It's been almost a week since Alec dropped the bomb on me. I haven't gone to see any of the Ramirez family. I was so conflicted with the outcome of the choices I could make. The idea, Alec has put in my head, won't leave.
The image of my shortcake walking down the aisle, with me waiting at the end, is a dream. It's a dream which I can turn into reality if I continue to play my cards right. But the thought of lying to Mara is not a pretty image. My shortcake can keep a grudge, which I am sure of.
These images I kept fantasizing about have kept me awake for most nights. Honestly, it wouldn't be so bad to marry her. Fuck. I have dreamed of marrying her for so fucking long and here comes Alec offering me my dream in a fucking silver platter. A silver platter!
"Are you okay son?" Dad's rough voice snapped me out of my reverie. I reminded myself to be mentally focused and physically present on the dinner that I am having with my parents. Not sure about mentally present, since my mind has been flying away to the thoughts of Mara these days.
Clearing my throat, I nodded my head. "'Course, Dad. I was just thinking." I admitted to him.
After I told Dad about the partnership and the marriage Alec is offering, he was surprised. It was a big offer and Alec certainly knew our company needed the push he is offering to finally get to the world market. But Dad wasn't ecstatic about Alec, basically, selling his little sister to me.
"Alec's proposal. What do you think about that?" Dad asked, taking a bite of his steak.
I eye my mother. She seems oblivious but I wouldn't put it past her to eavesdrop on our conversation. I hate to say it, but Mom is a cunning woman when she wants to be. "I don't know. I haven't really decided yet."
Dad raised an eyebrow at me, looking quizzically at me. "Son, you gain more from here. You love her!" Despite Dad not being happy with the arrangement, he supports my feelings for Mara. even before I figured it out, he knew and understood what I felt for the girl.
I can feel mom's eyes on me. I met her blazing blue eyes as realization of who we are talking about sets in."Is this about that Ramirez girl?" She asked. As I thought, she's not as oblivious as I would like her to be at this moment. Honestly, she never liked my shortcake since she took up most of my time when I was still living here in New York.
"Mom, please. Mara is very special to me." I explained in an exasperated voice. I'm tired of having the same conversation with my Mom over and over again. I don't understand why she hates her, but she does.
"Dustyn, she's a kid! What does she know about being an adult?! She's a spoiled brat." She said, bad-mouthing Mara as she goes. If I would describe my mother, I would say she's too good at insulting people. That's a sure ball.
"I love her, okay? Besides she's only six years younger than me." I said smugly, but calmly just to rile up my mother even more.
"Love? Shakespeare died centuries ago, young man. You need someone who can help you with the business." She insists.
Meeting her eyes with my dark blue ones, I give her the nastiest stare I could muster. "It is my decision Mom, not yours."
Glaring she wiped her mouth and proceeded to stand up. "This is ridiculous." She said and left our table, completely drawing no reaction from Dad and I. She was spoil by my grandparents, hence, the attitude.
And there goes my over-dramatic mother.
Dad sighed. Like every other dinner, Mom and I just couldn't get along to enjoy a meal. Not one meal. And Dad, he had to take responsibility for everything Mom does out of anger or out of her being a brat despite being fifty-years-old. "I'm sorry son."
I shook my head. "Mom needs to accept the fact that I can and I will make my own decisions." I replied looking at my Dad dead in the eyes.
"I know. Say, invite Mara to dinner with us. I'll arrange everything. Your mother will be in her best behavior. What do you say?" He asked, smiling at me. Dad has always been the mediator in the family. Mom and I, we were like water and oil. We could never mix well.
I nod my head. "I'll invite her when I see her this week."
Dad agreed and headed out to follow after my Mom who is probably sitting in the car with no way of getting home.
Since the meeting with Alec last week, I haven't done anything to put the plan into motion. I haven't even seen my shortcake nor have I talked to her. I'm mostly worried about her reaction. I'm scared that she might see me as her enemy because of this and not just me, Alec too!
At the same time, I can't deny the happiness that seeped within me when Alec told me about his plans. I imagined her so many times as the years pass by. The attraction, the care I had for her growing up, just grew into something special. I didn't even try to deny or erase how I feel for her once I have admitted it to myself. I treasured it.
The past three days flew by. I had to attend several meetings and to make appearances on a lot of dinners. I am being introduced as the new owner and CEO of the company to all of our business partners. from the suppliers, to our customers, I parade myself to strengthen the relationship between our companies. I didn't have any time to twiddle my thumbs between those and signing a lot of contracts at the same time.
Today, though, I finally have the chance to see Mara. Finding her was not hard as I only had to call her brother. The bastard was too happy and just gave away everything I need to know about Mara's everyday routine - from her class schedule in uni to her weekend normal habits.
Right now, I am sitting in my car, patiently. I conveniently parked my car right outside of the building where her class was held. If Alec's information is correct, her class ended merely five minutes ago. judging by the amount of students piling out, I would say he was correct. I didn't have to wait long to see her. Her blonde hair I can distinguish anywhere plus her gray eyes.
There she is, finally. My shortcake.
She's smiling as her friends talk to her. Her eyes shine of happiness; they are as gray as I could remember. She walked with elegance like no other. She is everything I remember and more. Her presence attracts the eyes of the boys around her, even the girls. My shortcake is a beautiful sight to behold.
Opening my door, I shouted for her attention. "Mara!" She turned her head around, looking for whoever shouted her name, and finally, her gray eyes landed on me. Her face lit up with a spit eating grin. Without saying good bye to her friends, she runs to me. Her hair flying back as her short legs pump fast as she runs.
