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Chapter 8

Amanda's POV

There is only one word to explain this: Splendipulous. Austin stands next to me on the soft sand of the beach shore. He grins at me as I take everything in. The sand is almost white and it is so soft l could just bury myself in it. The sound of the water hitting the shore and the way the almost set sun is reflecting off the water is just beautiful, there are bright, twinkling stars shining in the sky. Everything looks so perfect. Like a movie. There is a table set up, it looks so fancy and it even had candles on it. It is just, "Beautiful." I say and Austin chuckles. "Glad you like it, Miss Jelly tots." Austin says and guides me to a seat.

He pushes my seat in for me. Who knew the bad boy was a gentleman? Then he sits down opposite me. A man with a white chef's suit walks in carrying two dishes of food. They were both plates of pizza. "Pizza?" I say, scrunching my eyebrows. It's so formal and there's Pizza? "Yeah, I can be fun." Austin says and smiles, causing me to smile. This is great. "You said you want cheesy.

I thought 'hey, what could be more cheesy then pizza?" I shake my head and laugh, "Is this your idea of a pun?" I ask, Austin laughs, "No, it's my idea on how to get a beautiful girl to laugh. It's working too." Austin says and winks. My face heats up and I look down. Why am I blushing? He is a player, he probably says these things all the time.

I lift a piece of pizza and put it in my mouth, "So, why do you want revenge so bad? I mean I dated Evan for three years. Nobody even knew you were dating Emma so... Why?"

"I want revenge on Evan. I know you hate him and I do too. I have my reasons as to why, don't you worry Miss jelly tots. Also, I want to get back at Emma because I said she can't sleep with Evan and she did. I kind of liked her, not loved, I can't love anyone, but I semi-liked Emma, I guess."

I nod. "Yeah, I get it but... Why can't you love anyone?" I ask, scrunching my eyebrows.

"Well, as you have pointed out many times, I am a player. I love doing girls, I guess you can call it a hobby," Austin smirks, "But I don't think I can ever give someone my heart because..." Austin stops and looks away at the sea.

"Because you're scared. You're scared that a girl might hurt you the way that you hurt girls."

Austin looks at me and doesn't say anything. I wonder what he is thinking. He's probably regretting his decision about taking me out.

After we finish eating pizza the chef brings dessert. Oh. My. God. It's a stack of pancakes with NUTELLA AND JELLY TOTS! ! !! This is amazing.

"Oh my god! Austin, this is awesome!" I could just scream out all my happiness. Best dessert ever!

"So, about this fake girlfriend thing, I have 3 rules." I say as I shove pancakes into my mouth.

Austin looks at me and raises his eyebrow.

I put thee of my lingers up, "One, you can't be a d*ck to me or the deal is off because I know you and I know how mean you can be to girls." I put one of my fingers down, "Two, I'm not doing the deed with you, so don't try and don't ask and you can't do it with anyone else while we're fake dating either." I put my second finger down, "Three, don't fall in love with me." I put my last finger down. I know the last one is silly but I don't want to hurt him and I don't want him to hurt me so...

Austin nods, "That won't be a problem, Miss jelly tots."

"Okay, so if you are going to be my 'girlfriend' we should know each other, right? Let's play ten questions, okay?"

"I'll go first, what is the meanest thing that you have ever done?" Austin asks.

"Well, one time in grade four there was this kid who wrote his name on all the rulers in the classroom. Once the teacher got so fed up that she told him she would suspend him if he wrote his name on another ruler. Two weeks later he was mean to me and so I wrote his name on a ruler and he got suspended." I say and Austin laughs, "Jeez, you were a mean little kid."

"What's the weirdest thing that's ever happened in your life?" I ask. "Well, when I was little I would put everything in my mouth and once my dad was fixing something and I took the super glue and put it in my mouth and that is the story of how I super glued my lips together." Austin explains, I go red from laughing. That's just brilliant. He super glued his lips together. I wish I saw that.

"What is one request you have before you die?" Austin asks. Oh, how morbid. "Um, if I die before my favorite TV show ends then use an ouija board to keep me updated about what happens next." I was completely serious, if I die I will not rest until I know how my series ends.

"So what's the meanest thing you've ever done?" I ask. "Well, when I was in kindergarten a girl asked me two write 'super girl' on her arm because I was the only kid who could write and so I wrote 'shit' on her arm and she started crying so I hid for like thirty minutes and the teacher called my parents and my dad laughed so hard that he cried." Austin looked down at the sand and smiled like it was a good memory.

