Today my timetable said I had lecture by ten in the morning but while snoring after Fajr prayer, Qudrah called and told me the timetable had been changed and that our new lecture time for today was eight dot. I was astounded, thus I withdrew from the bed and began preparing myself for school. The time now was quarter to eight, meaning I was about to be late. But why would the department change our timetable without notifying us beforehand? I wondered. I was so angry, the new timetable had ruined my morning sleep which would have given me more strength to concentrate during lectures.
After preparing for school, I took my car key and G-Tab before biding my mother goodbye and driving to school. It was a swift drive, I parked the car in the faculty's parking lot and I headed to the department to check the new timetable even though I was few minutes late already. I just wanted to be sure I wasn't fed the wrong news.
While walking towards the notification board my eyes landed on the annoying guy that I met in Dr. Marwan's introductory class yesterday, the same person that overtook me and also borrowed my pen. Today he was wearing a very tight black longsleeve T-shirt and a very blue jeans which actually fitted him. He was fair, hence black and blue suited him quite alright.
Hey, why on this earth was I even complementing him? I took my eyes off him and glanced at the notification board. Immediately I saw the new timetable I lifted my Tab and snapped it. Today I decided to bring my Galaxy (G) Tab since I was unable to buy another pen yesterday and I wouldn't have time to buy it before our lecture time. All that while, Yusuf had been staring at me – I could feel it, but I pretended as if I didn't even know he was standing right there.
Just as I turned about leaving the place he called my name making me to halt. Was he trying to hand me over my pen? I thought, not moving an inch. And what would I even do with the pen again? I would use my Tab for today's lectures and then buy new pen afterwards, I concluded and left praying he shouldn't call me again. I was scared of him, very handsome but had ruined himself. He looked like all those gangsters in North America (don't mind me!).
The lecture was taking place in Hall C5, with just few students. I knew many would miss it, especially those that didn't have someone like Qudrah to call and tell them the time table had been changed. I took permission before walking into the class. The lecturer was a very beautiful woman, and she talked like an American. Was she African – American? Actually, she had their accent!
Qudrah gestured me to come sit close to her, she had secured a seat for me in the front. I nodded and walked straight to where she was and sat close to her. "Morning" I whispered into her ear while wearing a broad smile.
"Morning" She whispered back.
Judging from her jotter, they weren't far so I concentrated on the lecture and as soon as the lecturer was done she asked if we had any question to ask and I stretched up my hand.
"Yes, what's your question?" She said to me.
"Actually," I cleared up my throat as I stood to my feet. "I just want to add up to your previous explanation about Business Finance. Do I have your permission?"
"Add up to my what?" She smirked at me. "I am sorry, but I have already said it all"
Seeing how angry she was, I nodded my head with a smile and sat down on my seat. "Thank you, ma" I cheerfully said swallowing my idea.
"You're welcome" She said about leaving the hall with her laptop in her hand when she turned to me. "And lest I forget, I don't like late coming in my class. Next time, stay outside... and not just you, anyone that falls victim"
With that, she lightly smiled and left – leaving us with our mouths agape. "This woman is so mean" Qudrah said returning her jotter into her bag.
"And aloof" I added swiping through my Tab.
"Yes, and that reminds me" She said as she brought out her jotter again. "Here, snap what you missed" She handed over the jotter to me, as if she knew I was about asking her to do just that.
"Thank you, dear..." I said and gently snapped the things I had missed concerning the lecture.
We headed out of the hall and I asked her how she knew about the new timetable. Was she called and apprised just like she did to me? If yes, by who then? We both technically knew, presently, I was her only friend.
"You are asking too much question, Fatimah" She said.
"I... I just want to know how" I stuttered.
"Well, you will know someday" She said and ended the topic. "I am feeling hungry, let's go to the cafeteria"
"Okay, I also didn't eat before coming" I said, thus we headed to the cafeteria.
