tape was handed to me. I wiped her skin around the top and sides of the wound, applied the plastic and secured it, leaving the bottom open so the blood would be forced out as she inhaled instead of being sucked into her lungs and drowning her. I screamed;

➖Get us out of here, surgeon! Carel, tell the chief to call Airvif!

Airvif was slang for a flight of life. There was no way she was going to an ambulance.

➖CAREL: It's already on the way, Jack

I asked Carla how she was and she told me she was scared. I told her that I understood and that she was going to the hospital for the doctor to make sure she was okay. I knew Carla was far from well, but I didn't want to scare her, of course. She asked me if I would go with her and I promised I would.

The roof peeled off and sunlight entered. Suddenly I could see very clearly how hurt Carla was and my already low confidence plummeted. In addition to the injuries I had already found, Carla had an open fracture in her left shin that exited through the calf muscle, not to mention countless cuts and bruises. I cut her seatbelt when paramedics started moving in and put her on a board for transport and could hear the sounds of a helicopter landing nearby.

The leader was acting as the landing signals officer and as we walked towards the helicopter I told her I was staying with her. He didn't have time to argue, so he just nodded in agreement.

I let the paramedics do their job and just held her hand to let her know I was there. They secured her in the rescue flight and hooked her up to IVs, plasma and a heart monitor as the helicopter took off. Suddenly Carla released her weak grip on my hand and she lay flat.

The small team bent over backwards to bring her back. They worked on her until we landed in the hospital and a team of doctors took over. I pulled back just enough to give them room, but I already knew how the day would end. There was nothing anyone could have done; his little body just took too much damage. The doctor pronounced it and called the time. I wanted to hit him even though it wasn't his fault.

I spent a few moments with Carla; telling him I was sorry. Before leaving, I gave him a small kiss on the forehead and turned to leave.

A nurse stopped me and said;

➖Why don't you come here and we'll take care of you...

➖ME: What do you mean?

The nurse cooed;

➖ We're going to have you sutured.

She pointed to my left shoulder and the back of my head.

I craned my neck to look over my shoulder and only then did I realize I had at least a four inch gash on my shoulder blade and the back of my t-shirt was soaked in blood. I felt the back of my head and it was wet too.

➖ME: Oh, I hadn't even noticed...

She just pressed her lips together in an understanding smile and said;

➖This way…

With the stitches in the shoulder and the staples in the head in place, I walked out of the ER wondering how I was going to get back to the station. I didn't wonder for long, the chef was waiting for me outside. One look on my face and he knew there was no need to ask how Carla was doing.


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