After 17 hours I finally landed in Budapest. I followed the crowd of people and went through customs before I went to baggage claim. It was then that I realized I had no idea who was picking me up.
“Excuse me?”
I turned around to be met with a man way too big to be a human. He was at least 6’5” and 220lbs of pure muscle. He had muscles bulging in places I didn’t even know you had muscles. His eyes were dark blue like mine but his hair was a sandy blonde like my fathers.
“Are you Cassandra?” I nodded my head not quite able to talk yet. “I’m Derrick, your cousin. My men...” He motioned his head to two more behemoths of men, “will get your bags for you. Meanwhile I’ll take you to the house so you can meet my father and get comfortable.”
I nodded my head, still not able to talk. I followed him as we walked out to an all-black Cadillac. He went behind the wheel and I got into the passenger seat. At first the ride was quiet but he seemed interested to know more about me.
“So what have you heard about us?” He glanced over at me before he turned his attention back to the road.
“Nothing. I had no idea that I had another uncle and when I did find out my dad didn’t even tell me his name.” I looked down at my hands embarrassed before I remembered to turn on my cellphone to text Nick.
“Don’t worry. We aren’t surprised. His name is Darrius by the way.”
I nodded my head as he kept asking questions. I answered all of them before we finally got to the house.
“Ugh Derrick. I don’t seem to have service here.”
“Oh yeah. I’ll have to give you a sim card later. I’ll take you to my dad first.”
I followed him to a room when he stopped and motioned me towards the door. “He’s in there. Just knock and walk in.”
He left me there as I knocked on the door. I didn’t hear anything so I walked in like Derrick told me. Sitting in the middle of the huge room was a massive desk with another massive male sitting behind it. Derrick looked exactly like his father. My uncle Darrius had greys at his temples and a few wrinkles on his forehead from frowning too much. Other than that, he could have passed as Derrick’s twin.
“If it isn’t our princess.”
Princess? What was he talking about? No one called me that back home. He just laughed as he motioned for me to take a seat in the chair across from him. When I did he seemed to look me over with a smile.
“Your dad doesn’t tell you much about your family, does he? “
I shook my head no and Darrius shook his head in disappointment.
“Well kid, you’re the first girl born to our family in three generations. That’s why I called you princess. I can’t believe your dad is punishing you for his mistake.”
I looked at him wide eyed, completely lost about where this conversation had gone.
“He didn’t tell you that either.” He sighed running a hand through his hair as he looked back at me. “He should have kept you home from school like he did your brother.”
“Because your brother couldn’t control his emotions, which means you couldn’t control your emotions.”
I think he could see my confusion before he kept talking to me about twins.
“Do you know how special you and your brother are to be twins?”
I shook my head no and he sighed once again. I wondered if he was disappointed with me or my dad.
“Twins are rare for our kind.”
“How rare?”
“Only 20 cases have been recorded in our existence.” My mouth dropped open in shock.
I had no idea that having twins was that rare for werewolves. I looked at him waiting for him to tell me more. He was the complete opposite of my dad. He had no problem telling me anything and I liked it.
“Twins are very different from normal werewolves. The girl twin is stronger and more muscular than other females while the boy is usually faster and more attractive than other males. It’s thought that it’s because you share your abilities while in the womb.” I stared at my uncle in amazement. That explains why I was always the same size as Nick and Leo instead of Raven.
“There is also one aspect that could be negative though. You both are connected, not like mates but a different way. A special bond that can never be broken, even in death.” I didn’t realize I was leaning in until my chest hit the edge of the desk craving more information.
“Have you ever hurt were there was no wound, or get sick when your brother did?”
“All the time.”
“It’s because your twins. When one emotion is strong in one, the other feels it. If you were to burn yourself, Nick would feel it. Just like when Nick had a rise in anger after his growing pains, you did as well.” I sat back in my chair trying to wrap my head around what I was just told. We could feel each other’s pain, happiness, sadness, sickness and we didn’t even know it.
A knock on the door had us both shift our view to the door where Derrick walked in holding a file in one hand.
“Here’s your sim card missy…” He tossed the card towards me making me fumble to catch it. “Also, dad we need to look over that file.” I took that as my cue to leave.
I excused myself and quickly left the room. After I placed the new sim card in my phone it lit up with text messages. I laughed reading through the 20 messages that Nick left before I stopped at Mason’s message.
*I don’t like bimbo’s thank you very much*
I laughed and typed a quick message back to him.
*Can’t control those hormones*
After I sent the message I sent a message to put Nick out of his misery.
*I’m fine. The plane didn’t crash. Our uncle isn’t psychotic. And I had to get a sim card so my phone would work*
I think my brother forgets that he’s only older but 3 minutes sometimes.
I waited outside the office until Derrick walked back out and gave me a strange look.
“Have you been waiting out here the whole time?” I nodded my head and he shook his. Now I know where I got it from.
After Derrick left I knocked on the door again, wanting to find out more from my uncle. When I walked in he just smiled as he motioned me back to the seat.
“I get a feeling you will be a frequent guest.”
“I had questions.”
“What about?” He raised an eyebrow and I wondered what he thought I would ask.
“Well I want to know things that my dad always said wasn’t important like why we got this mark, why we never visited you or you us, why did he relocate from Europe and-“
“Woah, woah, slow down. One at a time…” I quickly closed my mouth and nodded my head. “Now what mark are you talking about?”
I held out my hands and flipped them so he could see the marks etched on the insides of both my wrists with a silver needle. He looked confused before he turned his gaze to me.
“Can you not understand the old language?”
“Old language?” Now I was confused. What’s the old language? I know that Nick and I sometimes speak in our own language but that’s a twin thing.
“I’ll have to make sure I get you a tutor for that. Your father has really left you in the dark about a lot of things I see.” I pouted as I played with my fingers. My dad always kept things from me.
“Anyways. To start answering these questions that’s your lineage. The right wrist is your father’s parent’s clans and shows they are pure bloods. Your left is your mother’s wrist and it only has one because she isn’t a full wolf but for an American wolf your blood is still really pure.”
Lost again. For an American wolf? Are we somehow different?
“Europe is where we originated. Some wolves went to America to start new lives and tainted our blood a little with humans and other supernaturals. And before you ask you’ll met some while you’re here.”
I think I looked a little too excited because he reached out and grabbed my arm.
“Other supernaturals aren’t trustworthy in America…” He sighed before he patted my hand and sat back down. “Your dad wasn’t supposed to mark you until you went through the change though. As for why I don’t visit, I had a falling out with your dad a while ago. We never made up. He never answered my calls, so I was shocked when he called and even more shocked that he trust me to watch you.”
I wanted to know what they had an argument about but didn’t want to press my luck. I was finally getting to know about everything and where I come from. I didn’t want him to stop because I was asking too many questions.
“Lastly he left for your mother. I couldn’t blame him either. Love makes you do crazy things, but he seems happy out there in California with his pack.”
I just sat back and thought about everything my uncle had told me. The only problem is he didn’t quench my thirst for information. He only made it worse.
“So I’ll show you to your room because we need you well rested for school tomorrow.”
I groaned forgetting all about school, and then it hit me. I haven’t checked my phone in a while. My uncle laughed as he watched me looking through my text messages.
“Teenagers nowadays. Always on the cellphones.”