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Érotique+ TV
82.0K · Completed


Yemima; lesbian and former friend of my wife Lamya found her fiancée Floriane at university. After their marriage, they...

RomanceMarriageAlphaGoodgirlvirginSweetBest Friendlove-triangleSexErotic

Chapter 01:





No one grows up to have exactly the life they imagined as a child. When I was young, I always imagined that I would marry my high school sweetheart and make a fortune working as a firefighter. I couldn't have been more wrong. But then again, maybe I wasn't that far off.

High school, for me, was a chore. I knew what I wanted to do with my life and that didn't include college: I wanted to be a firefighter. For me, this was the ultimate real-life "superhero" job. I wanted to be the one to get the call for help and rush to save the damsel in distress, caught in her worst nightmare. And since I would spend so much time at the fire station and eat there, I would save my paychecks and be rich in a few years! Again, I was wrong on this.

Shortly after finishing my studies, I was hired as a full-time firefighter. The fire chief pulled me aside on my first day on the job to give me some advice. He said, “Listen kid! You're going to get a lot of advice over the next few years from these guys. Some of them will be good; some will be worth nothing. But I'll give you the one piece of advice you better follow. >>

He just looked me straight in the eye to let me know how serious he was. I simply answered;


He continued;

➖Get yourself a hold.

I didn't understand and it must have shown on my face. Elaborating, he said;

➖This work… it can slowly eat you alive. You are going to help a lot of people, of course. But there will be some that you cannot help. Those who left before you got there are not the ones you will see at night; it is those who die in front of you who will haunt. And it's not so bad when it's a fat villain like me, it's the children dying that will make you want to scratch your eyes out at night.

I started to understand what he was talking about and I was thinking about his advice. Then he said;

➖If you can't find an outlet; something to do with your free time to distract yourself from this work, an outlet will find you. You don't want that.

He then whispered to me confidently;

➖Look at Danilo over there; he couldn't find any, so the alcohol found him. And Carel over there; the game found it. That's why we call it "Color"; it's after the poker hand and what he's doing with his life. Throw it in the toilet. You understand ?

I nodded in full understanding and asked;

➖What did you find?

He smiled slightly and said;

➖Me? I discovered fly fishing! You are a good boy, find something soon.

I knew I was going to take that advice...

For reasons I could never figure out, I never had much success with the ladies. I don't want to blow my own whistle, but I'm better than average looking. I've been in great shape since I was a firefighter, and I've always been very nice to everyone. But maybe I was TOO nice, because it was always the same thing: "I just consider you a good friend." I had had a girlfriend here and there and sometimes it lasted a few months, but there had never been one that I felt was "the right one."

But surely at some point I would rush into a burning building or pull someone out of a burning wrecked car moments before it exploded and save the sexy young lady from certain death and she would fall in love with me. Again, I couldn't have been more wrong. Indeed, most of the people I helped rescue were elderly, extremely overweight, ugly, married or MEN. The guys in the house were merciless with me because they knew what I wanted to happen; mocking me after pulling a grandmother out of her burning car, having her perform CPR to save her life. I became "The Happy Bekir"; my name is Jack Bekir. Sure, sometimes there was a hot girl who could use some help, but as I've learned, when a person is having the worst day of their life, the last thing on their mind is: Who's the cute guy that pulled me out of the fire?

It took several years of being a firefighter before the dream started to fade. I still loved my job, but slowly realized it wasn't going to find me love. I started going out to clubs and bars, but it seemed like a dangerous road. I still hadn't found my outlet and I didn't want the alcohol to “find me”. Also, I could never find what I was looking for at the club. They were full of married women having a girls night out or single mothers looking for a father for their child and an income. And it was something else that didn't work as expected. My bank account balance didn't exactly have many digits in front of the decimal point!

It was a Thursday evening and I wasn't on call. I had gone to the gym as usual and had exercised for 2 hours before returning to my small apartment. After taking a shower, I decided to kill some time by going online. Which meant I was going to surf the LOLO stories on (Erotic+ TV or Les Délires de Lolo), rub one out, and go to bed. Like many guys in their mid-twenties, it was nothing out of the ordinary, but I was getting bored with this routine. Instead of reading the old stories already available on his page, I bought one of the new pdfs from his Inbox.

