Tamara Ramirez
We successfully got out of the house before Artemis had a heart attack. As she has continuously pointed out during our short drive to the party, Alec would waste no time in tracking me and killing them. Therefore, for both of our safety, my ears' safety, I removed the charm bracelet he gave me. As soon as we get to the party, I'm shutting down my damn phone.
I can't have Alec stalking me now, can I?
The front lawn of the house was already trashed when we arrived. Empty plastic cups and empty bottles were thrown everywhere which trips most of the drunk people walking around. Music from the inside reached the outside of the house and can even be heard at the comfort of Artemis' car.
It has been a while since I have been to a party like this. Wild. Loud. And dangerous.
"You ready?" Art asked me as she puts on the shoes I gave her. Apparently, she doesn't drive wearing any kind of heels. She said it was annoying. Who am I to judge? I do not drive frequently to know these things.
"As I'll ever be." I said as we both got out of the car.
Artemis laughed loudly and thankfully, did not got any confusing looks from the people around, besides the point that they are all drunk. I followed her up to the front door of the house. She opened it up and her smile got bigger. She looked at me and I saw the excitement in her eyes. She is definitely a party girl.
As soon as we stepped inside, the view of people, grinding against each other on the living room welcomed me. If the outside was thrashed, the inside of the house was not looking any better. Despite the blasting air conditioning this house probably has, the hot and sweaty atmosphere inside of the house was still noticeable.
Grabbing my wrist, she expertly manoeuvred us through the mass of sweaty drunk students who were all grinding and jumping against one another.
'Dancing' as they called it.
It seemed more like dry sex, if you ask me.
I cringed, as we got deeper into the house, which housed even more drunk people. The music has gotten louder as we go out the backyard where two other speakers were placed, just by the door that connects it to the inside.
They are lucky that the snow is not falling or they would all freeze.
At the farthest side of the room, a lounge area sits. Art easily spotted Apollo's blonde blob of hair. She proceeds on pulling me along with her. Apollo, on the other hand, was surrounded with laughing drunken college girls. Apollo's blue eyes found us and he jumped up from his seat and approached us.
"I thought I'd never see you tonight." He said with a big wide grin on his face. Unlike us, Apollo was casually dressed in a pair of jeans and a plain black shirt. He didn't have to put much effort in his choice of clothing and as his eyes travelled from our head to our foot, I knew he wasn't going to say anything good. "Those are too short."
Artemis rolled her eyes at him. "It's a party Apollo. Should we have dressed in a ankle length skirt?"
"Don't lean down and you should be good." He told Artemis in a I'm-the-older-twin voice of his. "That goes for you too, Mara."
"And here I thought I was free to do everything I want." I replied, sarcasm coating my words.
Before Apollo could reply, a young man approaches him with a plastic cup full of beer in his hand. "Hey man. Games about to start." He looked collected and not drunk despite him smelling like he bathes in beer.
"Pete?!" Artemis screeched and bombards the poor person with a bone-crushing hug. She was all over him in less than a minute and soon, they were making out.
I looked at Apollo for an explanation and he sighed before giving it to me. "Pete. Pete on the phone, remember him? He's back for the weekend."
Oh. "Right. Him."
The more I looked at him, the more I recognized his face. He was indeed Pete. The man Artemis is helplessly in love with. He also lives in England so I have no idea why he would fly across the world for just a party.
"Okay, guys. That's enough." Apollo grumbled as he pulled Pete off his twin. "Let's get these two drinks and drunk."
Third Person POV
Apollo did get the two girls drunk. Playing beer pong twice in a row was enough to get Mara tipsy, followed by the famous jell-o shot. However, the group did not stop there. They all stayed at the kitchen of the house where most of the beers were stored and managed to find a bottle of vodka and a half empty bottle of tequila.
They all were wasted quickly.
Mara was oblivious to the time or the fact that she has already lost one of her shoes and is now walking bare footed up the stairs to the second floor of the house, where Pete had told her the rest rooms were.
The house was dark and loud. It did not help that Mara was completely wasted and is humming a tune as she shakily walked up the stairs. She opened the first door on her right and accidentally walked in on a couple of college students smoking weed. As the smell hits her nose, Mara stepped out, mumbling sorry under her breath.
She opened the door to her left next and was relieved to find a well-lit bathroom. Thankfully, it was empty and Mara was able to do her business before walking back out. Not knowing where to go, she stepped further into the second floor of the house and opened a very empty bedroom. Her eyes found the open window and she thought it was the door, which leads to the outside of the house where she left her friends.
Artemis was sitting comfortably on Pete's lap as they both talk quietly to each other when a shout disturbed them. She looked at where the people are pointing their fingers at and almost fell off Pete's lap.
Mara, in her drunken state, has somehow managed to get on the roof which was an above the pool. She swayed and tumbled a little as she walks on the said roof.
Artemis couldn't be any faster as she is right now, as she pulled Pete up and ran like a mad woman to where Mara might fall off. Surprisingly, Apollo was already there, neck craned up to see how Mara was doing.
