Chapter 3
"What are you doing ate?" Rustine my 5 year old brother ask me
I looked at him and tap his head
"Ate is making a love letter lil bro" I said softly here.
"What is love letter ate?"
His forehead furrowed as if he was about to ask for an explanation of what I was going to say, well children are always curious.
"Well, it's a letter that composes of sweet messages and then you write there how you feel for the person you gave it to. Just like your crush like that or flirting" I smiled at him
"What is crush and flirting sister?"
His almond gray eyes were innocently staring at me, he was still blinking so his eyes narrowed even more. Especially and very daring with her curvy and thick eyelashes.
Well Daddy has his eyes, while me. Mana to mommy. My eyes are a bit round and chocolate colored, my eyelashes are also long but she is not very curvy. My eyebrows aren't very thick just right. But my nose is small and pointed, my heart shape lips are also naturally pink, all in all I'm really beautiful. I just don’t really understand why Amos Darling didn’t nano-notice me. Hayys!
"As long as you know that when you grow up"
"When i grow up i want to make a love letter and give it to my crush or flirt" my lil bro Cheered
I just scratched my forehead because he said, Jusko. Please don't be flirtatious with my sister!
After we talked to my brother, I chased him out of my room, because all of a sudden the room crashed. Its his hubby when he's bored and he doesn't have anyone else naughty he will come into my room and he'll tickle me, I'm not annoyed because I also like him being naughty. Coz I know I was the same with him when I was young. I was like a curious cat.
I was cutting the red construction paper and forming it into a heart shape and I pasted it on the front page of my letter.
I wrote the letter on a pink construction paper.
and has a small heart shape design.
The next day I picked up another rose stem from mommy's garden, I put it in the side pocket of my bag, where the tumbler and umbrella can be placed. After I did that, I got in the car and sent for our driver
Every morning the driver takes me to school but sometimes when Dad is off he takes me, but he's a busy man so that rarely happens, but he often fetches me to school every time his schedule is not that hectic.
I immediately jumped off from our car when we reached our school, I said goodbye to our driver before finally leaving the parking area.
Like usual, I was hopping while humming on my way to the boys locker, my two hands behind my back. And it looks like a child walking down the street.
I hid behind the wall first, and peeked. When I saw that no one was there, I hurriedly tiptoed to Amos Darling's locker.
I didn't even lock pick it again and put in there the love letter I wrote and a stem of red roses that I stole from mommy's garden.
After I did my wonders there in the boys locker I smiled as I entered the classroom. I'm the one who loves what I do.
It's also self appreciation, it looks like Amos Darling isn't interested in what I'm doing, so I'll just be interested in my own effort, alas, no one can appreciate.
Latter on Amos Darling emerge the classroom with his bitchy friends who are cursed, I cant really understand on how did it happened. That Amos my Darling last longer to be with them, they didn't seems so nice.
I'm even kinder to them.
And even better, oh! Confidence overload
"Good morning my Darling" I gave Amos a wide smile as he passed right next to me
He took a glance at me and rolled his eyes heavenward
It's a good thing his eyeballs didn't fall, it was hard on me.
"Nothing is good in the morning. Most specially when you're the one who greets me, ugh you're stressing me out" he replied calmly.
I was frustrated
"Ok good morning to me too, the amount you said Darling, you can tell me that good morning to you too young lady" I said
I immediately heard him make a disgust sound
"You know what? You're really so gross, and stop calling me darling it's irritating" he finally said and walked towards where he was sitting.
I saw his Friends immediately followed him, they even give me their famous annoying smirk, the smirk they always give me Everytime Amos Darling ignored me or embarrass me
Well sorry guys, but I'm immune to rejection, to shame, my face is thick like three HIH books, and I'm still numb, I only feel when I love Amos Darling at these times.
I rolled my eyes at them. If they think I will lose. Then, they are wrong because I will never lose and I was born to be a winner not to be a loser.
Our teacher came and immediately discussed, I didn't listen like usual I was just staring at Amos Darling's face.
Why is he so handsome? And take note he's also macho, at the young age of 17 years old, he's a year older than me, I studied in advance because mommy and daddy want Amos and me to be together, they think it was a good idea since we are neighbors and my mom did it on purpose so that there's someone who will look after me.
Well it's in favor in my part though, I will see Amos Darling everyday.
Dismissal came and I immediately got up from my chair and quickly followed Amos Darling who now hurried out the door.
I quickly zipped my bag behind me and ran to follow him. He wasn't alone, he's with his friends, as the usual.
"Darling" I shouted to call his attention
But he didn't flinch he just continued on talking with his friends, sometimes I see him simply parting his imaginary hair on his forehead.
The art of gay tow, it's good and I love it!
"Amos Mylabs" I called him once again but just like earlier he didn't bother to look at me, he just continue what he's doing
Ok fine he doesn't pay attention to me ha!
I sounded my neck bones before looking around, I was in the middle of the hallway near the cafeteria where the mini plaza is located inside, many students are scattered now because of dismissal.
I secretly smirk before letting out a deep breath
Let's see if you still ignore me Amos.
"AMOS, DARLING MY BABY MY'LABS, HONEY, LOVEY DOVEY, BUNCH, SWEETHEART, SWEETIE PIE, HONEY PIE, MOON CAKE, CHEESE CAKE, RED VELVET CAKE, CHOCOLATE CAKE, ANY KIND OF CAKE AS LONG AS I LOVE CAKE, CUPCAKE. YOU, I LOVE YOU ”I shouted loudly causing me to get the attention of almost all the students who are now scattered here near the mini plaza. Including Amos and his friends
They shoot me a daggering look, I feel like anytime soon I'll be blinded.
Putekk is what they think, like I'm eye-killing, super inday, helpppp!
"Desperate bitch" I heard one of Amos friends murmured
I ignored it, I'm used to words like that ... Amos is even more painful to speak, I was able to tolerate them even more.
And duh, what's the use of our ugly ones, why are they the ones commenting eh they're not the ones I'm dating. Tsk echosera lang!
I glanced at Amos's friends before I finally turned to him, I give me a small grin
"Finally you turned to me too" I pouted, he immediately grinned because of what I did, well. I expected that, that's not new to me in the three years I've been courting him.
"What do you want?" His serious face plus his serious voice and his disgust stares, gives shivers to my spine.
As I lost all the courage I had accumulated in my body, I simply swallowed.
He's so intimidating and oh my, he looks so manly and handsome, it's like I'm imagining the future of the two of us now.
She's pregnant and I'm the father, charot upside down!
"You" I answered, giving him my cute giggle
I'm really impressed with my stretch
He rolled his eyes "know what?-"
"You're annoying" I finished what he was going to say, I waved my hand in the air and gave him a grin "I know Nayan Darling, you can always tell me that" i said
"Eh, you know you're pissed, why don't you stop?"
"Because, you're worth it, you're worth all the effort, time and most specially, you're worth of my love" I answered him
"They're right, you're a desperate bitch"
I feel a pang pain on my chest because of the daggering words that he said to me, but then ... i still manage to give him my famous grin
"Say what you want to say, I will still never stop on courting you, remember what I said years ago?" I folded my one arm on my chest while one of my elbows I raised with my arm crossed now on my chest, I use my index finger to point it on my chin and then smile "I will never stop until I make you mine darling .... "
To be continued...