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Chapter Seven

Waking up the next morning I quietly moaned at the cold air the touched my skin and brought the blanket up to my neck. Moving closer to the warm body next me I let out a sigh at the heat. My eyes opened immediately and I let my eyes skim the room searching for my phone. I found it on the table next to the bed and squinted my eyes at the bright light. Looking at the time I seen it read 10:56.

Knowing I had to leave, I took one last look at the guy next to me who just so happened to Leon and removed his arm from around my waist and got out of bed. I definitely did not want to deal with his little morning problem.

Putting back on my clothes from last night I searched the hotel room for a piece of paper and pen and left a quick note for him and some money for the hotel room. Once I left the room I headed into a bathroom and put on my guy stuff getting prepared to head back to the school.

Sure, go ahead. Call me the slut. It's the typical label that society will give to those who enjoy sex every once in a while. I've embraced it, but don't get me wrong now. I'm not like Caiden who lives on the stuff and needs a new person in my bed every night. Like I said, it's an every once in a while thing for me.

I checked the time on my phone and the bus schedule. I couldn't help but let out a sigh in relief when I just made the scheduled bus and made it back to the school by 11:10. I would usually take my skateboard but I chose not to. I made my way into the school and scrunched up my nose at the smell of cologne everywhere. You could definitely tell this was an all-boys school.

"Jason, man!" Nick yelled from the down the hallway walking over to me. "Where were you last night? The girls there were hot. A bunch of easy freshman"

"Oh, um, I went out instead. I had a little bit of fun of my own,” I told him, I mean it was the truth except I was the girl and Leon was the guy. “Can we catch up later, maybe? I really have to go."

"Nice, man, I see someone isn't exactly sticking with his plans to just stay focused on his studies,” Nick said winking and I rolled my eyes before waving and making my way up the stairs, not bothering with the elevator.

I reached my room and slid the key in the door and headed in. I took a quick shower and changed into fresh clothes before leaving my room again. I had to go see what my dad was doing since I doubt he was setting up his room still. He was one of those impulsive, set up-three-weeks-before type of guy.

When I reached his room, I was surprised to find him not alone. He was laughing with a woman. My stomach clenched, what if mom was right? Would my dad forget about Jeffery? Would he forget about me? What about my mom? How could he just leave her alone? I mean I would be moving out soon and Jeffery only has a few more years, but still I thought our family was going great. I was always happy with the fact that my parents are one of the few couples that didn't get divorced. It would kill me if they did.

I studied how relaxed he was with the woman. She was tall, skinny, and had the perfect body with all of her curves in the right places. She has long beautiful hair that looked like Ariana Grande's, yet a bright blonde. She was the typical image of a woman who a man that's having his midlife crisis would cheat with. I frowned as he gestured for her to sit down and handed her a coffee. So those morning when he would leave early and we wouldn't see him till about 11 p.m. he was with some other woman.

Don't jump to conclusions. He may just be having a conference.

That's a good point, but what conference does a teacher offer coffee? Why not a cup of water? Coffee was some expensive stuff.

"What are you doing?" I jumped and placed my hand on my heart that felt like it was moving a hundred miles per hour. I looked up at the voice and frowned when I saw it was only Caiden.

Great, the ass is here.

"Shh," I said and pulled him down on the ground and peered in the window and sighed in relief when I saw they were still just talking, their conversation undisturbed.

"Stalking can bring you to prison,” he said, his face blank of emotion as always.

"I'm not stalking,” I said defensively, sending him a glare before peeking through the window once again.

"Yeah, sure,” he replied rolling his eyes. When his leg accidentally touched mine I jumped a little.

"You shave your legs? You are weirder than I thought,” he was about to stand up but I pulled him back down.

"I thought it was pretty obvious I only do girls," Caiden said looking annoyed and I scoffed.

Make that a cocky asshole.

"I don't want to have sex with you."