"What the hell are you doing up there?!" Artemis shouted angrily at Mara as she looked around for anything or anyone that can help them. Mara, the crazy drunk that she is, smiled and waved at Artemis.
"Wow. You've gotten small Art!" she said, giggling to herself as if it was the funniest joke that was ever told. She stumbled and almost fell off the roof and collective sounds of gasps were heard.
"Do something!" Art demanded from both Pete and Apollo. Disbelief filled her eyes as she watched her brother scroll through Mara's phone. "What the hell Apollo? Get Mara down the fucking roof!"
Apollo glared at her. "Pete, go upstairs and try to get her to come back inside through the window." Pete nodded to Apollo and followed his orders. Suddenly, none of them was too drunk to not realize that the fall Mara might take was far too high for a drunken person to do, even with the waiting cold water of the pool. "Art, I need you to watch her while I call Dustyn."
Apollo quickly found Dustyn's name on Mara's contact list. He wasted no time in dialling it.
"Shortcake?" Apollo almost cringed at the endearment of Dustyn Franco for his friend if it wasn't for the situation he had on hand. He clearly sounded worried, as he should be.
"Mara, get the hell down from there!" Apollo shouted at Mara as she tried to walk further to the other side of the roof where plain cement is waiting for her fall.
An angry reply came through the phone, which didn't really surprised Apollo. "Who the fuck are you and why do you have her phone?"
"Relax, Franco. It is Apollo. We need help with Mara."
"What happened?" Dustyn asked and Apollo shook his head. His voice definitely lost all of its anger and hostility towards him.
"She's drunk, to say the least. Look, track her phone. I have to go, man."
"Apollo, she's about to fucking jump! Help me"
Apollo dropped the phone on his hand and raced to where Mara was about to jump. "T, stop right there."
Mara pouted down at her friends. She was so big up where she is and jumping down was the best idea she had so she can be back up to their size.
"I got her, Apollo." Pete's voice traveled through the silent backyard as her carefully laid a hand on Mara's wrist and dragged her away from the edge.
"No! I want to go to my friends." Mara whined like a little kid.
"I know. We'll go to them this way."
"Fuck." Apollo breathed out. He looked at her sister and saw her fear strained face. "That was close."
"I'm never going to get her drunk ever again."
Dustyn Franco
I ended up right outside of a house. From the looks and sound of it, I was on the right address. I didn't have to look to long for Mara and the twins. They emerged from the front door with a passed out Mara on Apollo's arms.
I met them half way and Apollo was almost too relieved to hand over Mara. I looked down at my shortcake and was surprised to find that she is actually awake while eating a bar of Hershey. "What the hell happened? I asked the group right away, noticing the raven-haired man beside Artemis.
"She wanted to get drunk and have fun. She was just supposed to go to the bathroom but the next thing we knew, she was walking on the damn roof right above the pool." Artemis answered with a sigh. "She didn't fall, Pete got to her on time."
I assumed Pete was the young man beside her and gave him a nod. "Thank you."
"No problem."
"Does she have clothes with her or anything? I'll take her home with me. I'm assuming Alec doesn't know."
Artemis smiled guiltily at me. "I have clothes for her in my car."
I nodded my head. "If you can follow us to my home, I want to make sure Mara gets out of these..." I trailed off and glanced down at the shot body hugging blue dress. "thing.." I noticed she was barefoot and those feet of hers looked very dirty. She must've lost them inside.
"Mmm... noisy bear."
I glanced down at my shortcake in amusement. Her gray eyes clouded with the influence of alcohol running through her system. "I'm a bear?"
She glared at me and poked my chest with her pointing finger. "Yes. A very hard and noisy beaar."
Apollo snickered at her words. "He's hard alright." He commented.
I smiled down at her. She looked cute as her drunk self. She's like a little kid with had too much chocolate. "Rest, my shortcake. I'll get you home."
"Nuuu. I want ice cream!" She whined, her finger lazily splayed on her abdomen. "You're a vefy handsome bear too."
Chuckles surrounded us and I let a small-amused smile grace my lips. "Okay. We'll get ice cream." I told her as I walk us to my car parked, conveniently, in front of the house.
"Yes, shortcake."
I gently put her down on the passenger seat and buckled her up. Softly, I shut the door closed and turned to her friends.
"I got her clothes." Artemis said, her hands holding a sports bag.
"Can you come with us? I just need you to change Mara's clothes." I asked her.
She turned to Pete then to her twin brother, Apollo who gave her a small nod of his head. "Sure. We'll follow your car."
I sighed in relief. I was not looking forward to having to worry about changing Mara. Now I only have to worry about telling Alec of Mara's whereabouts. That, I am not looking forward to.
"Thank you."
I got into the driver's side and Mara immediately turned her head to me.
"Bear marry me." She mumbled.
I laughed and started the car, easing out of the busy street and out of the campus property. "I think you're engaged."
"Me?!" She asked her eyes wide in surprise. She raised left hand and studied it. "No rock." She slurred, showing it to my face.