"Dustyn!" She exclaimed as she crashed to me in a big hug. "You're back! You're back!" She giggled happily.
I hug her body closer - tighter, to mine. "My shortcake..." I breathe. "I missed you." I kissed her on the cheek before letting her go.
She's so beautiful.
I guide her to the passenger seat, opening her door and putting her seatbelt on like I always do, which earned me an eye roll from her gray eyes.
"When did you get back?" She asked. She's practically bouncing in the passenger seat with joy. She looks cute with her smile and her gray eyes shining with pure surprise at my arrival.
I hold back my laughter as I enter the mid-day traffic in New York. "About two weeks ago."
She frowned at my reply. "Then why am I only seeing you now?" by the look of her face, a half-sassed answer will not do. Something I know about Mara is that she hates liars the most, ever since she was a child.
I give her a smile. "I've been busy. Board meetings, dinner parties and charity events took up all of my time for the past two weeks." I explained.
She nodded her head and said, "Yeah? You sound like Alec right now. If that's what adults do all the time, I can understand the wrinkles."
I chuckled. No matter how old she gets, she'll still have the hint of her childishness. The child I remembered before Alec and I left for college. But the Mara sitting in my passenger seat is no longer a kid but a full grown woman attending college. "How's college?"
She looked at me like I'm crazy. "A real pain in the ass. How's work?" She asked back, cheekily.
"A real pain in the ass." I said mimicking her previous words with a smirk. She punches my arm lightly before turning away.
"Asshole," She mumbled to herself, focusing her gaze to the scenery outside of her window.
I drive us quietly to our destination. It's a comfortable silence. Treasuring the moment with a friend, in Mara's view, and with the person I love. This day just couldn't get any better with her by my side. Just like how I wish she will be with me forever.
As we drive farther out of the city, I can feel her restlessness at not knowing where our destination lies. She started looking at me, and the surrounding which is mostly consisted of trees and a few trails leading deep into the forest.
"Don't say it." I said, looking at her with a horrified expression.
"Say what?" she asked, clearly confused.
I shrug my shoulder, "Don't say I'm about to kill you. That's so cliché."
Mara rolled her eyes at me and proceeded to laughing. "Don't be stupid, Dy. My brother tracks my phone and this charm bracelet he gave me." She said with a smug grin, showing her bracelet to me. "You forget I am an heiress to a tech company."
"Right, your brother is pretty freaky." I said as I turn on a wide trail which leads to a house in which a couple lives. I bet Mara would love to meet them.
She clicked her tongue. "May I remind you, he's your best friend? They say birds of the same feather flock together."
"Please, I was the normal one. Alec has always been a freak." I said to her, snickering at the thought of Alec's stalking skills. It is truly out of this world.
"Don't let him hear you or you're dead. Like, corpse dead." she threatened with a teasing tone. I have known Alec since we were in diapers. His threats don't really have the desired effect on me as he would have wanted when I stole Mara away for one afternoon before. Let's just say, he's both possessive and protective of his little sister.
I parked the car and grinned at her. "Here we are." I said. I gestured at the magnificent house in front of us and Mara's jaw drops in surprise.
"It's beautiful." Mara said with a small smile.
"Let's go in." I said and went to her side to open the door for her.
The hose exterior consisted of wood, stones and glass. Glass made up most of its walls as the sunlight can be seen streaming inside the house. The wood creaked a bit under both of our weight. I knock on the door, seeing as they are missing a doorbell.
A woman with violet dyed hair opened the door. She smiles widely at the sight of me and immediately engulfs me in a hug. "Dustyn you're here." She said with a grin as she stepped back away from our hug. She makes it seem like she didn't see me just a few hours ago. Veronica works as my secretary.
"Veronica, hey. Where's that stupid husband of yours?" I asked. I looked behind her, expecting him to be there, but I found nothing.
Vero shakes her head in amusement and lets us in. Finally, she takes notice of Mara. "And you are?"
"Tamara Ramirez." My shortcake answered and extended her hand for a hand shake. But knowing Vero, she pulls my shortcake in for a hug.
"We hug in this family. Sit down and I'll go get my husband." She said and went up the stairs but not before throwing me a wink and a knowing glance. I only smiled in return. I know the gears are turning in that small head of hers as Vero have realized who Mara is to me. I didn't have any doubt she would be telling her husband about her realization.
Mara sits quietly and looks around the house in wonder and amazement. Her gaze lingered on the photos that adorned the walls of the living room. Every photo tells a story of the couple's love. From the beginning, to the wedding and to this house; Veronica's photography expertise is displayed in their house. Although, why she didn't make it as a career is a mystery to me.
"Pretty amazing, huh?"
She nods her head, not turning her attention away from the art pieces she is seeing. "It's the epitome of that saying, 'a picture is worth a thousand words'." She said absentmindedly. "How do you know them?"
Smiling, I tell her the story. I met Veronica and her husband, Mark, in college. At that time, I felt so lost since neither my best friend nor the love of my life is around me. I was such a cold person in college that even Veronica almost gave up on me after she was partnered with me in our Psychology class. After that, everything just clicked and they were my rock for the rest of the year. The only bummer is that they graduated two years earlier than me.
"You missed us huh?" Mara asked with a knowing smile to which I nodded my head. "We missed you too Dust."
Before I could reply, a baritone voice and a couple of heavy steps interrupted us. Glancing up, Mark stands with a mischievous glint in his eyes.
At that point, I felt scared for whatever stupid plan Mark has in his head.