"By the fact that you're still holding my hand doesn't make your statement very believable," Caiden said and I felt myself frown when I looked over and saw his face hard.

He's like a rock with only one look.

I only rolled my eyes and quickly let go of his hand. "Can you um not tell anyone about this?" I asked awkwardly.

"About you trying to hold my hand or about you stalking the English teacher?" Caiden questioned and I clenched my fists, stopping myself from punching him like I wanted to.

"I wasn't trying to hold your hand,” I said looking at him with narrowed eyes.

"Whatever, freak," Caiden said coldly before standing up and heading down the hallway. Rolling my eyes, I peeked through the window to see the lady standing up. My eyes widened, quickly realizing she was probably leaving and I was still sitting in front of the door. I quickly did some ninja roll and moved from in front of the door.

Ninja roll?

Okay, maybe I just moved to the side, but same difference.

I stood up and rushed down the hallway.

That was too close.

I placed my hand on my stomach when it growled loudly. The noise making it sound like there was a whale swimming around in there. I cringed from the noise and decided to head over to the cafeteria. Walking in, the cafeteria was pretty empty since most people were either eating off of campus or were in class. I scanned the room for a good and empty table. I felt pretty content when I found one in the back of the room. I filled up a plate of food and after paying I went and sat by myself, enjoying the taste of pasta. University food is definitely better than that high school crap they give you.

It was much nicer too. In the front of the room there was an area where they were cooking the food right in front of you, not like hibachi, but you'd be able to see them making it as you're getting your food. They also served you too. My favorite part of the whole thing was if you went to the next section they had a whole setup of desserts. All different types of cake sitting on plates on the nice stand. Then another area a few feet away was just different types of drinks. It looked like a restaurant with all the tables having white cloths over them.

Definitely an Ivy League school.

I looked up from my food when I saw Leon and a few other guys joined me. I swallowed the food in my mouth and looked at them curiously, avoiding eye contact from Leon specifically,

"Hi?" I said awkwardly as I took a spoonful of rice and teriyaki chicken, stuffing it in my mouth. I chewed slowly as I watched a wide smile slide on Leon's face.

"Jason, I don't know if you remember me or not, but I'm Leon,” he said taking a sip of his pop.

"Yeah, I remember you,” I said moving my spoon around and playing with my food.

"This is Ashton and Cam,” he introduced his friends and sent them a nod.

"Sup." Ashton said sending me a nod back.

"Do you live around here?" Cam asked me and I hesitated, did I? I don't know how far my lie was supposed to go.


"You know you look familiar. Do you have a sister by any chance?" Leon asked and I quickly shoved some rice in my mouth to stall. That questioned was random. Taking a sip of my Lemonade, I shook my head.

"Nope,” I responded and he nodded, not dropping his gaze. My phone vibrated causing me to jump a little. I took the chance to avoid a conversation and pulled it out of my pocket. I smiled when I had a text from Mia.

Always the lifesaver.

------------To: Claire From: Mia

Liam is back. Just saw him @ the store in LA.

My face paled as memories of a familiar midnight blue haired boy popped in my head. I clenched my fists angry that he was back in America and didn't tell me.

------------To: Mailroom: Claire

Tell him to go to hell.

"Are you okay?" Cam asked me and I nodded stabbing my fork into my food making it hit the glass plate, probably leaving a scratch.

"Just ex problems,” I plastered a fake smile on my face. Liam was an ex-boyfriend of mine. We dated for a while and it ended badly. His job wouldn't let him date anyone outside of work. Weird? I thought so too, that is until I found out he worked as some agent for his government or whatever. I didn't get much information on the topic so I really don't have much to share besides the fact that it's over for good.

Ashton quickly noticed I didn't want to talk about it and decided to change the subject. “So what's your major?"

"Business management,” I said honestly. Business management was something I had always wanted to do.

"So, why are you guys here?" I asked them curiously, hoping I didn't sound too intruding.