"Don't you like anyone else?" I asked as I dial Alec's number on my phone.
At the corner of my eye, I saw her shake her head. "No. Boys are immeture."
"You mean immature."
"That's what I said!"
Alec's voice echoed in the car. I glanced at Mara and saw her poking at my phone.
"Give me Alec back! Evil phone!!" She screeched.
"H-hey Al."
"Baby girl? Why are you talking funny?"
"Al! The phone ate you!"
Alec chuckled on the phone. "You scared me baby girl. I thought something happened to you. I almost fired everyone in the mansion."
"Yeah. Apollo called me to pick her up. I hope you don't mind if I take her to my apartment."
"Bear, Ice cream!" Mara demanded impatiently. She has already forgotten about her 'accusations' against the phone.
"We're almost there shortcake, hang on."
I heard choking sounds from Alec and almost laughed at his reaction. He's clearly disgusted and uncomfortable. "Ewe. Refrain from being too sweet when I'm listening." He said. "And why is she calling you that?"
"She' really... groggy right now."
"You mean she's drunk? I've seen her like that. It's quite funny, to be honest." Alec said.
Alec tried talking to Mara for most of the ride home, but Mara could never focus on anything but the fact that she was craving a strawberry flavored ice cream. Laughing with relief and at the silliness of his drunken sister, Alec bid her goodnight with the promise of picking her up from my house tomorrow.
Soon enough, we pulled up on the parking lot of my penthouse. The guard on duty nodded his head to us as we made our way to the elevator. Mara's friends followed me quietly while Mara was still whining about her ice cream.
The sound of the blasting television was the first we all heard as the elevator opened its doors. The living room is a mess with the spilled popcorn still on the carpet where I have dropped them from hurrying.
"Well... it sure is messy."
I glared at Apollo as I manoeuvred us inside the house. I entered further into the house and placed Mara on one of the seats on my six-seater dining table.
"Bear!" She whined for the nth time. I can see Apollo sigh in annoyance at Mara at this point.
"Yes yes. I have it here." I told her as I walked into the kitchen and grabbed the tub of Ben and Jerry's strawberry flavoured ice cream. I grabbed a spoon on the way out.
Mara squealed in delight and grabbed the ice cream from my hands as I sat on the chair next to her. Adoringly, I brushed back some of her hair from her face and smiled at her satisfied smile.
Mara only took five spoonful of the ice cream before her eyes were drooping from sleepiness. Her head lolled to the side, with her eyes barely open. "Bed, bear."
I hoisted her up on my arms, carrying her bridal style once again. I nodded my head to Artemis, indicating that she should follow me to change Mara out of her party clothes and hopefully, remove the scent of alcohol that lingered with her.
I gently placed Mara on my bed and moved back from her to allow Artemis to tend to her needs. "Bathroom is over there." I told her, pointing to the door to the left of the bed. "I'll leave you to it."
In my dining area, both boys have sat down on the chairs around the dining table. To be completely honest, this is the most number of people I have had in this apartment since I bought it. I mostly just used it for keeping most of my presents for Mara. I haven't had the trust to send it directly to her house. Seeing as her witch of a stepmother lives with her.
"Do you guys want some water?" I asked them.
Apollo nodded. "Yes. I'm fucking thirsty from the alcohol and the adrenaline rush I experienced."
I nodded my head and fetched them a glass of water each. Leaning against the breakfast bar, I cross my arms on my chest. "What exactly happened?"
Apollo indulged me on the story of their night. It seemed almost comical to think of Mara walking around, barefoot and drunk. Still, how she thought the window was a doorway was a mystery to all of us.
It seemed an awful of lot time before Artemis graced us with her presence. She looked exhausted than when I first saw her this evening and before I left her with Mara.
We all looked at her with curiosity. She sighed and rolled her eyes. "Don't ask."
After a few minutes of rest, they decided to get home. I had offered to get them UBER to get home but they refused and said they were sober enough to drive. I do hope so too.
After cleaning the spilled popcorn on the living room carpet, I retired for the night. I decided to check on Mara first before crashing in the second bedroom. To my surprise, Mara laid awake on my bed. She looked sober but one look at her face and I knew she was still under the influence of alcohol, whatever it is she drunk.
"Shortcake, go to bed." I told her softly as I approached the bed.
She turned her head to me, her hair splayed around her. "Dy." She called softly.
Smiling, I sat on bed and brushed away the stray hair from her face. "How are you feeling?"
"Dizzy." She giggled. "And funny."
I shake my head but could not keep the smile off my face. She is beautiful but she's so cute right now. "We'll talk tomorrow."
"Lay with me." She mumbled sleepily to me. "Please, Dy."
I sighed. I was only going to check on her. This is definitely way out of the plan. Alec will kill me if he found out. Shit.
"Do I have to beg you twice?" She mumbled, her eyes fighting the sleep she felt.
"No, beautiful. Of course not."
With that, I snuggled in on the right side of the bed with my arm wrapped on Mara's waist and fell asleep right away.