Alicia entered the apartment and collapsed on the floor .What was to become of her life now how would she start all over ?
She held her chest as she felt her throat go dry showing she was about to hyperventilate and could possibly pass out .
She stood up and looked into the kitchen and sighted the fridge. She rushed towards it and grabbed a cold bottle of water , hurriedly drank and made her way to the bed.
Alicia passed out from emotional fatigue.
Alicia woke up wishing the events of earlier today was but a dream , but the strange bed and room told her otherwise. As she sat up she had to hold her head she had a splitting headache she needed Tylenol .
Getting up , she walked to the living room and found her purse on the ground unzipping it she saw the check and fresh tears filled her eyes , how can he abandon me after all these years and dismiss me with a check like I'm some cheap prostitute being paid off .
Locating the Tylenol she took a pill , just then her phone rang . Her heart skipped 5 beats at least , she felt light headed with hope . Maybe it's Tristan calling to apologize for everything and tell me it's a prank .
Instantly she was disappointing ans she stared at Sally's name on her screen , she picked the call.
Sally's voice came through the line
“ Girl what the hell is going on , where are you ? I came to the mansion but I was told you've moved out by the security. I wasn't even let in !?”
“ Sally calm down I have a horrible headache , I'm texting you the address of where I currently am ”
“wait I'm really confused right now , you have alot of explaining to do ,I'll be on my way I just received your text ”
In a few minutes Sally arrived , looking thoroughly upset .
“ What exactly is happening , your fiance is all over the news ” Alicia looked at her visibly confused, then panic set in .
“All over the news for what ? Was he involved in an accident or something?”
Sally's expression suddenly became pitiful towards Alicia “ you haven't seen the news yet , have you ? I think we should sit down ”
Once they were seated Alicia asked “what are you hiding from me ?” Sally handed her phone to her , Alicia took it with shaky hands; she couldn't believe what her eyes were seeing .
The blogs tabloids were raving about the super romantic proposal of the young hot multi millionaire bachelor Tristan Young to the heiress of Fire Technology Enterprise's only daughter Emily White .
It was that same woman she had met in Tristan's office earlier today .
The paparazzi even stopped them for a mini interview outside the restaurant. She played the video and one of the reporters asked Tristan .
“ I thought you were secretly engaged to another woman? ”
Tristan smiled coldly and held Emily's hand.
“ Nothing but a dirty rumor there's only one woman in my life and it's the love of my life Emily ” he brought her hand for a kiss . Alicia looked at Emily's hand and noticed it was the same diamond ring that had sat on her finger earlier today .
A tight knot formed in her chest from the pain , was it this easy to move on ?
“ I'm so sorry Alicia I know how much you love him ”
“ But w…why ? What did I do to deserve this treatment from him ? ” her voice broke .
“I now understand why he insisted we keep the engagement a secret , our whole relationship a secret he never meant to marry me . He treated me like I was an embarrassment. ”
“It's okay girl please calm down , he isn't worth you or your tears ”
“ Do you think he left me because I lost the baby ” hot tears flooded her eyes “ I swear I don't know how it happened , i hate myself for it till today . Maybe his right I'm not good enough ”
“ Bullshit he only left you because he always wanted to , it has absolutely nothing to do with you , he is insecure and needs a trophy heiress wife to tell himself he has made it ”
“truth is Tristan will never be enough for his own damn self ”
“ The why do I feel like I'm the one who is not enough”
Sally moved and hugged her “because made you believe that , I've never liked him he has always been emotionally abusive towards you ”
“you know what enough about the bastard , I bought 3 bottles of wine on my way here I know your not a drinker but figured you'll need it today ”
Sally stood up to get two wine glasses, she poured the wine and gave Alicia a glass which she gulped down in less than 10 seconds .
“ Woah easy girl ” she poured her another glass of wine.
“ You know at least you got some heck of an apartment from the guy and it's in a really nice part of town. I say good riddance honestly he never loved you ”
Alice felt light headed and suddenly the hurt inside of her began to turn into anger and resentment “ I dropped out of school to support him and he called me barely educated , I gave him 7 years of my life and he repaid me by dumping me ?!”
“ I wish I could get back at him and his heiress, he only feels she's better than me because she has more money, how would he feel if I did the same to him ”
“ show up with a better looking richer man he could never be and flaunt it in his stupid face ”
“ Woahhh never seen you talk like this, you should really drink more often. I love where this wine is taking you Alicia unhinged !”They both laughed
“ You know Sally I don't know what I'd do without you ”
“ Right back at you babes , so what's the plan to make him pay ? ”
“ I honestly have no idea , I just want him to hurt as much as I do ”
“He will and more ”
“For tonight I just want to drink more happy juice and get a big fat cheesy pizza with unlimited pepperoni”
“ What a weird name for wine ” she laughed and bowed dramatically “Your wish is my command, I'll place an order for the pizza and get another wine ”.