I sighed in relief when my blonde hair fell a few inches under my shoulder. Even though I took a shower earlier I didn't have time to look at my long hair. One of my favorite traits about myself was my hair. I liked being a blonde and not a brunette. Most people always stereotyped us blondes as stupid, yet it was nice to always prove them wrong.
I slid off my padding thing so I could finally let my boobs breathe. After everything boy related was off, I slid on a pair of blue shorts and a white shirt that said I like you a lottle. It's like a little, except a lot and had two penguins hugging underneath the words. The shirt had no sleeves which I liked a lot. I quickly added a little bit of make-up which was just eyeliner and a small amount of mascara.
Slipping on my usual black vans, I let out a sigh in relief. It'd only been a day and a half and I'm already ready to go back to my normal female life style. Grabbing my bag, I put it on my back and picked up my skateboard. I checked myself over again in the small mirror before leaving the small club bathroom that actually wasn't too far from the university. I couldn't go to any regular place and change because people would think it's weird that I went in as a guy and came out as a girl so I just went into the club. I mean in reality I don't care what people think, but I just didn't want anyone from the university to find out and everyone at the club is probably too drunk or just too busy to care.
Walking out of the small club, I set down my skateboard and grabbed out my iPhone 4S and clicked on my playlist in my music, choosing my first song from it, 'Ain' it Fun' by Paramore. Putting it on shuffle for after the song was over, I put my headphones in my ears and got on my skateboard.
I guessed I'd always been that girl that some would call a tomboy, yet I fit in as what some would call a girly girl as well. I was the type to make and wear those bracelets that you make yourself out of string, yet I was also the type to ride around on a skateboard and never wear dresses.
If someone were to get under my skin, I would be the type to probably punch them. But don't let that fool you because I was also the type to hold a brush and dance around my room singing as if I was at a concert. This was just one of the reasons why Mia always told me that we're best friends. She said I had one of those mixed, crazy personalities that was just hard not love. She told me even when I was cold to people I was somehow still hilarious.
Thinking about Mia made me really miss her and my other good friend, Nathan. She decided to go to a college about four hours away and Nathan, well, I wasn’t not sure. He's told me the name before, but let's be honest, I was too lazy to remember. I just know it was somewhere close.
I was so lost in my thoughts that I didn't even realize I was about to run into someone into I actually looked up. I quickly shifted over but it looked like I was too close and was going to hit the guy either way, so I decided to do the simple thing that most likely only I would do. I jumped off the board and into the grass, letting only the skateboard head his way.
"Sorry!" I told the guy, rushing to grab my skateboard, looking at his face. I immediately scowled remembering him.
"Hey, it's yogurt girl!" he said, realization on his face. “Was that payback for stealing your yogurt? Are you stalking me now or something?"
"One, it was accident and two, No! Why would I stalk you of all people?" I asked him with a raised eyebrow. I noticed he didn't look that bad, to be honest. He was wearing a grey beanie with his brown hair coming out from underneath. He had green eyes and he was wearing a pair of dark jeans and an All Time Low shirt which I honestly loved but I wouldn't ever admit it to him.
"Done checking me out?" he asked raising an eyebrow I wouldn't give him the enjoyment of watching me get embarrassed so instead.
I simply raised an eyebrow back and said, "Yeah, even though there honestly wasn't much to check out."
"You shouldn't lie it is counted as a sin in a church," he told me smirking.
"Good thing I don't go to church,” I retorted, causing him to laugh.
"I like you yogurt girl. Want to tell me your name?" he asked and I shrugged.
"If you must know it's Claire Martez," I told him and smiled.
"A pretty name, too bad you're not pretty enough to go with it,” he said shrugging and I frowned slightly offended.
"Excuse me?" I snapped.
"I'm just kidding. It goes with you somewhat, I mean you are okay looking,” he told me flashing me a cheeky smile and I only rolled my eyes.
"Going to share your name with me anytime soon?" I asked him changing the topic and he shrugged.
"Nope,” he replied and for some reason I expected it.
"Well yogurt girl or Claire as you call yourself, I would like to make it up to you and get you some more vanilla yogurt. “He told me and I couldn't help but laugh.
"You want me to go with you to get yogurt, yet you won't even tell me your name," I said and he scratched his chin.