"Well, you probably know by now this school started allowing students at age sixteen to enter. I came here at that age since my father wanted me to go to an excellent school and this just so happened to be the one,” he said and I scrunched up my nose, was this school really that good.

"An all boy's school is probably the best you can go to; the education is excellent and you stay focused on your major without distractions," Leon said and I bit my lip thinking over everything he said. It was probably true, but if that's the case then why am I here attending instead of Jeff. He's sixteen, he's old enough.

Your father teaches higher classes and your dad would recognize him.


"I thought you got sent here or something I didn't know this school was that great."

"It's still a university, you apply and they'll let you know if you got in. The only difference from this university and the rest is that you find out immediately. They honestly pay people to just sit there and decide whether people are accepted or not. But believe it or not, it's still number one Ivy League boy's school in the country," Ashton said, looking almost smug by the fact.

"Why would your father send you here at age sixteen?" I asked him while unconsciously moving the ice around in my drink with the straw.

“I have to be prepared to take over my father’s company at age twenty one,” Leon said like it was obvious.

"Same here," Cam pitched in and Ashton nodded agreeing.

"So does everyone here take over their parents company?" I asked and Cam snorted.

"Obviously, I mean they would be stupid not to. This school is the top school and in order to get in it costs thousands of dollars. There are only a few students here that have scholarships everyone else is paying the full price. It's pretty cheap if you ask me," Cam said, shrugging and I looked at them curiously.

“How much does it cost to go here?"

"You sure do ask lots of questions, Jason. Didn't you look up anything before you applied?" Ashton questioned and I gave him a sheepish smile while shaking my head.  "For every month it's some high payment in the upper thousands. I don't pay attention to how much comes out since my payment is just automatically taken out, but it's not bad. Maybe around $20,000 or so,” he explained and I couldn't help but choke on my own spit. How on Earth did my mom get me in here? There is no way my father would agree to pay that much every month. I mean yes, we're not poor, but we're not exactly rich either. She must of got me a scholarship or something but I don't know exactly she would do that since there are no school records anywhere for a guy name Jason Lockwood.

Remind me to have that conversation with her another day.

Yeah, whatever.

"You okay?" Leon asked me and I nodded giving them a thumbs up, clearing my throat from all the coughing I just did after almost choking and dying.

Dramatic much.

Ignoring my conscious, I took a long sip of my drink, letting the liquid sooth my sore and now scratchy throat.

"Hey, um, I have to go call someone. So maybe I'll see you guys in one of my classes?" I said in an almost questioning tone as I stood. The only nodded and said their goodbyes before filling their face with food.

I quickly exited the cafeteria, throwing away my food on the way out. I took the short walk and found my way outside. I took time to observe the campus, looking for a quiet reserved place. It didn't take long to find a nearby tree that was a decent distance. Taking out my phone, I immediately called Mia. My hands drummed against my leg anxiously as I waited for her to pick up.

"Hello?" Mia's voice sounded through the phone and I sighed in relief at hearing one of my best friend's voice.

"What the hell is he doing back in America?" I asked through clenched teeth, glaring at the building.

"I think he was working on another mission or something since he was leaving court,” Mia said, and I narrowed my eyes.

"He couldn't bother to come say hi?" I said and Mia sighed.

“I understand you miss him, C, but you are doing better off without him. He's just another hoe,” she told me and I scoffed, but still smiled slightly as I imagined my friend chewing her gum loudly and snapping her fingers while saying that.

My eyes caught sight on a familiar figure and my smile dropped. “Mia, what college did Nathan say he was going to again?" I asked and I could imagine her shrugging as she said, "I don't know, did he even tell us?" she asked and I bit my lip, squinting my eyes at the figure walking to the door.

"Well, it doesn't matter now because I just found out,” I said, slightly surprised at his appearance. Instead of wearing a pair of shorts and a shirt with some sports team on it like he usually did; he was wearing grey trousers and a white buttoned up shirt that was tucked in with a black blazer.

