As promised, Adnan called me while I was in my room preparing to sleep. He seemed good, he even asked me to try performing ablution and make sure I pray before sleeping. I wasn't used to performing ablution... but that day, I did it before sleeping. In the morning, his call woke me up and when I picked up he greeted me and told me to pray. I was so very happy.
And that was how our life together continued, we became so close to each other as time went by and I saw him only as a biological brother I never had. He provided me with all his past handouts and other necessary materials that I should study ahead of my lecturers. I thanked him and he told me, "No thanks between us".
Yesterday our department held an orientation for us; the freshers and I was happy because I learned a lot. We were told how to live a very successful academic life and so on. They also shared us bulky novels concerning the evil of cultism, dating and also school partying. Also, the head of our department (H.O.D) gave us a guideline pertaining to progressive learning and encouraged us to be very hardworking.
The orientation ended so well and I drove back home leaving Qudrah with some of our friends to enjoy their picture snapping. Immediately I was home, Adnan called and asked if I had heard anything about orientation party which would take place in one Eko Hotel later in the evening and I told him NO. Just then he sighed in relief and begged me not to attend to any party if invited. Hence, I smiled and told him not to attend to any party if invited as well.
We talked for nearly an hour before we bade each other goodnight. If only Yusuf could be as good as Adnan, maybe I wouldn't see him the way I was seeing him right now. You know, no matter how bad your habit is if you are a good person people will at least like you one way or the other. If I was to compare Yusuf and Adnan in handsomeness, we all know who the winner would be. Yusuf was more handsome and fair.
The following day was Dr Marwan's lecture again. After taking my breakfast I took my bag about biding my mother goodbye when my father called my name. In bewilderment I turned and answered his call. "Na'am, Daddy"
"Are you coming back early today?" He asked.
"Eh, In Shaa Allah" I said imagining how gently he spoke to ME, Fatimah! And since when did he even cared about me? Well, ever since he lost his factory he hadn't really been himself.
"Okey, if you come back we will go to my old factory and then to the other one in Suleja..." He uttered in what seemed like a whisper.
In my mind, I was thinking how comes? Didn't he disliked me? But the smile on my mother's face proved she was behind it, she wanted me to go along with them. "Okey dad, I won't stay long. Sai na dawo..." I bade them goodbye and left to school with a broad smile on my face.
It had been long since my father talked to me, and now that he asked me to go on a ride with him I was so very happy. My happiness knew no boundary, did you even see the way he was looking at me? He couldn't maintain his gaze.
Today the class was scanty, even Dr Marwan was so surprised. "Where are the rest of the class?" He queried us. "Am I not asking you?"
"Parte after Parte!" A guy from the back said.
"Can you explain that to me?" Dr Marwan said.
"They went to orientation party yesterday's night" The guy uttered making some of our colleagues to glare at him. "What? Am I not saying the truth?!" He yelled at a guy very close to him who was whispering words to him. "Kai, leave me alone fa. It's the plain truth!"
"It's okey, please!" Dr Marwan chimed in. "I always knew some fools would attend that party. Kindly tear a sheet of paper, lets write a test!"
"No sir!" A girl screamed. "Not all of them went to the party. Some are sick since yesterday, sir"
"They should come with a valid medical report to me in my office, and if wallahi I find out they are lying I will deal with them" Dr Marwan said. Just then, he asked us to define Business Administration and submit our papers. We were all surprised, such a simple question?
After the test he collected our papers one after the other and folded them into his bag. I was so unhappy even though I wrote the test. Yes, unhappy because Qudrah didn't write the test and also Yusuf whom I only pitied because he was a friend to Adnan, my very best friend.
"If your friends arrived, tell them not to set their feet in my office!" Dr Marwan said and unhesitatingly left the lecture hall. Thus, while some of our colleagues decided to verbally attack the guy that unveiled the party stuff, I took my phone and dialed Qudrah's number. It rang but she didn't pick, I thought she was still sleeping but as soon as I called her again she picked up and told me she was already in the department. That was how I walked out and met her with other students heading towards Dr Marwan's office. They were somewhat sad.
Yusuf was in the forefront. I watched as he led the rest of the students to the office's door and asked them to wait for him outside. Well, they did as he said after all he and the lecturer were like Tom and Jerry. Just as I was watching them from afar with my arms folded across my chest, someone greeted me from behind. It wasn't just someone but Adnan, my best friend. We greeted and he asked what was going on. That was when I narrated almost everything to him. He wasn't happy as well.
"Yusuf will never change" He muttered and then continued. "Was he the one that invited Qudrah? Do you know about it beforehand?"
"Wallahi Adnan I don't know" I heaved a sigh. "I did not even know she attended the party"
"It's okey, dear. Lets move closer to them" He said adjusting the backpack he was wearing.
"Okey" I muttered.
Immediately we began moving closer to them they started storming into Dr Marwan's office individually. And before we knew it, they had all been sent out including Yusuf who entered before them. Qudrah and few others began crying, and as soon as we arrived there I embraced her and started cuddling her. I didn't blame her, she was a serious student. No matter what, someone must have invited her to the party. Someone I suspected was Yusuf. I gulped glaring at him as he walked gently and hugged Adnan. Just then, Dr Marwan came out and asked all of us to leave his premises. No argument, we left there to the rest area and settled down. I tried all my best to stop Qudrah from crying but she was stubborn, I had to ask her what really was wrong with her because I doubted if losing the test was why she was weeping. She didn't say anything. At long last, Adnan told me to drive her home which I humbly did. After all, we were done with the lecture we had for the day. I pulled over infront of their gate and she stormed out of my car without a word and headed to their house.