"I guess I could tell you, my name is Mac,” he told me and I just started at him for a second.
"You don't look like a Mac," I told him and he nodded.
"That's because my name is not actually Mac,” he said and I scowled at him.
"Then what is it?" I asked while raising an eyebrow. I was usually the type to get them waxed, but I'm a bit overdue and it would be strange to go to an all boy's school with waxed eyebrows.
"West Thompson,” he told me smirking.
"Thompson? Why does that sound so familiar?" I asked him and he smirked.
"Cousin to the famous model, Clover Thompson,” he told me and I kept my expression blank. I had no idea who that is.
Is this his usual way to try to pick up girls?
"That's, um cool and all, but how about we go get my yogurt?" I said and he nodded.
"I'm paying,” he replied and I scoffed.
"Obviously, you didn't even have a choice in the matter," I told him and he rolled his eyes. We ended up going to get frozen yogurt instead and I was surprised to see Caiden's group all sitting there.
Of course, because that was my luck.
All the guys were eating frozen yogurt while Caiden was leaning against the building by a no smoking sign smoking a cigarette. Oh, the irony.
"Hi, what can I get you?" the girl asked at the counter.
"Can I have vanilla frozen yogurt with cookie dough and chocolate syrup on top?" I asked and she nodded writing it down on her paper she had.
"I thought you only liked plain vanilla?" West asked, his eyebrow lifting.
"Frozen yogurt is different,” I replied turning around and heading to a round table that had white paint peeling off while he ordered whatever. I noticed Nick was looking over at me and when I caught his gaze he sent me a wink and I scoffed looking away.
What a fuck boy.
West came over with our frozen yogurt. Looking over to see what he got it was strawberry frozen yogurt with a bunch of different toppings like nuts, chocolate, whip cream, fruit . . . etc. About an hour later my alarm on my phone went off and I saw it was almost time for the dance.
"Oh, I really have to go!" I told him standing up and he raised an eyebrow.
"Can I at least have your number before you leave?" West asked me, holding out his phone and I rolled my eyes but added my number. I entered my contact as, that cute yogurt girl with the mini pink heart emoji on the end. Once I was done, I handed it back to him and he let out a chuckle.
"I like the name,” he told me.
"Well obviously. I mean I'm the one who made it,” I told him with fake arrogance and he only shook his head in amusement.
Most people would be worried about giving someone they barely knew their phone number, but it was only a number and how else do you become closer with someone? You don't just hope to see them again.
"See you later," I said as I checked the time one more time. He said a quick goodbye and I only did a quick salute to him before getting on my skateboard and leaving. Putting my headphones in, I starting humming to myself the lyrics of “The City” by The 1975.
When I got to the club, I wasn't surprised to find it completely packed. I couldn't help but feel a little giddy at the song that was playing. So much for that dance. Oh well, I doubt anyone is going besides most of the freshman and I definitely would not be living up to the typical freshman status.
"All right stop, collaborate and listen. Ice is back with a brand new invention. Something grabs a hold of me tightly Flow like a harpoon daily and nightly. Will it ever stop yo - I don't know. Turn off the lights and I'll glow to the extreme I rock the mic like a vandal. Light up a stage and wax a chump like a candle,” I sang, dancing and the guy next to me look at me with wide eyes.
"Damn girl you've got game,” he said and I laughed as I continued to dance and sing. When the song was over I still didn't leave as another song I loved came on.
Someone familiar passed me and my eyes widened when I saw it who it was, "Leon?" He turned to see who said his name when he looked over at me his eyes skimmed my body and he smirked walking over to me.
"Do I know you?" he asked me stopping less than a foot away.
"No . . ,” I said awkwardly not knowing what to say. Of course, he doesn't know who I am.
You're stupid as hell.
Great, thanks for the help.
"I didn't think so. I mean I'm pretty sure I would remember a pretty face like yours,” he said and I gave him a look that said, 'seriously.'
"That was cheesy wasn't it?" he asked cringing a little and I nodded letting out a laugh.
"Want to dance?" he asked me and I shrugged. I wasn't in a hurry to get to that dance I'd rather stay here.
"Sure,” I said shrugging and he walked me over closer to the middle of the dance floor and we danced to the song 'One Dance'. I let myself get lost in the music as I danced with Leon for the rest of the night.