While searching for the perfect restaurant for us, my eyes landed on a big eatery with a big decoration of "L-Spot" standing just by its roof. Without even a second thought I dragged Qudrah and I there, not because of anything but because it looked appealing to my eyes. I liked the decoration.
Immediately we walked inside, Qudrah cleared her throat and uttered "Wow!"
"Wow is right" I said looking around. "It's really awes..." I couldn't complete my words when my eyes landed on Yusuf, he was sitting with someone that seemed to be his friend by the other end of the restaurant. And judging from all indication, they must have finished whatever they might have come for.
"Let's go over there and sit" Qudrah uttered heading to an empty table. I trailed her with Yusuf's eyes not moving an inch away from me.
As soon as we sat down, Qudrah spotted him too. She tapped me and gestured to me to look at him. I only smiled at her and told her I knew about his presence already. The waiter came and respectively handed the menus to us.
"I want just a coffee and burger" I said handing back the menu to him. "Make it quick, please"
"Okay, ma" The waiter said waiting for Qudrah's order.
"Samosa and a cup of tea please. Add lot of milk and also ginger" She handed back the menu to him.
"Okey, right away ma" He said and left.
Just then, Qudrah reminded me of Yusuf. He was looking towards us and I was literally uncomfortable already. "Let's just ignore him, if he gets tired he will take off his gaze" I said.
"Ignore him? No, I like him" She said.
"You are playing with fire, dear friend" I cautioned her.
"As if you knew him for centuries" She huffed looking back at him. "I love his sexy eyes, nose, in fact I love everything about him. He's so perfect, believe me"
"Mtsww" I hissed at her.
The waiter served us and we ate quietly to our satisfaction. It was after we were done eating that we realised Yusuf and his friend had already left.
"Where are they?" Qudrah asked scrutinising around.
"Do I know?" I rolled my eyes at her in indifference.
She didn't say anything again, she summoned the waiter about to pay her bills when I told her not to worry. I gave the waiter my ATM card and he charged us using POS. After that, we headed out of the restaurant. Qudrah couldn't stop looking around, I had to ask her what really was wrong with her. Was she sick?
"You won't understand, Fatimah. That guy is just unique, I would like to be his friend" She said.
"Friend, huh?" I glared at her.
"Hmm, just forget it" She said and continued. "Let's go and wait for our next lecture, I don't like missing the first row"
"Now you are talking" I huffed.
That was how we went back to the department and waited for our last lecture. After that, we headed to my car and I drove her home before driving myself home as well. Immediately I stepped my foot in our sitting room I found my father yelling at my cousin brother, Munir in anger.
"And how did the fire even started? You were supposed to be in the factory taking care of things on my behalf but you left to God knows where, and now my cement factory is gone!" He said and continued. "But you will see how I will deal with you soon!"
Wait a minute, what happened to our cement factory? Did he just mentioned fire? I puzzled. I so much wanted to ask him but who was I to do that? I was nothing but a child he despised. As soon as he noticed my presence he glared at me and walked upstairs.
Munir, however hissed and left as well. Now what? I headed upstairs to my mother's room and saw her making a video call with Dr. Umm Salmah, the wife of the Defence Minister. I had wanted asking her about the factory but seeing how busy she was with her friend, I turned to leave but then I heard her said to her friend, "I never knew you heard about the fire".
"I saw it in the news, I was shocked since morning. It really shocked me" The woman said.
"Don't worry, it's a test from Allah which I clearly understand" My mother said and continued. "By the way, we have another cement factory in Suleja"
"That is good. So, how is Fatimah and her school? Have they started already?" The woman asked.
"Fatimah is fine, and yes they have started lectures already" My mother said and turned to me. "Come here"
Well, I walked over to her, sat on her bed, and greeted her friend through the screen. The woman awesomely replied and asked about my faculty and also my department before saying her nephew was studying in the same department with me.
"What is his name and level?" I asked.
"Adnan, and I think he's in 200level" She said.