But I realized that the pdf wasn't what I really wanted; I wanted to interact with someone, someone real. Not knowing where to start, I decided to check out an online dating site. I couldn't believe I was using a dating site, but at least this way I didn't have to dress up and spend what little hard-earned money I had on drinks.

The site offered a free trial, but you still needed a credit card to prove you were of legal age. I had no problem with it and created my account, thus starting my online dating life with strangers. I felt a bit discouraged to see where my life had gone in the department but there was worse in the world. It didn't take me long to figure out that a lot of people aren't at all who they say they are, and I quickly learned to tell them apart from the honest ones. Good rule of thumb: If they don't have a profile picture or the picture is weird, then it's probably a guy.

I kept my search area somewhere I could drive in under 15 minutes because I didn't want to waste gas running into someone who would likely be a dead end. Looking back, I guess my optimism wasn't so high. After several weeks of checking messages, making contacts and being disappointed, I started checking less and less often. But one day I received a note from someone I had never seen before.

Her username was Lamyya7hot and she had been a member for over a year. She didn't have a photo posted, so I figured there was probably something wrong with her. But I opened the note anyway out of pure morbid curiosity. Her profile gave all of her stats: age, sex, location, likes, dislikes,... Her profile showed most of the things dating sites seem to consider important: music, movies, politics, religion... It wasn't hard to believe she was 19. His note to me was full of things like: MDR; OH MY GOD; AWESOME, and so on. At the same time, it wasn't boring the way she had written it. On the contrary, it was more like she had a really fun nature and I was intrigued.

I sent a note back to Lamyya7hot, telling her a bit more about me and she responded within moments. We emailed several times and I learned her name was Lamya. After many emails and both of us feeling some kind of connection, we decided to get on camera to talk. I braced myself for the worst as the screen went from black to blurry and then focused on her. When the photo arrived, I was absolutely floored. Lamya was beautiful! She had beautiful light red hair that flowed in lazy curls over her shoulders and she had a face like a porcelain doll. There were a few freckles on her nose, green eyes and the prettiest pair of lips I've ever seen! Her eyebrows matched her hair and it gave me less than pure thoughts.

Lamya grinned as she sat down in front of her camera;

➖Hello! It's good to finally see you, Jack!

I sat in stunned silence, unable to answer. Finally, she asked;

➖Can you hear me?

His question about a possible technical problem with the computer jolted me out of my trance just enough to answer him;

➖Oh yes. I hear you

She asked if the camera was working and I told her it was working perfectly. She started to look a little uncomfortable and I realized I probably looked like a chained up, hungry dog ​​with a slice of meat that was just out of reach. I walked away and apologized;

➖I'm sorry. You are not exactly what I expected to see...and I mean that in the best possible way!

She laughed and returned the compliment. I said;

➖ You are beautiful. Why don't you put your picture on your profile?

She answered;

➖That's why I'm online to start. Most guys look at me and the only thing they see is a possible opportunity to get a piece, a shot

➖ME: Yes, well, guys are pigs. What can you do ?

She laughed and our conversation took off from there.

We chatted for what felt like 20-30 minutes when I realized the sun was coming up. We had been up all night! I told Lamya that, regretfully, I had to go to work. She said it was okay because she had to go too and before we disconnected we said we would see each other later.

After going all night without sleep, I should have been a wreck at work, but surprisingly, I was rejuvenated. I went to check the equipment, make sure everything was ready to go if a call came in with a spring in my step as they say. I didn't even have to be fully focused on what I was doing. I was more or less on autopilot after doing the daily routine so many times over the years. It was around mid-afternoon when the chef came up to me and asked me;

➖So, what did you find?

I was deep in thought of Lamya when he asked me, so it took a second to realize what he was asking me. After a few seconds of a blank stare from me, he said;

➖You are different today, better. You must have found an outlet, huh?

Suddenly realizing what he was talking about, I said;

➖Oh, that; Yeah. Well, maybe it's too early to tell for sure.

The chef laughed as if he had heard this phrase before and said;

➖Well, don't go putting a ring on her finger too quickly! Not all women are made for this life!

I just smiled and nodded, surprised that he could read me so easily, but then I figured he'd been there a while so he knew what he was talking about.

The day passed without anything more than a minor accident to which we were called out as a precaution. I got off work and couldn't wait to get to my computer. The moment I logged in, I saw that I had several messages from Lamya. Each of them said the same thing in different words. She just wanted to know if I was already online. I sent my reply to the third and moments later she replied. We met in our chat room and started to tell each other about our days.

