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Chapter Three

It had been a week since her break up with Tristan and Alicia was sick and tired of just lying around .She was going to start an operation to make Tritan pay and regret treating her the way he did .

She couldn't even go online anymore. Tristan and Emily were all over social media , they were even interviewed by Vogue magazine to tell their love story .

Sally is right. I can't just lie around all day and feel sorry for myself. I need to get it together. Else I just prove to Tristan that he made the right decision by dumping me.

Alicia walked briskly to the supermarket down the street. It was a really nice and busy area and she spotted a couple of exotic cars on the road . The perfect place to meet the perfect man for her scheme .

But first she needs a bright pink journal to lay down her plan , she'll call the scheme how to bag a billionaire . A simply rich dude wouldn't do , she needed a man that Tristan could only dream of becoming.

She would need a total remake over too. Going back to school wasn't an option she wanted to take. At least she had her diploma in business administration .

She entered the store and grabbed some groceries and the brightest pink journal she could find . Reluctantly she headed to the bank to deposit the check Tristan had given her , she wanted to rip it but honestly she needed the money especially for this task .

After the bank returned back to the apartment complex she got on the elevator , just before the door could close she saw black leather shoes and she smelt something exquisite .

It smelt like honey ,citrus , orange ,oud and vanilla and it caressed her senses. Alicia's eyes met with sparkling gray eyes that belonged to a young man about 6ft7 , he looked like a Greek painting .

He smiled at her and she quickly averted her eyes. He must think I'm a fool the way I've been staring .

Suddenly the elevator made a sound and shook a bit , a voice came through the control panel urging them to be calm and that service would soon be restored.

Alicia hadn't realized that in fear and panic she had flown into the strangers arms . She came back to reality when she heard his deep smooth voice .

“Well hello there ”

“ I'm so sorry , I had no idea when the lights went out I panicked”

She tried to step away but he placed his hand firmly on her waist .“You don't have to move till the lights come back on ” .His warm embrace enveloped her and she felt like she was swimming in a warm spring .

Just like that the lights came back on , she quickly disentangled herself from his embrace .

“I'm rea… really sorry , th…thank you I panic way too easily ”

He looked so good in his gray Armani suite , she immediately felt conscious of her appearance .

“ It's fine darling , anytime ” he winked

“ I haven't seen you around before, are you new ?”

“ Yeah I just moved in a week ago ”

“ I'm Dylan ” he extended his hand , his hand

swallowed her petite hand .

“ Alic…I'm Alicia” wow real smooth Alice why are you stuttering . She mentally facepalmed herself.

The elevator dinged and they got out and he nodded goodbye . Alicia noted his apartment was about 3 doors opposite to hers .

She entered her apartment and leaned on the closed door, eyes closed , hand over her chest trying to steady her beating heart .

She heard someone clear their throat “ ahmm what's going on ”. Her eyes flew open .

“ What are you doing here ?”

Tristan sat on the couch watching her intensely , her heart felt heavy but she was done showing him how weak she was so she put on a brave face.

He eyed her.

“Don't flatter yourself ,I'm not here on a pleasure visit , I'm here to warn you not to talk to the press or anybody about our previous relationship . I don't want you starting any drama it would be bad for my company”. He stood up and walked towards the door just before he could head out .

Alicia responded with her new found strength “you are an ingrate you know that right? I wouldn't dare talk to the press about a loser like you , I too am embarrassed to be associated with a man like you ”

He laughed darkly “kitty has claws I see , I like this new side of you , I really don't care what you think of me . You're a nobody Alicia , I'm doing well in life even got myself a daughter of a rich man ”

He turned to face her “and who are you ?, who wants you ?nobody love . ”. He watched her with a sneering look “no more comebacks , now that the Alicia I know ”.

He turned around and shut the door on his way out .

Unshed tears burned in Alicia's eyes but she refused to cry enough of that . First thing in the morning she'll get someone to change the locks and make his key useless .

His words actually cut her deeply but she decided to push through .She sat down on the carpet and took out her journal writing how to bag a billionaire on the cover .

She decided her * first step ;would be to shop and get a makeover , she was tempted to dye her waist long brown hair Platinum blonde but she decided against it .

*Step two: get out of the house more often. This Evening she and Sally are going to the hottest and most expensive club in town. Also part of getting out she sent her CV to the best human resource company in town and Sally put in a good word for her to the MD and a fat envelope.

They'd highly recommend her at every company with an eligible young billionaire. She wrote down a list of eligible billionaires in New York , where the frequent, including favourite coffee shops .

Alicia and Sally actually hired a private investigator to get this information sounds like alot but not was too much to see Tristan regret treating her the way he did .

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