When we're finally done eating and we've asked ten questions, Austin stands up, "Come on Miss Jelly tots, we're going swimming." He says and takes off his shirt. I stare at his body for much longer then I should have. Can you blame me? He is gorgeous. Ugh! Stop Amanda! Friend. He's a friend. You can't ever really like him. He's a player.

I probably look like a creep, staring at him like this.

Austin smiles and I look away, "Checking me out, huh? I don't blame you." Austin says and winks. Ugh! Gross! Okay fine, it's not gross, it's amazing and he's hot but still... No. "Yeah right, you wish Austin." I say, rolling my eyes and trying to keep calm.

I stand up. "Umm Austin, I don't have a swimming costume." I tell him.

"So? You have underwear on right?" He says.

"What?" I shout. "Just take off your clothes."

"No, I don't get naked on first dates!" Was that weird? I probably shouldn't have said that. Oh well, it's too late now.

"Come on, it's like a bikini, just take it off."

"I never wear bikinis."

"Come on, you're hot, just do it." He says. OH MY GOD! OH MY GOD? Oh my god? DID AUSTIN DIESEL SAY I WAS HOT? Ahhh *fangirls internally* Time to blush! Good thing it's dark outside.

I take off my cloths and throw them on the floor then do a faboobless pose. I look SEXY!

Just kidding. I'm just standing here blushing.

It was a good point. Should I? Should I take my clothes off in front of the hottest guy in our school?

Hahaha, what a dramatic ending.

Well, its ruined now.


Amanda's POV

"Hello, Miss Jelly tots?" I realize that has Austin has walked up to me and is now standing right in front of me. I was too busy trying not to freak out to notice. "I... Uh" Ugh! Speak you chop!

Austin pulls me close to him and I put my hands against his shirtless chest so I don't crash into him. He lightly brushes his hand up my back and holds onto the zip then tugs it down. I shiver and look up into Austin's eyes. Mmm... He looks so yummy. No, this is so wrong but so right.

My black dress slips off me and onto the soft white sand. Is it the right time to say I need to pee? Just kidding. Kind of. Oops, I ruined the moment in my mind. Austin is staring at my body. Aka awkward. Oh yeah, I just went there. God why can't my mind shut up for once? I move away from Austin.

Austin grabs me by my hips and throws me over his shoulder. I shout out in surprise. Ooh THAT ASS! That's a nice ass. SHUT UP AMANDA! Oh wait... Why am I on his shoulder? No, he better not!

Austin dunks me under the water and lets me go. It's wet, dark and smells like fish! Well this sucks. Oh yeah, I need to breath.

I go up for air and Austin is standing in front of me grinning. Ahh, I am so going to kill him. Aww but he looks so adorable when he smiles!

I laugh and playfully punch his shoulder but he slips and falls butt first into the water. I laugh harder as his confused face registers what just happened. Before I know it, he is pulling me down right on top of him. Then he leans close to my ear, brushing it with his lips, "Don't be a bad girl." I shiver. Oh my gosh I'm in my underwear and am currently straddling Mr. Sexy pants! Time to make this less weird. What do I do?

I stand up and Austin stands with me. He puts out his hand and smiles, "Will you do me the honor of dancing with me?" He asks. I put my hand in his, "It would be an honor." I say and laugh. Austin leads me out of the water and pulls me close to him. "We don't have any music." Iwhisper.

"We don't need any." He whispers back and puts his hand on my lower back and holds my hand with his other hand. I put my hand on his shoulder and smile.

We start to slowly dance and I hum the song lost boy by Ruth B. Austin looks down at me and smiles. This is so perfect. It's not real. Maybe someone needs to bite me to see if this is a dream.

A gust of wind blows sand onto us and Austin shuts his eyes too late. "Shit! Sand in my eye." Austin says pulling away from me. He is about to rub his eye when I move his hand away, "Don't rub it, you will make it worse." I say moving closer to check his eye. "Blink a lot and cry it out." I say. He looks at me and I check his eye to check if there's any more sand. "You want me to cry?" He scrunched his eyebrow. I roll my eyes, "Yes, just blink a lot." Austin listens. I lift his chin look directly into his eyes and he's eyes intensify and go darker. He looks down at my lips and back up at my eyes.

Austin coughs awkwardly after a moment of silence and he looks down at his watch, "We should go, it's getting late." He says and smiles. Aww those dimples. Shut up Amanda.

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