After talking for a while and still getting on well, I asked her if she wanted to meet. She was a bit hesitant at first which surprised me a bit. I started to back away a bit to keep her from being embarrassed that I was asking so soon, but she assured me that wasn't the problem. She explained that her car was not working properly and had left it in the garage and had to rely on a friend for a ride. She didn't say it, but I was sure she wasn't ready for me to show up at her door yet. We got along well, but we were still strangers on the net, after all.

I asked when her car would be ready and she said it should be done this Saturday. I said that would be fine since it was my next day off and suggested we meet on neutral ground, a mall about halfway between us. She accepted the mall and I let her choose the exact time and place. We exchanged cell phone numbers and we both agreed to cut the conversation since it was already 2:30 in the morning. We needed to get some sleep. I couldn't believe I still talked to her for over 6 hours!

I decided not to call Lamya on her cell until she called mine. I didn't want to come across as another of the pigs I told him about. That night, I was on call all night, so I couldn't chat online. She called me later that evening to see if I was okay, wondering why I hadn't logged in. I explained my work schedule to him. She apologized and said she would talk to me later. Before she could hang up I told her it was fine and I could talk to her on the phone, no problem.

➖LAMYA: That's really nice of you Jack, but you're at work. What you're doing is really important and you don't need me to distract you while you're working. Someone's life could depend on it. All right?

I told her she was probably right and thanked her for her understanding. We greeted each other and hung up.

I turned around and the leader was standing right behind me, looking at me knowingly. For a big guy, he was stealthier than a cat with ninja training. He asked;

➖ Was it her?

I answered;

➖Yes, boss. It was her, she said we shouldn't talk since I'm on call...

He just nodded approvingly.

Less than ten minutes passed and of course we were called in for a structural fire. As soon as we heard the first part of the address, we knew where we were going. It was a local restaurant with a thing. There was a real clay oven that they used for all their cooking. The only problem was that the damn thing was still taking the roof on fire. We had been there MANY times, but never to eat. No, every time we went to this particular restaurant it was for business.

We drove and saw immediately that this call was going to be a little different. The place was fully involved. Usually we would get there and there was a ton of smoke coming from one end of the roof near the oven. But this time the flames could be seen through the windows as we rounded the corner. We were all a bit surprised to see him go up like that, but we had our game faces on and got to work. It took a while to get it under control and the place was still smoking in the morning. The owner said it got out of control this time because the insurance company said if there was another fire they would void their insurance, so they first tried to put it out themselves. The chef just shook his head and said;

➖Damn insurance companies...

However, once we let the owner of the ash heap clean up his mess, the chef changed his position and said;

➖What an idiot. Trying to put out a roof fire with a garden hose and some CO2 bottles. What did he think was going to happen?

We had a good laugh, but mostly because we did our job perfectly and nobody got hurt.

We headed back to the fire station and went through the routine of getting all our gear ready for the next call before taking a much needed shower and even more needed sleep. The rest of that Friday was quiet and my shift ended with no further calls.

I got home and couldn't wait to call Lamya. It was around noon when I tried to call her, but she didn't answer. Instead, I got a text from her saying she couldn't talk right now, but would call in a few hours.

True to her word, she called me back just before three o'clock (3:00 p.m.). We finalized our plans to meet at the mall the next morning and decided to keep the conversation short so we didn't end up talking all night and being too tired to meet!

Last night was one of the longest nights of my life. I wasn't nervous about meeting Lamya. I was too excited. We hadn't even met face to face yet and I already felt some sort of strong bond with her. We just seemed to click. I forced myself to go to bed early, but everything kept me awake: a barking dog; the refrigerator running; the roar of the ceiling fan; the constant beating of my heart...

I got up early and took another shower, just in case there was still a residual smell of smoke on me. I barely noticed it, but sometimes others could tell if I had been near a fire recently, so it didn't hurt to shower again. When I got out of the shower, I saw that I had only killed 30 minutes and still had hours before I met Lamya. But I knew sitting at home was going to drive me crazy, so I headed to the mall.

When I arrived, it was still so early that the mall wasn't even open yet, and other than the people working there, I was probably the first customer to show up. I walked around to find the food court since we had agreed to meet there and park. Soon others began to appear and a small crowd of about a dozen people gathered outside the doors. I just sat in the car, waiting for them to come in.


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