Yeah I just stared at him for a while before breaking the silence.
"Ehhm...I was just going for a hike," I had to bite my tongue to stop myself from laughing. I don't hike, or do any kind of exercise. He just raised his eyebrows and looked at the food I was holding.
"What? I like to eat the calories I lost," I said but he didn't say anything. His expression turned back into anger.
"W-Want some?" I asked. Food can make everything better. Instead of saying anything he just growled at me. Freaking growled. Like you know, dog growled.
Is he going to eat me?
He has that hungry look in his eyes or is it anger? Either way, it's creeping me out.
"Ehh...w-would you like s-some f-food?" I asked.
What if I make a run for it?
Hey, that's an amazing idea!
I guess he noticed my 'getting ready to run' face because he started walking towards me. My eyes widened and I threw the bag of chips at him to buy me some time to run.
As I started running I could feel my legs starting to hurt but I ignored the pain. I had to get away as far away from him as possible if I wanted to not get eaten and move to New York. I could hear footsteps behind me and my heart beating.
All of the sudden, he grabbed me by my arm and I fell backward on the ground. I used my hands to cover myself away from him as I begged for mercy.
"PLEASE DON'T EAT ME!" I yelled.
"Why on earth would I eat you, Bella?" He asked with an angry tone.
"I-I just t-thought-"
"Oh, you thought? Well if you wanted me to eat you that bad you could have just asked," He said with a smirk and my eyes widened. That would be painful, very painful. I need to get away from now!
"HELP ME SOMEONE HELP ME! HE'S GOING TO EAT M- KILL ME!" I yelled on the top of my lungs. Someone must have heard, right?
"Oh, sweet innocent Bella-" He said and laughed evilly "-we do not eat humans and if you try to run away again, I'll have to chain you up,"
I just had an image of me chained up, and it isn't pretty.
He grabbed my wrist and pulled me up, dragging me to who knows where. Doesn't matter how nice people are in that house, I must leave before my ex finds me and takes me away.
I don't want to be owned or married. What I want is to go to New York.
"Wait," I said with a plan running inside my head. He stopped and turned to look at me without letting go of my hand.
"I'm sorry," I said and made my best apologetic look. He raised his eyes brows at me and my eyes moved behind him.
"Who's that?" I asked still looking behind him and when he turned around I took this as an invitation to hit him where the sun doesn't shine. Let's just say I hit him pretty hard in his nuts. Probably because I was scared out of my mind.
He let out a growl and fell on the floor holding his downstairs. I took this as a chance to start running as fast as I could. Literally, I was like lightning.
Before I knew it, ten minutes passed and I started hearing engine noise. I turned towards the sound and walked there since I was so out of breath.
A road came into my view and I happily gave myself a high five. I started waiting for any cars to pass by while walking along the road.
It's been a few minutes when I started hearing a car engine. I turned around and a car truck was driving behind me. I waved my hands for him to see me and when he did, he stopped and rolled down his window.
"What are you doing in the middle of nowhere, young lady?" He asked. He didn't look scary or anything so I decided it was safe to talk to him.
"My boyfriend broke up with me and dumped me here," I said and gave him my best sad look.
"Would you like a ride?" He asked and I nodded. He opened the door for me and I climbed in.
"I'm sorry I don't have money to offer for your kindness but I do have some food, we were going on a trip to Florida but we were going to stop at Los Angeles," I said and started digging my bag for food.
"It's okay young lady, keep your food, I'm driving to a farm near the border of Los Angeles, there is a bus stop nearby, you can take it, it leads to the main bus station near the airport," He said.
"Oh thank you so much for your help," I said and made myself comfortable in the seat. He turned on the radio and I listened to it, wondering if I'll make it to New York in one piece.
We talked about a lot of things and I was surprised that I was so comfortable with him. He said to call him Uncle M because most of the kids he knows call him that. It was probably because of his warm smile that made me comfortable. He dropped me off at the bus stop and I gave him a hug before I waved him goodbye.
I waited for the bus for what seemed like hours. I decided to lie down on the bench and watch the sky as I waited.
I heard the bus stop so I sat up ready to get inside. But I almost fainted from seeing Declan in a black car staring at me with anger in his eyes.
How the heck did he find me?
"H-Hi," I said awkwardly.
"Get. In." He said coldly.
Oh my god, do I want to die?
"I said no,"
Just get in!
He just looked at me for a few seconds before getting out of the car and walking towards me. I broke into a run but before I could get away from him, he grabbed my hand pulling me back.
"Shut up," He said and pulled me towards the car. I wanted to apologize so he'll calm down and not make me nervous for my life.
"Shut. Up."
"Bella shut the fuck up and get in the car," I got in the car and so did he. Instead of driving like a normal person, he drove like a psycho speeding down the empty road. I felt like my heart is going to pop out of my chest.
"Please slow down," I begged but he didn't seem like he was listening.
I think I'm going to have a heart attack.
His knuckles turned white as he held the driving wheel. His eyes turned darker as I was holding on to the seat so hard, my nails dug into it. My heart was beating so fast and my eyes started tearing up.
I never liked sitting in fast cars or fast rides like those in Disney Land or Ocean Park, they gave me unwanted anxiety and panic attacks all because of some bad past experience.
My whole body was shaking that I didn't even notice that the car stopped.
"Bella? You okay?" Declan called out but I was too scared to make a noise or move a muscle. Black clouds started blocking my vision.
"Air, need air," I said and opened the car door. I stepped outside gasping for air but it was too late and my eyes rolled to the back of my head.