"What?" Mia said, sounding like she was chewing on a piece of gum, a usual thing for her.

"Nathan is at this school,” I told her watching as the door shut behind my other close friend. “He was dressed all nice and just got out of a freaking limo."

What the hell? Are we talking about the same Nathan here? The I'm-too-cool-to-wear-anything-but-my-boxers guy? You know the one with the beat up cavalier that he's been driving since freshman year?" Mia asked.

"This school is for the rich, Mia. You know the people that are on top of the latter. I thought he was having financial problems,” I said with a slightly questioning tone.

"Really? I thought it was some boarding school?" Mia said and I hummed in agreement.

"That's what I thought until today. It's just like any other university except it starts accepting students at a younger age. It's like some program they can join or something,” I said closing my eyes and leaning my head against the tree.

"Are you going to go after Nate?" she questioned and I shook my head before quickly remembering she couldn't see me.

"No, he can't know I'm here,” I told her and she sighed.

"Good luck with that. Nathan knows you better than you know yourself. It'll take him less than a minute to recognize you. The boy's seen you half naked, in your underwear and has even slept in the same bed as you,” Mia said and I nodded, knowing she was right. She didn't mean sexually, of course, but we were close friends. The change in front of each other and sleep in the same bed type of friends.

Mia suddenly gasped loudly, gaining my attention. "Shit, Claire! Liam just hugged another girl,” Mia said and I scowled remembering why I originally called her.

"Are you stalking him?" I asked curiously, and I heard nothing, but a crunch of some type of food.

"Of course, I'm your best friend. Do you really I think I'm going to just let your ex hang around LA and not spy on him? C'mon, C, you should know me by now. Plus Beth is busy, so I’m chilling by myself at the moment,” Mia said in a duh tone before gasping again. "Oh, oh, oh!"

“What?" I asked her, feeling slightly nervous.

“He just gave her a kiss on the cheek!" she told me furiously.

“He's from Europe. That's not that uncommon there. I mean some people kiss their friends on the cheeks just as a greeting,” I said, remembering what I learned in French class years ago. The phone went silent for a minute before she responded with an 'oh' making me shake my head at her all while chuckling lightly to myself.

"Oh, wait he is- damn watch where you're going you ass,” Mia yelled and I raised an eyebrow, a smile making its way on my lips at my crazy friend.

"You okay?" I asked and she huffed.

"No, some ASSHOLE just bumped into me.” I laughed knowing she yelled that only so he could hear her. “Wait you spilled something on me! I just got this shirt you mother fu-"

"Mia!" I yelled into the phone, trying to get her attention but she only ignored me, continuing to go on at the guy.

"Get back here you ass! This is a white shirt; whatever the hell you just spilled on me is going to stain! Hey!"

"I'll talk to you later Mia," I said, still completely amused.

"You son of a-" I ended the call, rolling my eyes. I'm sure everyone has a crazy friend like her. I headed up to my dorm room and I opened it just as Caiden was stripping off his pants.

"Hey," I said, awkwardly making sure my voice was deeper, as usual. He looked up at me and rolled his eyes, going back to what he was doing. Climbing into his bed, he turned on his TV and changed the channel to The Walking Dead making me gasp.

"Hey, I love this show!" I said sliding off my shoes and hopping on my bed excitedly. Caiden didn't even acknowledge my comment and kept his eyes on the TV while eating some popcorn.

"I don't need you anymore. I'd be fine if you died.” My jaw dropped at the TV. How could he say something like that to his father? I mean Rick was in a coma on the couch while there were walkers outside.

I glanced over to see if Caiden had any emotion to Carl but he was staring blankly at the screen. I noticed he never put any pants back on. Was it normal for guys to just sit on their bed in nothing but their boxers and watch TV? I mean girls do just walk around in their bras and underwear when they're by themselves but we don't do that when there is someone we barely know is in the room. Well, at least some of us don't. Sighing, I laid down and continued to watch my favorite show thinking this day is almost over.

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